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Chlöe and my mother have been extremely helpful. Like with Darian, I find it difficult to connect with Dior. I can feed her but anything more than that is just too much to ask. Most nights, I cry into Darius' chest until I fall asleep.

He is still the best father, he dotes on Dior and he makes Darian forget that I am sick. I am going to therapy, it is perhaps the most important part of my day.

"Princess, I got you something. Please close your eyes." I cover them and he takes a step closer "Open them for me." He is holding a basket with various lotions and tubes. "I wanted to get you something and your sister suggested that a self-care day would do you good."

"You did not buy me a spa?"

"That was my first thought but she said it would mean more to you if I got the basket." she was right. I jump into his arms and he holds me tight. Sometimes even when I do not want to have him see me, he stays and holds me.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Of course, I only want to help you through this."

"You are already doing a lot, thank you." I pull away to check out the stuff he bought. "These are good."

"The lady in the store saw me struggling and decided to help me out."

"I am happy that you listened to her." a kiss on his cheek "Come on, let's go try these on in the bathroom." he glares at me "For me, daddy." holding my hand out. He takes it and we head into the bathroom for a bath and to try on the face masks.

I am so lucky to have a partner who understands that my maternal instincts need to grow and it is not created alongside the baby in the womb.

I am lucky that his family love me enough to support us during this time. His mother practically lives here and I am so thankful to everyone. I never realised how much I mattered to my own family until now.

"Mama!" Darian bursts into the bathroom as I am massaging his face. "I want ice cream, gogo says no."

"You can have some after dinner."

"I want one now!"

"Not now." we let him cry it out

"Would you like a hug?" he nods and we pull him into our arms. "Do you want to get a face mask like Mama?" he nods and we apply the mask onto his face and take a few pictures like we used to before he was born.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that "

"I love parenting with you." a smile on my face. For someone who believes that I am not as good of a parent as he is, for him to say that makes me happy.


My lovely event planner, Sue organised Darian's fourth birthday. He was overjoyed to have his dinosaur-themed birthday party.

Dior is five months old now and we are a month from Darius' fiftieth birthday. He wants a small affair but I am going all out.

Sue is helping me surprise him with this birthday bash. I am in contact with his friends and everyone is on board.

For his fiftieth, I have decided to do a '70s-themed party. I want him to have fun and let loose for this one night.

Darius thinks we are having a small dinner at a restaurant. I am getting around to being a mother to Dior, more so now that I have stopped breastfeeding.

I think not having her latching to me at every waking moment has helped me connect to her as a person. She is a loud baby, compared to Darian.
She won't sleep unless someone is holding her and she loves getting carried by Darius.

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