Chapter No 45

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"They are the members of the most sacred and ancient family of vampires, Stevers are known for their good status and cruelty if something endangers their family," said Darken.

"So he is a vampire?" said Anna in some trance. Darken nodded. Lilliana looked at Anna, but was a bit surprised but never said anything.

He was looking for him since he arrived at Hawkins, but he was not home.

"Phoenix, you are doing so much for me?" asked Olivia. She was holding Richard, who was giggling.

"All I am doing is to protect you Olivia, I do care about you and my newp... I mean Richard," He was about to slip his relationship with Richard.

"But where I will stay here and I have never decided what to do next for Richard and me," she said sadly.

"Don't worry I will arrange everything, but first I have to get you a home," he said sheepishly. "Lets go," he said and the both got inside the car.

Phoenix drove it towards the Northside of the city. After thirty minutes, he stopped by the building.

"Phoenix where Dylan had gone?" she asked.

"He might have gone to buy a new gadget," said Phoenix while rolling his eyes.

"Let's go inside," he said. The building was huge.

"Where are we?" she asked, Richard giggled.

"My friend lives here, you are staying here," he said, Olivia nodded. They walked inside.

"Mr. Stever, good Morning! how would I help you?" said a receptionist.

"Hello Martha, today I am here to visit Crystal," he said smiling.

"You are on time, she never left yet," she said.

They left for the third floor.

"Phoenix, why was she calling you Mr. Stever?" she asked.

"Stever is my last name and she was giving me respect because this building is stever's property," he said.

The lift stopped by the third floor. They walked towards the room nearby . Phoenix knocked on the door and a girl appeared. She had long straight black hair and green eyes.

"Phoenix you are back" she said and hugged him.

"Come in" she invited them both.

"What brought you here Phoenix ?" she asked.

"Crystal, I need your help," he said.

"First of all let me introduce you," he said.

"Crystal she is Olivia, I met her in a town, Olivia she is Crystal my childhood friend," he said.

"Hello Crystal," she said sheepishly.

"So you are a human too" said Crystal which made Olivia open her eyes widely.

"Aren't we all?" said Olivia awkwardly.

"She does not mean Olivia, it's her childhood habit, she cracks dead jocks," said Phoenix while Crystal gave him a dead stare.

"Crystal! she can't live with me, she is a very good friend of mine, so I want her to live with you" he said. Crystal gave him a sigh and said

"Phoenix! can we have a few words alone?" she said while Phoenix nodded. They left.

"Phoenix, who is she? And she doesn't even know about your existence," said Crystal.

"Look Crystal, I know you are confused but it's complicated let me explain" he said exhausted.

"The baby? He has Uncle Ackley's features," she said.

"Tell me phoenix is it about Uncle Ackley's " She said Angrily.

"No, No, it's not!" he said and he told her everything about Olivia and jack.

"Jack the jerk," she said angrily.

"Did she know about the heritage of her son?" she asked sadly, Phoenix moved his head in no.

"Oh poor girl, she has gone through a lot, don't worry I will take care of her, but we can't hide her son's heritage from her, you know he is not a human kid" she said.

"We have to tell her, but I don't want her to freak out," he said.

"It's your brother's mess " she said while crossing her arms angrily.

"I knew he was a jerk from the beginning, he ruined her life," he said.

"Phoenix? How will she spend her life? You know vampires have blood packs when they choose their soul mates, if Jack found his soul mate, then he would be trapped in a big mess" she said sadly.

"You have to tell her everything" she said and he nodded. They both left inside.

"Olivia, He told me everything about you and I decided you are most welcome to live here with me," said Crystal while hugging her.

"Olivia! I want to tell you something" said Phoenix.

"Yeah Phoenix" she said.

"Please don't freak out, listen to him first," said crystal. She nodded. Phoenix started speaking. When he finished Olivia laughed very badly.

"Omg you are a very good joke cracker " she said laughing.

When she stopped. He said while crossing her arms."I am damn serious. Olivia, I am a vampire, so does my family and Jack is my brother. He is Jack Easton Stever, he is a vampire technically making your son one of us," this time Olivia was about to faint.

"This was too much for her," said Crystal.

"Olivia he is right! I am a human descendant of one of the human warriors, I go to Springfield, there human trains with supernatural beings," she said. Phoenix walked up and looked inside Olivia's eyes much to her horror his eyes turned from blue to dark red.

"This is who we are, Olivia, but don't worry you are safe here. I won't let anything happen to you and my nephew, my brother is a jerk but I am not. I fulfill my promises, either drunk or sober" he said assuredly.

Olivia took a deep and nodded.

"Phoenix what will I do, I want to make my career, I want to do something for Richard, I mean your brother is super rich, but I am worry about my son, your brother had long forgot about my existence, he even don't know he has a son, I want to make my career so that I can support my son" she said sadly while looking at Richard who was playing over the sofa.

"Don't worry about Richard, he is our family and because of him you are too our family now, yeah you need to focus on your career, it is very necessary for you to survive in our world" he said.

"So it explains a lot," said Crystal.

"I will manage to get you admission in Springfield" he said.

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