Chapter No 47

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Olivia had never felt this much nervous in her entire lifetime, the whole school was different and advanced, and all the girls were confident and busy in their own business.

"Here this is your schedule, you have training classes and luckily, we have this class together," he said while handing her the schedule.

"Is he here already ?" she asked hesitantly. He nodded, she took a deep breath.

Both had walked towards the field. Students were already in the field, there were Anna, Sophia and Lilliana too, Anna was standing with Stella and Susan. Olivia had walked forward toward the direction where the girls were. "Hey girls" she said and Olivia went ahead running and hugged her.

"How are you? How is Richard ?" she asked.

"He is fine," she replied.

"What is going on? Why are you guys here?" asked Olivia.

"I will explain to you later after the class" said Sophia while Olivia nodded.

"All students are present?" asked prof Levi.

"Yeah,almost everyone, Professor," said Crystal.

"Okay we should start it, " he replied.

"So freshers, it is our very first class, this class is about training, fitness and preparing for any difficult situation, this is only class where we take it with humans, few humans are here who are descendants of warriors who fought with darkness in dark ages along side with supernatural, and few are here who are ordinary humans, who somehow came to know about our existence, first it was forbidden for us to tell some none paranormal about our existence, since the era is changed and a lot of us started falling for humans, so we decided to took those humans in our schools, for warrior trainings, during these years we found something really, strange and rare but its happens, werewolves finds it mate in human, vampires also came to feel mate warmth in humans, it is very rare, happens extremely rare, so back to topic, here we train everyone equally, we will train and also have to duel in order to enhance our physical abilities," He said while crossing his arms.

"Now, I will make a pair for each at the start of the semester, and they will be partners for the rest of the semester," he said.

"Crystal dear, I gave you the list, have you brought it?" he asked. Crystal nodded and handed him the list.

"Sophia and Millers, Lilliana and Stella, Susan and Crystal, Anna and Phoenix, Olivia and Isaac, James and Racheal, Peter and Clair, Sara and Una, Blake and Julius " he completed the list and put it over the nearby desk.

"Why do I always have to be his partner?" Anna thought.

"Where is Isaac?" asked the Professor. Olivia noticed the hard expression of Crystal.

"I don't know Professor, I informed every student" she said with stone eyes staring at nothing. Just then Isaac appeared.

"Sorry Professor I am late" he said but his eyes met Crystal's and she had an expression like, she saw someone she does not wanna see, for her entire life.

"Okay Isaac Miss Olivia is your semester partner" Professor said. He nodded.

"I feel sorry for Olivia even more" she muttered to Phoenix. He rolled his eyes.

It was a tough class, the Professor had them run for miles and then he also made them do 100 pushups.

"I am more than tired, " said Lilliana.

"All I want is a shower and a good sleep," said Sophia.

"Austin was right, Uncle Levi is so tough," said Anna while yawning.

The trio were walking up the school hall. Austin and Ralph were coming with the same guy, who they met two days ago.

"Hi Carlos," said Sophia.

"Hi girls," he replied.

"Yo bro its good Amen Sophia's father had the same name" said Ralph while winking at Austin. Sophia gave him a dead stare.

"Whoa bro, don't mess with our little cousin she will take you in your pamper days" said Austin. Sophia rolled her eyes.

"Hey Carlos!" said Mariana who had just entered the hall.

"Where is your Alpha, long time no see, he is not coming to school for a week" she asked.

"Seems like our little werewolf had found his mate," said Austin.

"No it's not like that, he had his 18 birthday last week, and you know at their 18 birthday a wolf is able to find his mate, but he did not find her that day, so he was just disappointed, three days ago he had a force shit, his wolf is turning aggressive, that does not happened with every wolf" he explained exhausted.

"Oh how he is?" asked Mariana.

"He is fine, shifted back to human this morning, he said he will be at school" he explained.

"It was your birthday too, have you found your mate too? "asked Austin while wink.

"Yeah I had found mine, she is an omega of our pack" he said while blushing.

"I am very happy for you," said Mariana. Lilliana who was busy applying her lipstick, when she got attentive.

"Did you smell that?" she said.

"Smell what?" asked Anna.

"Listen I know we had a workout but sorry I don't smell" said Sophia.

"No, it's a pleasant smell" said Lilliana, while searching for the subject it's coming from.

"It's fresh coconut and leaves smell" she said, "It's so intoxicating," she added, making Carlos startled.

"Mate, She found her mate, go and look for him, he must be here" he said happily.

Lilliana ran to follow the scent.

"Lilli wait" said Sophia who tried to run after her but Carlos had stopped her.

"Wait, don't follow, she has found her mate." he explained.

"What do you mean by she found her mate, she is a witch not werewolf" said Anna worried.

" We will figure this out when she will find him" he said and all of them followed Lilliana.

Fane's POV

It's been three days since I had lost control over my wolf, something that never happened before, this morning I felt my wolf calmer and I was able to shift back. I was calmer than before, so I went inside the pack house after spending three days and 2 nights in a nearby jungle of my territory.

My father Lucus crimston is the Alpha of Blue moon pack, our pack is one of few packs who are royals. I am Fane Crimston. the upcoming Alpha of Blue moon pack, but I am unable to take my throne since I never found my mate yet. We are descendants of grey and white wolves,

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