Chapter No 58

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"Where is Sophia?" he asked. The both girls shrugged.

"She has been hiding a lot lately, " said Mr. Carlos.

"I don't know daddy...but..." Mariana was trying to say something, but she left her sentence in the middle.

"But what?" he asked anxiously, Mariana started looking in another direction.
"What is it Mary?" he asked angrily.

Anna, who was standing without any knowledge about the situation, was now looking at Mr. Carlos to Mariana.
"Daddy I saw, Soph with" she again left her sentence in the middle.

"Marry, tell me what it is," he asked loudly.

"I saw her with a demon," she said afraid.

"What?" Mr. Carlos had gone startled.

"Uncle calm down please" said Anna who never had seen Mr. Carlos this much angry.
"Which demon? Bring her home now, I want to talk to her" he said while crossing his arms around his chest angrily. "
Daddy please you will not say a word to her please" Mariana said calmly.
"Is it you? Who is telling me not to say anything to her? you know her condition, due to curse she will fall for the damn darkness, you know what happened to Isabel? you know all, it all happened because Sophia is the victim of curse" he said a loud in anger.
He was in this much anger that all the portraits in the room were shaking due to his magical outburst.
"Daddy?" said Mariana unbelievable.

It's been years when Isabel had died, but he never blamed Sophia for that, even Sophia had blamed herself, but he never did.

"How could you say that?" said a voice behind Mariana, it was Sophia.
"Soph he did not mean it" said Anna.
"Now I know what he means," said Sophia bitterly.
"I killed my mom," she said, looking more than angry.
"Ann! Marry, I am guilty, I am the killer of a family member so I don't have a right to live here anymore" she said angrily.
"Soph?" said the both girls together, but Mr. Carlos was startled over his own words.
"Soph I did not mean it" he said with a broken voice.
"Ann, Soph don't try to find me, I am leaving, I won't be spotted over family reputation like our ancestors have been" she said.

"Soph no" said Anna and Mariana in one voice, but she had already teleported.

"Daddy what have you done?" said Mariana angrily. "You are not anymore the person I know" she said and left the room sadly.

"Uncle! I don't have words to say" said Anna and she followed Mariana. Mr. Carlos fell to his knees.

"What have I done?".

"What Sophia is missing" said Olivia dismayed.
"Yeah! we tried to track her down but she is nowhere to be found" said Anna who was standing in the hall.
"Poor Sophia she already had gone through a lot" said Olivia while crying. Anna hugged her slightly.

"What happened?" Phoenix had just arrived at town, he saw Olivia crying
"What happened Richard is okay?" he asked, startled.
Anna, who had already broken so much, she ran towards him, she hugged him and started crying.
"What happened Anna? everything okay?" he asked softly. Olivia was also crying. Anna told him everything
"Fane is in coma" he asked looking anxious. "his pack was attacked, Lilliana is in trauma, he is not waking up and he is pregnant with his child" said Olivia.

"Via I am worried about Richard too, I am afraid if father found out about him, we have to look closely over the matter," he said, looking tense.
"He has a doubt?" asked Olivia, afraid.

"No, but Richard is a vampire child and that's something very first happened, we heard about it before, but never saw such a case" he said.

"What we have to do now Anna, also had family problems" said Olivia worried.

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