Chapter No 56

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Lilliana was standing in front of huge mansion, she was looking at this big mansion with amazement.

"So this is your house?" she asked to fane who was standing next to her

"Pack house and our home" he said, indeed correcting her sentence.

"Let's go mom must be waiting" he said and grabbed her from her waist and took her in with him.

"Welcome to the pack luna" said Carlos while bending in front of her,

"Carlos, what are you doing?" she said, startled.

"He is giving respect to his future Luna," said a female voice near the window.
It was a woman, who had chestnut hair and green eyes, she was smiling, she had dimples over her cheeks.

"Mom" said fane and he walked forward and bowed before her.

"Why is he bowing in front of his mother?" thought Lilliana.

"Welcome future Luna, I really had to say that my son is so lucky" said the woman walking forward and hugging Lilliana.

"Welcome to the pack dear," she said.

Lilliana nodded.

"So you are our next luna?" said a childish voice behind her. She turned, it was a boy in his early teens. He was standing with a man who had the same features as Fane.

"Welcome to pack luna," said a man.

"Lilli is my father Alpha Lucus, she is my mother Alice and he is my younger brother Mark " said fane.

"Nice to meet you Luna and Alpha" said Lilliana while bowing, making fun and everyone startled.

"You are a witch?" asked Alpha lucas. She nodded.

"This is strange, how do you know about our greetings?" said Luna.

"Maybe fane had told her," said Mark.

"No I did not" denied Fane.

"Something in me says to do. I don't know what" said Lilliana awkwardly.

"You are the first one in history we heard of personally, who is mated to werewolf, who is not werewolf herself" said Alpha Lucus.

"I don't know what moon Goddess has thought, but you are almost a first case" said Luna Alice.

"I have a few questions," said Lilliana.

"I know my dear, Fane has not cleared you because he is also so uncertain, we wolves are totally different from other creatures, ask you wanna ask" said Alpha Lucus.

"He had a wolf but I don't have one cause I am a witch, how can it be we are mates, but his wolf claims me as his, while feeling a strange pull towards him, i don't know how?" she asked awkwardly.

"When two mated wolves meet, their inner wolves talk, but in your case, it's like both Fane and his wolf Kai are attached to a single person and that's you" said Alpha Lucus.

"I am afraid honey we don't know anything about it, we had legends like this before, but no one believed about the theory that a werewolf could have other mates than wolves" said Alice. Lilliana took a deep breath.

Olivia was trying to calm Richard down, but he was still crying, phoenix was out of town with Dylan for some family business, so she decided to call Sophia and Anna. She grabbed her Phone from nearby table and dialed Sophia's number, after few rings she picked it up

"Hi Soph its Olivia, could you and Anna come over here after school, I am home alone, Crystal had some work, so she left, her brother Isaac had a meeting with council, Phoenix and Dylan are out of town, so could you come over, Richard is too much crying" she explained over the phone, the both girls agreed to come.

Olivia got up and changed Richard's diapers. Then she noticed a mark around his arm, it was his birthmark, she did not know the meaning of this mark, it shows a fire and an axe.

"Dear Dear you got a natural tattoo " she said to Richard while smiling, he stopped crying and now was smiling back to her, he smiles just like Jack.

"You are a perfect reflection of your father" she said while smiling. Richard giggles. Olivia kissed him over his forehead.

"I love you my little teddy no matter what mama is here for you, even your father does not know your existence" she said with tears in her eyes. Just then the doorbell rang. She got up. It was Isaac.

"You are back," she said.

"Yeah, where is Crystal?" he asked.

"She went for something," said Olivia while preparing Richard's feeder.

"Are you expecting someone?" he asked.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"Cleaned the sitting room and couch," he shrugged.

Olivia hit him over his shoulder while laughing.

"Anything better between you and Crystal?" she asked.

"Trying, trouble is coming when Juan is here" he said while smiling.

"Don't worry he will forgive you, we all made mistakes don't we?" she said while patting his shoulder.

The door was already opened so Sophia and Anna entered the room.

"Olivia" said Sophia while smiling.

"Hi Soph Hi Ann" said Olivia while hugging the both girls.

"I and Phoenix were coming here tomorrow, but you said you were taking Richard to Hospital" said Anna.

"Yeah he was puking a lot now he is fine" said Olivia,

"You know he is as complaining as his father is" said Olivia with anger.
"We met Jack yesterday, " said Anna awkwardly.
"And guess what he was asking Phoenix what he had done?" said Anna while rolling his eyes.

"Wait what? he is jack's son" said Isaac who complained about being unnoticed from his eyes.

"And you? the late comer guy" said Olivia.

"Hey!" said Isaac who was unhappy about her remarks.

"But he is Jack's son, I am afraid if his father finds out, he will be really pissed off" said Isaac startled.

"I don't care if he will or not, I won't let that old rag touch my son, " said Olivia angrily.

"You rock girl and you have us, technically you are sister to us and he is our nephew, so we won't let anything happen to him" said Anna.

Richard who was giggling in his cradle.

"Wow he is able to sit by himself now, seems like yesterday you gave him birth" said Sophia.

"Seems like yesterday when I had a project with you" said Anna. She moved forward and lifted him up and kissed him. But he was trying to take Sophia's phone from her hand.
"I remember, he likes toys, but now he is moving to advanced technology," said Anna.
"It's Dylan, you know that guy is having a serious relationship with technology, now Richard has adopted his uncle's tendencies " said Olivia. While everyone laughed.

They were talking when Olivia's eyes turned solid purple.
"What is happening to her?" Asked Isaac.
"She is having another vision" after four minutes her eyes turned back to normal and she was crying.

"Lilli! Lilli is in danger, we have to go to her" she said panicked.

"What happened ? she went to Fane's house" said Anna.

"I saw her being attacked by a very huge wolf," said Olivia. Anna's phone started ringing, it was Lilliana, She picked it up in a rush.
"Lilli ? Lilli, are you okay?" asked Anna.
"Hello it's me Mark, I have Lilliana's phone. She is in Pack Hospital" said a childish voice. The phone cut off shortly,
"Pack house? " asked Anna said, startled.
"It's werewolves house, she is in a pack house hospital, you have to hurry up " said Isaac.
"I will come too," said Olivia.
"No you have to stay here, we have to cover Richard's identity Olivia" said Sophia and she grabbed Anna 's hand and left.

"You okay?" asked Isaac to Olivia who was shivering.

"They are my family, Isaac, I don't want any of them to be hurt, they are my only family" she said and started crying.

"Hey come here" said Isaac and hugged her.
"You need fresh air, Lilliana will be alright don't worry she is witch and mated to werewolf, nothing is going to happened to her, you need fresh air let's go outside, we will bring Richard with us, I will call Sophia after a while to know if everything is fine" he said while hugging her.

They were sitting inside a cafe Richard was with.

"So that's why he was acting weird, you were his ex-fling he did not remember but that nut was clearly jealous of me" said Isaac while laughing. Olivia took a deep breath.

"Yeah, he is the father," she said.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked, looking concerned. She nodded. Richard giggled innocently, Unknown to them someone was observing them, his eyes were turning red.

Olivia and Anna had reached at fane's pack house, much to their horror all of the pack was now destroyed and a lot of wolves were dead, few of them were injured.

"What the heck" said Anna.
"I hope she is fine, I hope she is fine," said Sophia.

"Don't worry soph, she is fine deep breathing" said Anna who was calming down Sophia.

"Have you informed daddy?" asked Olivia while Anna nodded.

"You are sisters of Luna" said a dark guy.

"Luna?" asked Sophia.

"Sorry I mean Lilliana" he said awkwardly. They both nodded.

"You gotta come with me" she said and walked away, the both girls followed him.

The huge mansion was now looking ruined. They walked behind him and reached the area which looked like a hospital , they quickly walked in. Much to their horror Lilliana was lying on the hospital bed with drips.

"Lilli? what happened" Sophia ran towards her and screamed.

"She is fine" said a woman who was standing sadly beside her, she had chestnut hairs and green eyes.

"What happened to her?" asked Anna.

"Our pack was attacked by rogues, the same enemies who attacked my brother, father of Alpha Harris, my husband is injured and so does my son" she said while hugging Mark who was standing beside.

"Mom! dad and fane would be okay?" he asked innocently. A doctor in her twenties enters the room.

"Jane! how he is ?" asked Alice.

"He is fine," said the doctor.

"He will regain consciousness after a few hours," she said.

"And fane?" she asked.

"My Luna! you have to hear me calmly" said a doctor worrying both Anna and Sophia.

"Jane! Is he okay?" asked Alice angrily.

"Luna, you have to be calm," said the doctor.

"Jane!!!" she said, she was almost shifting into her wolf form.
"Luna!" said Jane worriedly,
"Mom! take a deep breath, you can't lose control" said Mark. Alice took a deep breath.
"What happened to my son?" she asked, trying hard to be calm.

"He is in coma"


"She is still asleep" said Genevieve while moving her fingers in Lilliana's hair.

"I never saw Carlos cry in my entire life, but he is crying in front of Isabell's grave" said Grandma.

"Mother, why is she not waking up?" asked Catalina.

"Honey I am afraid I don't know" said Grandma.

"Her mate is in a coma, and she somehow knows this," said Jane, who had just entered the room.

"I need a little time alone with patients if you guys go outside for a while," said Jane sadly. All left the room. She started examining Lilliana.

"It must be what I am thinking, you will heal Luna soon" she said. She was examining her and after taking her blood sample she left the room. Grandma came in and now was standing beside her granddaughter's bed.

"You have to be fine my dear, your mother had foretold a lot about you" she said in a whisper-like voice. After a few moments Lilliana opened her eyes up, her wounds started healing.

"Fane!" she took his name. Grandma left the room to call Jane. Jane came inside the room in a rush.

"Where is fane? Where is my mate, why am I feeling this much? Where is he?" she was asking and screaming.

"It's okay Luna, he is fine, you have to be calm" said Jane and she gave her Sedatives in order to make her relax.

Lilliana was unconscious again. She came outside with a sad expression. Everyone was outside, Mr. Carlos had been informed, so he teleported at the moment.

"How is she?" asked Mr. Carlos.

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