Chapter No 60

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Eight years ago
"Father forgot about my birthday" he said with an angry tone.
"Oh honey he must be busy, that's why he is not able to come to wish you," said Drusilla.
"Stop lying mom, he is always like that, a big jerk" said Jack who was standing near the Cherry blossom plant.
"Jack, stop talking about your father like that," she said with an angry tone.
"Father? mom stop living in this fantasy" he said and left the room with anger.
"Phoenix honey it's okay, I and your brothers will celebrate with you" she said trying to chill him out.
"I don't want to celebrate it, mother," he said harshly.
He was only eight but he was able to understand the behavior of his father. He got up and went inside his room. Drusilla sat down on the floor with a hand over her head when she felt a hand over her shoulder, she turned her head, it was Ackley.
"Worried again?" he said smiling. "It's getting hard for me to make them understand," she said disappointed.
"I know my brother is being a jerk again," Ackley said angrily.
"He does not care about our family, all he cares about is superiority and blood line, he keeps himself busy even on his son's special day" she said angrily. "Let me try, I will explain it to Phoenix" he said and left after Phoenix.

"Where is my favorite nephew ?" said Ackley while entering Phoenix's room. "Go away uncle! I don't wanna talk, " she said sadly. "But I wanna talk to my little nephew, " he said, smiling. He had walked forward towards him and sat beside him over his bed. "Uncle, why doesn't daddy love us? He always forgets our birthdays, he never spends time with us, why?" he said looking crying.
"Hey little one, he is busy out there" said Ackley. "No he is not, my brothers had told me that you tell each of them the same story" he said angrily. "Okay okay don't be an angry little vampire, if you don't have your daddy around so what ? you have your Uncle" he said smiling.
"Look what I have brought for you?" he said and took out a movie ticket. "Lets watch your favorite movie The jungle book" he said while smiling while Phoenix had smiled in return.

"We will go for a movie and then we will come back to celebrate your birthday" he said "You are the best uncle in the world" he said and hugged him. "Yeah I know that's me," said Ackley dramatically.

They both went for a movie, it was the best day of Phoenix's life. He really enjoyed his day. After the movie they were going back home, it was already evening. "Uncle, it was all fun," he said happily. "Anything for my nephews," he said. He was driving smoothly on the road.

"Uncle did you smell that" said Phoenix, his eyes had turned red. Ackley had stopped the car. "Phoenix take deep breath it's nothing" he said, but Phoenix was getting out of control.

"Uncle it's blood, the kind of blood I never smelled before" he said while getting out of control. Ackley had opened his back from the back seat and took out a water bottle full of blood and gave it to Phoenix. He started drinking. "Stay in the car, don't come out" he said and got out of the car.
He had checked upon the place, it was an accident. With his vampirism strength he got down the cliff. There were two young couples and a girl in the car. The couple had died.
"Uncle Ackley what is it" called out phoenix from the above. "Phoenix, I have told you not to get out of the car" he said angrily. But Phoenix had used his vampirism strength to get down and he saw the accident scene. "So that's the place from where the blood's smell is coming from?" he had asked curiously.
"Phoenix got up now, I don't want you to lose control" he said angrily. "It's okay, I am fine now Uncle, " he said. Just then a little girl screamed in pain. "She is alive," said Phoenix.
The girl was a bit trapped in the back seat, but she was injured. her long red hairs were spread over her face. "Uncle, we have to help her," he said and moved forward. "Phoenix, be careful," he said.

"Hey girl I am here hold my hand let's get you out of here " he said softly, "Hold on nephew, don't push hard you are too young to use your strength" said Ackley. He moved forward and helped him to get the girl out. "We will help you, don't worry," he said innocently. Ackley was looking at him deeply; he was acting differently.
"Let's go" he said and with his vampiric speed he had brought her up. He adjust her in the back seat while

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