Chapter No 52

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"Hey what are you doing?" asked Isaac.
"Just don't tell anyone I am here" she said whispering.
Jack, who had noticed Isaac was now coming towards their table.
"Waiting for someone or just sitting here alone" he asked while crossing his arms around his chest.
"I am with my friend. She is here I think, she has lost something Olivia?" he said and called out to her.
Olivia, who was not prepared for that, got up and had hit her head on the corner of the table.
"You?" he shouted while Olivia was sitting there awkwardly.
"What are you doing here, angel eyes?" he said, shocked. "And what are you doing with him?" he asked angrily. His eyes turned red.
"What this is up to you jack?" he said angrily while Olivia was so scared that she did not see him this much angry.

"Jack? Where are you?" called out a girl behind. He turned, his angry expressions.

He had gone to the girl and said something to her which made her furious. But Isaac was able to read what he was saying, because of his lip reading skills.

"He break up with her," he said, shocked. Jack returned and was now looking at Olivia with angry expressions and folded arms.

"What are you doing with him, angel eyes?" he asked, softly but she can see anger in his eyes.

"I happened to live with his sister and he is my semester partner" her words made his expression soften and he turned to Isaac.

"For what you had done to your sister, you should not be here, lucky for you Juan did not find it yet," he said and looked at Olivia for one last time and turned to leave.

She was walking into the woods for more than five hours, she turned off her phone and did not want to talk to anyone.

"She is my sister but she has her own life, she can do it on her own" Sophia was fighting to herself since she did not have an idea where she was going. She was walking aimlessly.

"What if she repeats the same mistake like I did?" she asked herself.

"I fell in love with the man, who does not love me he was only using me for emotional and physical torture" she thought.

She walked far, far away from the city.

"I wish I could go back in time to see my mom. I really need her right now," she thought. The woods where she was walking in were now gone. Now she has entered another territory. An unknown territory, but she was not thinking straight, she was continuously walking. When she heard music, it was a very fast kind of music. She came out of her trance,

"Where am I?" she asked herself.

"Is there some kind of club?" she thought.

"I am already really exhausted, I think I should take some drink, sorry dad I Promise you that I will never drink again, but the situation is worse" she thought and went ahead to the club.

She entered the club, the blue and purple lights were glittering inside the club, and a lot of women and men were dancing. Sophia had seen many clubs back in the home town, in her sisters; she was the only one who had gone to the club, thanks to her gang leader boyfriend.

But this club was something else, it was totally a bad ass club, women were dancing, but she noticed something around their neck, it was a silver choker around their necks. She saw men dancing around them. Sophia had a very strange and negative kind of feeling about a place. She moved forward and went to the bartender, and ordered her favorite sidecar, the bartender was looking at her with shock and then, he never said anything, he turned and gave her favorite order, she paid and started drinking.

Sophia has been drinking since; she was in high school, so it won't be a problem for her. She started remembering every painful memory of her life, her mother being killed, her boyfriend's betrayal, she was in complete guilt, that her eyes turned red out of tears.

"So this the coolest club run by fallen angel Azazel?" asked Asbeel while rolling his eyes. Eleath nod.

"Well I don't know why, but I found it so boring," he said.

This time Eleath rolled his eyes.

"Hey Az! How are you? Long time no see baby I missed you'' said a blond girl, who had a silver choker around her neck.

Asbeel rolled his eyes.

"Linda! well I told you Lucifer had gifted you to me for once not for every time, but trust me I found you so boring, so leave," he said while crossing his arms around his broad chest angrily.

"Oh don't break my heart like that you know I want you," she said while wink.

"Linda leave him alone, you know Lucifer had his eyes on you, he does not want anyone in this club to touch you, so leave Asbeel alone, he has nothing to do with you," he said while looking anxious.

With angry looks she left.

"I hate these human women, they all had sold themselves to demons in order to fulfill their mare wishes" said Asbeel.

"My time is on rock, bro I am leaving you from here " said Eleath while looking at some random girl and went towards her.

Asbeel rolled his eyes. "Jerk," he muttered. He was smoking weed when suddenly something caught his eyes. She was a tall blond girl, wearing black jeans and white tank top and grey jacket. She was drinking sidecar, but something was strange about her, she was no other girl in the club, she was different.

"Who is she?" he thought. He felt a warmth towards her. He was staring at her without any reason. But she was not noticing anything, she was all busy with her drink. He noticed she does not have a silver chain around her neck.

"Who is she? she is not a slave" he thought. She was not only grabbing his attention, but also the others were attentive towards her. She finished her drink and was about to leave when two demons cornered her.

"Hmm what we got here a newbie" said a demon with dark hairs and eyes.

"You know the rules, once you sell a soul you cannot leave a club? hmm now you have to wear this bitch" said another demon, pointing at the silver chain.

Sophia, who was not expecting this, was now shaking with fear.

"Oh no what I got myself into," she thought.

"I have to help her," said Asbeel.

"Why?" said a voice inside him. A demon with black hairs had grabbed her hand and was now pulling her towards the club's prison cell.

"Leave me," she said, she was in panic her hairs started turning black and red, so did her eyes. Just then a very bright light lid, almost everyone had closed their eyes. When they opened the two demons were degenerate in the air. Asbeel opened his eyes, but she was not there, she escaped.

"Oh no she is as powerful as the fallen are" he thought and followed her.
Her hair turned back to blond

"I killed a demon, I killed a demon, I killed a demon" she was repeating to herself.

"Now what I am gonna do, they will find me" she was running and repeating.

She was running into the woods where she came from, it was dark and eerie, she was running blindly when she hit something violently. It was a man, who appeared out of thin air in between the direction she was running to. The man had a fall on the ground, so did she. She fell upon his chest. She got up and dusting off her clothes.

"Who are you?" she asked him while raising her hands to do magic.

"Whoa Whoa hold the pistols woman, I am having the same question, what were you doing in my territory?" he asked her.

"Your territory? are you a werewolf, listen I don't have to do anything with your territory" she said while air quoting her fingers.

"So leave my way wolf" she said, trying to pull him aside, but she was so tiny in front of him that she was unable to make him move.

"I need my answers" he said while crossing his arms around his chest. She gave him a sigh, he was much taller than her, he had green eyes, tan complexion and dark brown hairs. Sophia rolled her eyes

"Listen wolf I am here at first place because of your kind, second I don't want to do anything with your territory, take it, lay here, dance naked I give a shit I am leaving to my home" she said and turned to leave when he had grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, she pulled and collapsed against his chest.

She was looking in his eyes as he did. Few moments passed like that, then he left her slowly and retreated a few steps.

"I am not a wolf, I am a demon" he said in a deep voice much to her horror.

Fane was sitting in Perez mansion for more than 30 minutes, when he heard Lilliana's heels. Mr Carlos was staring at him judging him from every inch.

"You better take good care of my daughter, or else I am angrier than my daughter Sophia " he said while raising his one eyebrow.

"Oh moon goddess help me with it, this family is crazy," he thought.

"I will sir" he nodded.

"Do you have a bad habit? do you smoke weed?" he asked suddenly, Fane was startled.

"Whoa boy, this man is crazy, if looks kill, he would kill us," said Kai, his inner wolf.

"No sir I don't" he replied. Mr Carlos nodded his head.

"Stop it quickly, you are scaring the boy, that's something you always do to my boyfriends," said Genevieve while offering tea. Fane took the cup from her.

Lilliana entered the room, she was wearing a yellow short dress revealing her long legs making Kai growl. Fane to get angry and Mr Carlos to be anxious.

"What on the planet are you wearing Lilli?" asked Mr Carlos angrily.

"Dress Carlos Dress and I designed it" said Catalina who entered the room behind her.

"But it's too short," said Mr Carlos and Fane with one voice.

"Congo niece, here we go now you have not only a possessive father but also a boyfriend" said Genevieve.

"Go and change it Lilli" said Mr Carlos angrily. Lilliana's facial expression became sad.

Fane who was also angry and did not want her to wear that felt bad, because her mate was feeling sad.

"It's okay Mate, you can come with me in it, don't be sad, if anyone looks at you with his lustful eyes I will rip his head off," he said angrily.

He got up and walked towards her and said "Now all I want is a beautiful smile over my luna's face," he said his eyes turned golden.

"Kai?" she said. He nodded.

"I can't see my mate sad so I took control," he said and kissed her forehead.

"Now sir, if you give permission, can I go with my mate?" he asked respectively. Mr Carlos nodded. He put his hand around her waist and was now walking outside with her.

"His wolf has more manners, " said Mr Carlos while Genevieve rolled her eyes.

'Don't you see you Dumbo, he loves our girl so much that he even compromised over his possessiveness, our girl is luckiest one, because nothing stronger than mate bond, and she is chosen to mate with werewolf, something very rare " said Genevieve.

"But I am still worried about my daughter, " he said.

"Papa was right, I am more clever in our pair," said Genevieve.

"There is nothing to worry about, he will take care of his mate at any cost, this is how mate bond works, this is the beauty, gifted to them by moon goddess," she added and left the room with Catalina.
"What is she doing here? with that idiot" This was the third time in a day he had become irritated and broke something in his room.

Dylan, who came home after a long day with Richard, took a warm bath and was now about to sleep when he heard a noise from Jack's room.

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