Part 1

980 20 19

November 11,1918
GE's pov

I was looking out of the big window that was in my office. Me and my 2nd oldest son had a fight around an hour ago. I didn't want to say it like that, I didn't want to tell my kids that there mom was dead like that. I will be gone soon to.

I looked out the window for one glass time before getting up. I walked around my desk but I started to feel dizzy. I grabbed onto the edge of my desk before I fell. I then felt something drip down my head and fast.

I pressed my fingers on the warm substance that was coming from my head. I looked at my hand and it was blood and it was coming fast. Black cracks started to form everywhere on my body and they started to bleed fast.

I fell to the floor and started to cough a lot of blood. I than sat down with my back against the deck. I looked up at the ceiling. "So this is how it ends huh" I said to myself. 'I hope my kids become a better person than I ever was' I looked at the floor and smiled to myself. At least I can see AH and my father again, I miss them.

My vision stated to go black, I knew that the end was coming. Everything was starting to grow dark and I opened death with a warm welcome.

Reich's pov

It's been around 2 hours sense my fight with my father. Why would he keep that big of a secret from us like that. I shouldn't have yelled at his though he did love mom a lot.

I got up from the spot on the floor and walked out of the shard bed room. I walked over to my fathers office and knocked on the door. "Father it's me Reich I just wanted to say sorry for the things I said to you" there was no answer. "Father I know you're there" no answer. "You know what I'm coming in" I opened the door and I saw something I wasn't expecting to see.

There my father on the floor, dull eyes looking at nothingness. I ran over to my father, tears streaming down my face. "Dad wake up!" I said desperately shaking him for a response anything to show that he was alive but nothing came. "Father please don't leave me!" I can't live without my father, he's the only parent I have left.

I then heard something behind me. I looked over and saw Austria, Hungary, and Weimar at the entrance to the office. "R-Reich what happened" Austria said. I looked back at dad there was nothing no sign of life in him.

How could they, how could they kill my father. Those stupid Allied powers. I was angry now, they killed my mom and my dad and they think they could get away with that.

I want revenge, I will show those stupid Allied powers that they can't just kill people at free will. I don't know how but I will get my revenge and there not going to like it one bit.

September 3,1921
Reich's pov

"Give that back JE!" FI said tackling the slightly shorter female. "Why am I friends with you crazy idiots" said the person next to me. I looked over at him "Soviet where not that crazy where just interesting" I said trying to make it as kind as possible. "Yep sure interesting totally" I elbowed Soviet in the arm and he started to laugh. I started to blush, I love Soviet's laugh.

If you couldn't see already I have a crush on this tomato idiot that's next to me. The two crazy people that are fighting right in front on me is Imperial Japan or JE and Facist Italy or FI. We 4 are an interesting group if you couldn't tell from the screaming.

"Please FI give it back, I'm hungry" JE said. "No I want them" FI said back to her. "FI give back JE's rice balls" Soviet said crossing his arms. "Fine" FI gave back the rice balls he took from her pouting. "I was hungry as well" then JE stuffed a rice ball in to FI's mouth.

FI started to choke on the rice ball a little from the unexpected action. "Thanks" FI said with a full mouth. "Can you not talk with your mouth full" Soviet said. "Nope" I can tell FI was getting on Soviet's nerves.

I look over at JE and she was smiling with a tint of blush spread across her face. I don't know how she has a crush on FI but that's not my choice.

JE than started to yawn "I'm so tired" she said putting her cheek on her hand. "Me to, it sucks being a country" Soviet said agreeing with JE. "You're luck to not have your own country yet Reich" FI said looking at me. "Yep I know" I don't think I'm lucky at all, I want a country, I want to become as great as my ancestors where but my older brother Weimar that owns the country isn't dying any time soon.

"Well I'm going to head home now, I need a nap" JE stood up and stretched. "Anyone coming with" she said looking down at us. "I will come" FI smiling at her standing up. "Okay see you all tomorrow" JE said "see you to" I said back at her. JE and FI started walking down the hill away from the tree we where sitting under.

"Well it's just me and you now isn't" Soviet said looking at me. I went closer to Soviet and laid my head on his lap looking up at him. "I don't understand why you like doing this all the time" Soviet said starting to play with my hair. "Well it's just comfortable" I closed my eyes and started to listen to what was happening around us.

"So how's your brother been" my eyes snapped open. I yeah I forgot to say after me and Soviet became friends him and my older brother also became friends, why because there the same age. "He's doing fine" I said in the kindest voice I could. "Why are you asking" Soviet then turn his head the other way.

"Can I tell you something Reich" Soviet started to rub the back of his neck. "Yeah shot" I was a bit concerned, is there something wrong with Soviet. Soviet looked back at me and away again "well umm.... I like your brother" Soviet's face went red with a dark red blush. My heart shattered, he likes my brother. I put on a fake smile "I think he will like you back" I said trying to show how "happy" I was for him.

"You think so" Soviet looked back at me with a shocked face. "Yep I think he will" why can't it be me. I sat up and got up on my feet. "Well I have to go now" I walked away before Soviet could say anything to me.

After I got far enough away from where Soviet would be I started to run, tears coming out of my eyes at an uncontrollably fast pace.

I got home and ran upstairs to my room, slamming the door and slid down it. Why can't it be me , why can Soviet like me. Weimar was always the better one out of me and my siblings by a long shot. He was hotter, smart, nicer basically everything that you can think of he was better than me at. If we where standing side-by-side he would be chosen time and time again with no hesitation.

"Reich are you okay in there" it was my brother Weimar on the other side of the door, the last person I wanted to see. "Weimar go away!" I yelled at him. "But Reich-" "I said go away!" I then heard foot steps walking away from my door until I heard nothing at all.

A few minutes later I started to hear foot steps coming to my room again. "Reich it's me Austria can I come in?" I got ip and opens the door. After Austria came in I closed the door behind him. "Weimar told me you where crying what's wrong" Austria grabbed both of my hands. "Well remnants when I told you that I liked Soviet" I said looking away from Austria. "He told me he likes Weimar" I can only imagine what Austria's face looked like.

"Sit down" Austria said putting me on the bed. "What are you doing" I said "taking care of you" Austria then started to wrap blankets around me turning me into a burrito. "Austria it's okay I'm fine" I tried convincing him that I was okay but he wouldn't listen.

"What ice cream flavor" "chocolate" Austria smiled at me " okay one chocolate ice cream coming right up. Austria staid leaving the room. I feel a little bit better now. I'm so thankful that I have such a good little brother.



Just so you know the 1/4 dose not mean the chapters it's something else I have plans for the book. Anyways this is the 1st chapter so question time.

What dose the 1/4 mean?

What's your favorite Ice cream flavor?

How dose Soviet liking Weimar come into play later?

Anyways thank you for reading and I hope this chapter wasn't a wast of time to read. I hipe you are having a good day/night/afternoon or whatever time it is for you.

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