Part 68

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So as I said before I got braces and somehow I've already broken two brackets off. I mean they weren't attached to the wire or anything so that's good but still. I haven't even had my braces for a week but I've already broken off two brackets ;-;. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 68. (1 more before 69)

November 23, 1939

Me and my siblings silently sat on the couch in the living room. We didn't dare to speak because if we did Vater would be even more mad then he is now. I could see the boiling rage inside of him as he sat on the other couch.

FRG sat in the middle of me and Russia. I was on his right and Russia's on his left. I could tell that FRG wasn't taking the atmosphere around us very well. It was like the air was thicker then it should. Probably from the radiating anger that was coming off of our Vater.

Vater didn't say or do anything besides sit there. His hands were clenched together and his eye twitched every so often. None of us really did want to test the angry German in front of us.

I looked over at the front door where the shoes were and of course папа's shoes were gone. Even the one's he strictly wore when he had on his uniform thingy. Basically the thingy he wears when he goes to his own country. I don't really know how to explain it. The point it though is that things of his that are gone shouldn't be gone.

Okay basically папа's gone.

When I woke up this morning I didn't see him at all. No one had seen him since last night. So at some point in the middle of the night папа had left the house.

He had taken some of his clothes and stuff like that with him. Some of the suitcases were gone as well.

He didn't say anything about leaving at all so we had no idea where he was or how long he would be gone for. That is if he was even coming back.

I sighed a bit as I looked down at the ground. I hated people doing things without giving me a explanation. It just makes my mind wonder around all of the possibilities and there never good possibilities.

Maybe папа did just leave us. Maybe he was sick and tired of being here so he just got up and left. Maybe he didn't find any value in at least me to take me with him if he did actually leave us.

"Vater where's папа?" my head snapped towards FRG when I heard him talk. My eyes were wide as I stared at him. Why would he even think of talking especially about that right now?

"Federal Republic of Germany I advise you to shut up." FRG sunk back into the couch a bit and said nothing. It wasn't often that Vater would use our full name and when he did he was very mad. You could practically hear the anger in his words as he spoke.

I could see Russia also sinking back into the couch but not as much as FRG. Me on the other hand kept up straight. I looked back at Vater and he was looking right at me. Though my stance didn't falter and I sat straight up exactly how I was before.

I wasn't testing him or anything. I just didn't want to show fear because if I did then maybe he would use it against me. I didn't want to be squashed in a corner like my other siblings were setting themselves up to be.

When someone asked for what age me and my siblings are the person asking would always be shocked at mine. My older brother Russia is currently 7 years old. For the most part he did act like a 7 year old maybe a bit more mature. My twin brother is 4 which he definitely did act like one. Since he's my twin brother I am also 4 which brings shock to people. I definitely didn't act my age.

I just never thought of doing what most kid's my age did. It never intrigued me even the slightest. I found it kinda stupid play with toys and acting like a brat all day was really enjoyable. Maybe I'm just weird thinking that way. You really had to be smart in this world because not everyone is nice.

Living in this house really did make me realize that.

After the person asking found out my age usually Vater would end up bragging about me. Saying that I was a amazing child or saying that this was what a perfect Aryan child should act like. I am a example of what a perfect Aryan child is in Vater's eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm his favorite child.

I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't be acting like this or if I'm supposed to. Am I missing something in life? It seemed like other kids my age acted like my brother. I stuck out like a sore thumb to other kids. I guess I was dubbed to be the weird kid.

The treatment I got from kids and adults were very very different from each other. It seemed like to government officials I am the perfect Aryan child just like how my Vater thought. To kid's I am a complete outcast. Though I didn't care much about there opinions.

Soon enough Vater looked away from me and I could tell he was a bit impressed. He always seemed impressed by me. I didn't even try to yet I still did.

I didn't want to impress him yet I somehow still did.

I looked back over at my siblings and they both seemed worried and on edge. Probably from our missing папа and how mad Vater is. Wherever папа was though I hope that he's okay and safe.

I didn't want to see how sad my siblings would be if he wasn't okay. I don't even want to see myself if he wasn't okay. I could tell we all wanted him back, I mean why wouldn't we. But if he does come back I didn't really know if Vater would be to nice to him.

That's a fear I had. What would Vater do to him if he ever came back. Vater is angry and I could still feel the anger practically radiating off of him still. He wasn't playing games and I don't think he ever will play games with any of us. If we did something wrong we would pay. It's just how it worked to Vater.

I'm pretty sure that my siblings also knew that's exactly how it worked around here.



Y'all I'm so done. I've been scared and traumatized by some things. I'm tired. And even more scared of the things this fandom brings me. Idk why I love it so much though ;-;.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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