☃️❄️Christmas special 2.0❄️☃️

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My AU obviously and some ships 😁👍

Marry Christmas everyone (to those who do celibate) for Christmas I decided to make a special chapter for it like I did last year. I really do hope you all enjoy it and if you haven't had a amazing Christmas then I hope this makes you somewhat okay with it. Also I got some countryballs today which I'm really happy about so I'm having a good Christmas. Anyways I hope that you enjoy. : )

Germany's POV
December 25, 2019

Once I walked onto the back porch the smell of smoke hit my face. I knew I found the person I was looking for once I smelt it. "Why aren't you inside? It's pretty cold." the very tall Russian turned to look at me and smoke blew out of his mouth. "Just don't want to be inside." I sigh and bit and walked closer to him.

"Russia that's a horrible excuse just tell the truth already." he looked at me with a smug grin. "How did you know I was lying?" I rolled my eyes. "Because you're my brother." he waved his hand a bit. "Yeah yeah whatever."

It went quiet again for a few seconds before I held my hand out to him. "Can I have one?" he looked down at my hand before digging into his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He placed them into my hand and I opened the packaging taking one out and putting it between my lips before lighting it up.

I handed the items back and soon enough I inhaled the toxic chemicals into my system. Russia stuffed everything back in his pocket before clearing his troat. "How much you wanna bet that your lungs are completely black." I glared at him. "And your the one talking." he laughed a bit before it went quiet once again.

A question then popped into my head. "Why isn't America or Alaska here? I would at least think Alaska would have came with you." I felt as his mood dimmed a bit and I knew it probably wasn't good. "Ame didn't come and because of that he forced Alaska to stay." I nodded my head.

"What was kinda shitty of him was that he made me choose between staying with them for Christmas or you guy's." he said with a small scoff. "So I'm guessing your relationship with him isn't getting any better." he laughed a bit. "Of course not he just gets pissed off with everything I fucking do. Hell he won't even trust me to take my own child places. I'm a grown ass man not some untrustworthy teen." I nodded in agreement.

My brother's and America's relationship hasn't been the best lately for some odd reason. Russia had obviously complained to me about it and truthfully I can't really take a side. Russia isn't totally innocent, he's doing shit to America and vice versa.

This time though Russia really was in the right. Alaska is his biological child and America shouldn't be gate keeping him from his own father. Especially because Russia hadn't even been in Alaska's life for most of it. The reason for that was a very complicated and long story, a story I really didn't want to get into.

"Stupid American." he said under his breath before taking a long drag of his cigarette. "Why didn't you stay then? I think you would want to be there more then here." he looked over at me. "I'm with them all the time and I skipped out last year so I had to come this year. Plus I wanted to see you, Bela, uncle Finland, Austria, and Hungary."

"Just them?" he stared at me for a few seconds before nodding his head. "Yeah." I sighed a bit. "What about the rest of the 13?" his eyes narrowed and he looked away. "I don't give a fuck about them." his tone when cold and was full hatred at the thought of them.

I sighed and shook my head a bit. "Russia their our siblings." he grunted and stood up fully, completely towering over me. "They are not my siblings and never will be. They can not just come into my life and claim to be my siblings." I also stood up fully. "We are literally all blood related." the hatred that was on his face still didn't go away. "Half, their step-siblings if I could even call them that." his gaze left me as he looked out at the city before us.

I didn't know why them being our half siblings bothered him so much. Sometimes I wish I could actually say I was their full sibling. Did Russia take pride in the blood that ran through his veins? Not just the blood of our dead Отец but the blood of the horrendous man I once called Vater.

My eyes went down to one of his legs. I knew that under those baggy pants was a prosthetic leg. Something that showed how horrible that man was.

I sighed and closed my eyes. There was no reason to keep up with the conversation. Russia is a very very stubborn person and he will not under any circumstances change his views on people.

I swear one day his unneeded hatred will end up screwing him over.

"I miss East." I immediately opened my eyes at the very familiar nickname. "Me to." my mind then went to that one faithful day. "I wish he didn't do that to himself." I nodded my head slightly. "Yeah but you know how he is." I dropped my cigarette on the floor and smashed it with my foot.

"We need to stop with this sad talk, its Christmas." a small laugh came from him. "Yeah, I kinda wanna annoy uncle Hungary about his little lover." a small smile came onto my face and I felt the mood lift. "Yeah, his reactions are so fucking funny though." Russia nodded in agreement. "They really are."

Russia then dropped his own cigarette on the ground and stepped on it making sure that it was fully out. "You wanna help me do that?" he asked while walking to the door to go back inside.

"Why would I pass up that offer?" I said while walking twords him. A mischievous grin formed on the Russian's face and he opened the door to the warm and loud house.

I knew that the rest of the night was just going to be fun for me.


I'm starting to think that Russia's family line just doesn't have good luck with relationships. That couldn't be me honestly. I also had a really good time writing this so you also better like this to.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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