Part 75

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Sadly this chapter isn't as long as the other ones but hopefully if I planned my chapters correctly then the next one will be way longer. Anyway I hope you enjoy chapter 75.

Japanese Empire's POV
Tokyo, Empire of Japan
December 25, 1939

"Japan stop complaining about it and stand straight." I said through clenched teeth. She did as told and stood up straighter. "But ママ this thing is suffocating me." she whispered back and I glared down at her. She just sighed and looked forward.

I didn't like the fact that she was complaining about the kimono she had on. She had to understand that she really didn't have a choice on if she wanted to have it on or not.

Soon enough a car pulled up in front of us. The car being the same one that dropped us off here. A guard opened the door and I got inside the car, the door shutting behind me. Then another guard opened the other door on which Japan also got inside.

She then started to fidget with the kimono. At this point I was to tired of correcting her so I left her alone to fidget with it as the car started to move.

I was excited to finally get home since my feet were absolutely killing me. I also kinda wanted to see F.I and Italy. I'm sure that Japan also wanted to see them especially her brother. They had a good relationship with one another which is a good thing. I wouldn't want them to hate each other's guts.

Almost an hour later we pulled up to a large house. The car stopped and immediately two guards opened the doors for me and Japan. I got out of the car and started to walk to the entrance of my home while Japan trailing behind me.

She was obviously slouching as she walked. Of course she was, she's been doing it for almost the entire time. I swear that child needs to be taught how to keep a good posture.

When we got to the double doors guards opened them for me and Japan. We walked inside and they were immediately shut behind us. Japan immediately kicked off her shoes and ran away into the house.

I let out a sigh as I bent down picking them up and placing them where they should be. I took my shoes off and placed them in the right place before walking into the house.

I hated having shoes on in the house. Shoes are a very dirty thing since you have no idea what's been on the ground. I simply want to keep my house as clean as possible and not feel like I'm stepping on piles of dirt when walking through my house.

Thankfully I got F.I to take his shoes off at the door with no problem. When we started living together I practically forced him into the habit.

Sometimes it was hard to agree on things because of how different our countries and traditions really are. What was normal and what wasn't. Somehow though we always figured out a way to balance things. That was all that really mattered in the end. That we at least somewhat respected each others wishes.

Speaking of F.I as I walked through the house I started to hear his voice so I went to it. I opened the door to the living room and I saw him standing there talking to someone on the phone. I didn't think much of it as I sat down on the couch waiting for him to be finished.

Soon enough he placed the phone back down and turned to me. "What was that about?" I said and he let out a small sigh. "Well Reich wants us to give him a little visit. I nodded my head a bit and F.I sat down next to me." he doesn't usually ask us to just visit him. " he agreed with me.

"Well apparently he said that Soviet has been acting weird and thought that us being there could help." I titled my head a bit." what's wrong with him?"

"Well apparently Soviet's been very quiet lately. Staring off into space a lot. Seeming like he's about to just cry randomly." I nodded my head and placed it onto his shoulder. "I hope he's okay." he nodded his head. "Me to."

It then went quiet in the room. I honestly wondered what was wrong with him. He's never acted like this before even when he was going through a particularly hard time.

Maybe Reich is the reason why.

I mean Reich has given Soviet a hard time in the past before. Like when he threw boiling water onto his face. I still remember that night when I figured that one out. I told him to reach out to me if anything happens but of course he never did.

I mean judging by what he said that night. How he said he probably deserved it show's that maybe he's just not telling anyone. Maybe he thinks it's okay. I'm not to sure.

Actually I don't even know why I'm thinking this way about my friends relationship. I've known the two of them for a very long time and they wouldn't just hurt each other because why not. That doesn't sound like them.

"Well hopefully we can help fix Soviet's mood." I then looked up at F.I when he spoke. "Yeah hopefully." I gave him as small smile and he returned it.

Hopefully we could.



Uhhhh yeah totally Reich isn't the problem here at all. Like why would he be? The only thing that matters though is that Soviet's totally fine.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night of whatever time you are reading this.

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From this lovely author,🌹Rose🌹 ()

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