Part 59

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You know for some reason I keep rizzing people up without realizing it. I don't even know how I'm doing it it just happens randomly! But for some reason I can't do it irl because I freak out. I just wanna be able to do that irl ;-;. Sometimes I do it intentionally but it just happens and I don't know why. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 59.

Soviet POV

Another week in the hospital flew by fast. I didn't even realize that a week has gone by until I was actually told. For this past week ROC and PRC took turns visiting me in the hospital. Sadly they couldn't come together because one of them has to stay with GDR and FRG. Russia hasn't left my side even though we've tried to get him to go with ROC and PRC. Whenever we tried to get him out of the room he would always just cling onto me and wouldn't let go. Sometimes he would spend the entire day just on me like a monkey and today was one of those days.

Russia's little arms were wrapped around me the best that he could with his head on my chest. I didn't really mind it though, he wasn't heavy enough to cause any type of discomfort.

He was usually quiet and barley said anything. When he did say something it was usually to ask me something, respond to a question, or yell about wanting to stay with me when we try to attempt to get him off of me. I can tell that he wasn't the happy Russia I knew before that night and it broke my heart. It broke my heart that I couldn't prevent my child from getting into a position like this.

Thinking back on that day and seeing the petrified look on Russia's face haunted me. I never wanted my child to give me that look and I couldn't do anything about it. I hated being so useless like that.

I haven't seen FRG and GDR ever since that day to. I'm worried for the both of them and I wanted to know if their okay. I knew they're more then likely okay physically because their not in the hospital but I wanted to know if their okay mentally.

I mean they must have woken up to all the commotion right. I mean I know FRG is a very heavy sleeper but he can't be that much of a heavy sleeper right? I know that more then likely GRD had to have woken up because he's quite a light sleeper. I just know that they had to have heard what happened.

I want to see them I really really do but I couldn't. I already have Russia to deal with and if they didn't want to leave either then that would probably be a bit to much. All 3 of them were a hassle when I was physically in perfect shape but I didn't necessarily know about now.

I wanted to believe that FRG is still the hyper and talkative kid I know and I wanted to believe that GRD is still the smart and attentive kid I know. I didn't want to believe that they could be as drained as Russia is at the moment. I just wanted them all to be happy like they were before that incident.

I had to get hit with the reality that Russia is in fact not the same and I didn't want to get hit with it again. Though I know I have to at some point but I just didn't want to now.

I then heard a knock on the door and I looked over. My eyes widen a bit and I tensed up a bit at the sight of him.

Reich stood there leaning against the door frame looking at me. "Well it's been awhile." he said as he pushed himself off the door frame. I felt as Russia held onto me harder but he still didn't look up from where his head was placed. I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked down at Russia, not saying a single word. Safe to say I was scared to speak.

"You know it's impolite and rude to not say anything when you're being spoken to." he sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Be grateful that I decided to take time out of my day to come see you."

I didn't really know exactly how I felt in this situation. I knew it had to be a mixture between scared, sad, angry, and maybe guilty. I don't really know why I would feel guilty but I just had that feeling.

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