Part 77

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I don't got much to say rn so I hope you enjoy part 77

Soviet's POV
February 9, 1940
About 2 weeks later (maybe)

I slowly opened my eyes but I immediately closed them when the bright sunlight practically blinded me. I let out a small groan and reached my arms out to the other side of the bed expecting to feel my husband right next to me but there was nothing.

I opened my eyes despite the sunlight and I didn't see him. I didn't feel him there so I obviously didn't see him. I sat up a bit and looked around.

A small frown formed onto my face and I reluctantly got right out of bed. Reich really shouldn't be moving around right now. He hasn't been feeling good lately which made me a bit worried. Did he get sick or something? He has been throwing up but he doesn't have a fever. He probably was throwing up right now.

I walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. I saw Reich there just standing in front of the bathroom mirror unmoving. He just stared at the sink and from his appearance in the mirror he seemed like he had seen a ghost or something.

"Reich are you okay?" he didn't move or even acknowledge my words. I sighed a bit and walking into the bathroom. "Reich." he picked his head up and looked at me through the mirror.

"You really fucking messed up this time Soviet."

I looked at him in confusion. "What?" his face started to change into a look of anger. "I said you fucking messed up Soviet!" he slammed his fist down onto the counter. He did it so hard that I was surprised the counter didn't crack.

I took a small step back from his outburst and he started mumbling to himself in German. He walking around the bathroom just saying stuff to himself before he abruptly stopped and just stood there for a few seconds.

He then bolted to the toilet and threw up right inside the toilet bowl. It wasn't a great sound by any means but soon enough he had stopped.

"Scheiße, scheiße, scheiße." he kept say over and over again under his breath. I was generally worried about him. Why wouldn't I be worried about him anyways?

I walked over to him and got on my knees beside him. I placed my hand on his back and gently rubbed it for comfort. He just shoved my hand away and placed his head into his hands.

"Reich what's wrong?" I ask him and he just placed his hands into his hair. "Halt die Fresse." I just looked to the floor and shut my mouth like he had basically told me to. He obviously didn't want to listen to me.

He didn't usually talk in German when at home. He only did it at home when there was something wrong.

His breath started to get harder and he gripped his hair tighter. He then started mumbling stuff under his breath and hitting the toilet a few times before tears started to run down his face and into the toilet full of throw up.

It wasn't often when I would see him cry. I actually don't remember the last time he actually did until now.

He covered him mouth with one of his hands and hit my shoulder with the other. "Reich what's wrong?" he looked at me as tears went down his face. It was hard to pinpoint what he had felt but I know it wasn't good if he was crying.

He then placed his head on my chest. He kept whispering under his breath and hitting my shoulder over and over again.

"I shouldn't have let that happen. Why did I let that happen?" I was a bit confused about what he ment. "Reich what do you mean?" he hit me harder. "I mean I shouldn't have let you fucking do that!" my shoulder did start to ache a bit but I didn't say anything about it nor did I even move. "What did I do?" I question him before he went quiet.

"I shouldn't have let you escalate what happened that night when J.E and F.I were here." I looked down at him a bit confused. I thought back to that night but it was all just blurry to me. I must have been really really drunk if I could barley even remember anything. All I did remember was that me, Reich, J.E, and F.I had a few drinks. They must have left at some point and we had sex. I barley remember what I even said or did I just know the big things that happened.

"What does that night have to do with anything?" he looked up at me. He still had a unreadable look on his face. "Soviet remember when I was pregnant with GDR and FRG?" I nodded my head. "Of course I remember." I was still a bit confused on what he was trying to get here.

"Don't you think whatever is going on with me is the same things I was going through when I was pregnant with them?" I thought back to that time and I nodded my head slightly. "Yeah it does remind me a bit but what about it?" he glared at me and place his hand on his forehead. "You must be fucking stupid." he took his hand off his forehead and sighed.

"Soviet I think you did something that night you weren't supposed to and made me pregnant." my heart dropped and Reich looked like he was about to cry again. I just forced a smile on my face and placed my hands onto his shoulders.

"Well isn't that good-" I couldn't even finish what I was saying before Reich took my hands off of him. "No it's not good at all! In fact this is horrible!" anger lit into his eyes. "This isn't how this was supposed to go! I wasn't supposed to get fucking pregnant!" he then stood up.

"I'm in the middle of a fucking war!" he kicked the wall and a loud bang echoed around the bathroom. "Verdammt!" the forced smile that I had put on my face immediately fell.

"Reich calm down." I said but it seemed like he got even more angry. "Don't tell me to fucking calm down you know this isn't a good thing so stop saying it fucking is!" I just stared at him as he continued.

"This is all your fucking fault! If you just been carful-" my hands clenched into fists and I yelled right back at him. "Well at least I wasn't the one that decided to let the other continue and relying on a drunk person to prevent that from happening!" he glared at me. "Your not even going to take care of it if you do end up having it! It will be my job like everything else in this fucking house!"

"How is everything your job?! You have an easier time then me!" he stepped closer but I decided not to back down. "I do not have an easier time! You are the one that has an easier time then me-"

Reich then grabbed my face and forced it back to make me look at him. "Shut your fucking mouth! Don't think you can just yell at me whenever you choose to! You do not fucking defy me you understand!" I sunk into the ground a bit and pain shot through my head.

A loud slap then rang through the room and a stinging lit on my cheek. "I said do you understand?!" he said while slamming my head into the side of the counter. Even more pain shot through my head and I nodded.

He took his hands off of my head and he stood up straight. "Don't you dare think this is as bad for you as it is for me because this is way worse for me." I just decided to stay quiet. Why didn't I just stay quiet in the first place?

"If this thing doesn't die in my stomach I swear I will never leave the damn house until it's out." my breathing stopped for a few seconds at his words. I wanted to say something but nothing would come out. Why would he ever say something like that?

I closed my eyes and placed my hand over them. I didn't want to look at him or anything. I just couldn't do that. Speaking scared me, he scared me.

Some of the things he says are just completely messed up. I don't even know why I had kids with a man that would say things like that and even more things.

What no, no I know why I did. He just sometimes slipped up with his words. Yeah that's probably why. I would never ever regret having a family with him or even being with him. I love him, of course I do.

He just messes up sometimes.

???? ?? ???????


Wow imagine accidentally getting pregnant. Like I could never then slam people's heads into furniture. God damn I feel bad for my own creation now.

Anyways I hope you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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From this lovely author,🌹Rose🌹 ()

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