Part 48

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This chapter was also a really weird one to write because I didn't know what to do for half of it so my stupid brain yesterday was like why not make it a smut chapter which almost happened. It didn't happen obviously. The only reason why it didn't because that isn't planned and because I will regret it after a few days and will become my second least favorite chapter. Nothing can beat chapter 15 that's the worst chapter and will stay the worst chapter. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 48.

Reich's POV
August 16th, 1939

I let out a sigh as I cuddled up to Soviet's side more. Sense it's night time me and Soviet were in bed enjoying our alone time together. Soviet is reading a book while I'm playing with the fabric of the shirt he's wearing. The book he's reading is in Russian which I don't know how to read. I only could understand the language but I couldn't read, write, or speak it. The only languages I knew was German, English, and French for some odd reason.

Knowing French was just a really random language for me to know. Soviet also knew French and a lot of other languages. If you asked Soviet what languages he could speak he would go on and on because it's a very long list. He said that his father thought that speaking the language in the country you were in was respectful and kind. For example if he was in J.E's country he would speak Japanese.

I stopped playing with Soviet's shirt and decided to close my eyes. I listened to the beating of his heart and felt the up and down movements of his chest.

"Are you tired? We can go to bed if you want." I shook my head and opened my eyes. "No I don't want to." Soviet nodded his head. "Alright just tell me when you want to." I didn't response back instead I went deeper under the covers. It was warm under them just from the material it was made out of and Soviet's body heat.

"Soviet" I felt as he hummed in response. "I need to talk to you about something." I watch as Soviet closed the book in his hands so I now knew all of his attention was on me. I then sat up straight in bed and looked at Soviet. "Well I wanted to sign a non-aggression pact with you." I decided to just be straightforward with it all. There's no reason for me to take so long to get to the point anyways. I then saw as Soviet's face became one of confusion. "Why would we need to do that?" I saw as Soviet started to sit up, starting to fix his posture.

I should have known that Soviet was going to ask me questions about this. He always did anyways which was a very annoying trait Soviet had. "Because it would make me feel better about things. I know that you wouldn't do something just between us but I wanted to feel okay between our countries as well." I saw as he started to relax into the bed again.

"That makes sense, I will talk to Stalin about it." Soviet then gave me a small smile. "Alright" I simply said before laying my head back down on Soviet's chest. "Can you tell me somethings about it?" I closed my eyes and got comfortable again with Soviet.

"Well it will show that we will not attack one another either independently or along with other countries. I was also thinking that we could split the counties that lay between us." after I said the last part Soviet was very silent. I lifted my head off his chest and saw Soviet deep in thought. "What do you mean by splitting the counties between us in half?" Soviet's mouth then went into a slight frown. "Well Soviet it's exactly like it sounds. We will take the counties between us and split them in half so you get one half and I get the other." Soviet didn't say anything for a few seconds after that. It was like he didn't know what to think. "Will it make you happy?" I nodded my head and a smile slowly made it's why into my face.

"Then I wouldn't mind doing that with you if it makes you happy."

Soviet's eyes drifted over to the blankets. "I would do anything to make you happy." Soviet was very very quiet while saying that but not quiet enough because I picked up on it. I softly placed one of my hands on his cheek and moved his head so he faced me. I saw as Soviet's cheeks become a dark red. "You would do anything?" he slightly nodded his head confirming that what I heard was correct.

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