Part 82

109 7 2

I'm tired so hi (●''●)

Hungary's POV

Budapest, Hungary
December, 1940

I sat inside of my lifeless office just staring down at the wood desk. I didn't really know what to think or if anything I did was a good idea. Non of the options I had were ideal at all. It was either getting overrun by Nazi's or joining their side and letting them walk my streets if they wanted to.

I picked the last one.

I hated the fact that I was considered a nation apart of the Axis powers. It was all for the safety of my people though. I would always put my people first and make decisions that were best for them even if it wasn't very nice. I didn't need my country to be overrun by Nazi's if I refused to sign that damn pack.

I didn't want the streets of my country to be filled with Reich's little minions. If I let that happen then I would have failed my job at that point.

I of course remember the day when Reich just stormed into my capital and force me to sigh that little pack. It happened a few days after I had that little talk with UK to. I wonder what he thought about it. Maybe he thought I lied about everything I had said to him. It didn't matter though at this point.

I sighed and closed my eyes leaning back into my seat. My mind then went back to what happened that day. The things that I did say to Reich. He definitely wasn't happy with any of it.

November 20, 1940

I scoffed and pushed the piece of paper away from me. "I'm not fucking signing that." Reich's little smile dropped once he heard my words. "Well you have to." he said back to me. "And what makes you think I have to?" I stood up from my chair and shook my head a bit. "Why do you think I would ever want to join your side?" Reich's little spine chilling smile came back onto his face.

"It's simple Hungary, I'm just trying to give you a easy way out of this. I'm trying to help you." he then pushed the paper back to my side of the desk. "So take my fucking help." I stood there for a few seconds before pointing to the door. "Get out." Reich's smile never fell from his face.

"Your really going to kick your own brother out? Now that's not a good way to treat your older brother." I glared at the German man in front of me. "I said get out." he shook his head. "Why would you ever pass up this wonderful opportunity Hungary?" I scoffed at what he said. Really, wonderful?

"You have to be fucking joking me. This? Wonderful? This is anything but fucking wonderful Reich." I put my arm down and I continued. "Never ever call what you're doing wonderful. This is in fact fucking sickening." that had made his smile go away.

"Hungary let's do this the easier way and sign the fucking paper." I shook my head. "I'm not signing that. I'm trying to keep my people safe and so I'm not going to get involved in this shit and I'm definitely not joining your side."

"Yeah and if you join my side then that will happen. Your people will be very happy with it." I then felt as anger started bubbling up inside of me. "Are you trying to push bullshit into my head or something? You out of all people don't know how to do that. I wouldn't be surprised if you're people are unhappy. You out of all people shouldn't be put in charge of people's well-being." he didn't say anything for a few seconds before he stood up straight again.

"Sign it." I could hear in his voice that he was starting to get impatient with me. "I already said no." he slightly shook his head. "Don't you want to be great Hungary? Don't you want to give your people what they deserve?" I nodded my head. Of course I did. "Then you're going to have to follow me to get that. Don't you want to make our parents proud of at least something we did?" I glared at him once he mentioned them.

"Don't bring them into this conversation." he smiled once again. "But it's true isn't it." he then stretched his arms out a bit. "What I'm doing is what they would have wanted from me, from us. Hungary you have to understand that I can make our family great again. Not some weak thing that we've been pushed to be before." he was right about the weak thing. It did suck looking back on what you're country once was and what it is now. That me and my siblings were just left to fix it all.

But he was very wrong about other things.

"No I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted this and I'm sure if they were alive right now they would be very disappointed." his eyes narrowed at me and his arms dropped to his side. "At least they didn't purposefully try to kill random people because they had fucking morals. What are you doing? Bombing British cities because they made you a little mad that day." Reich was quiet for a few seconds before he started walking around the desk and to me. I didn't move from my spot though.

"You don't understand Hungary. You can never understand it." his voice was low and full with anger. "Just sign the fucking paper and nothing bad will happen." I shook my head and gave him a final and sturn "No."

Reich then grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me twords him "say that again I fucking dare you!" my eyes widen a bit and I looked right back at him.

"If you don't sign it I won't hesitate to send troops to take over your pathetic country. Which option is better for your people since you care about that so much." I didn't say a word and he let go of my shirt. "Now what's the choice? Are you going to sign it or are you going to be waking up tomorrow with my soliders walking down the street?"

And I'm sure you know what I picked. If I picked the other option then my country would be at war with Reich.

Sometimes it's hard being a representation because you have to pick the best decisions for your country. Decisions like these are the hardest I have had to make.

All that matters though is that I don't do anything to upset Reich then I would be okay until the end of the war. My people will be okay until the end of the war hopefully.

That's all I really wanted at this point.



I'm sure that Hungary is secretly happy and I'm sure that their parents are also happy. Seems like the most logical thing.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this

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