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Okay so first of all I wanted to start of by saying this is a very important chapter. This wasn't supposed to happen yet and I was supposed to warn you ahead of time but it was just so sudden even for me. I would like to welcome you all to the very last chapter of this book. Make sure you read the stuff at the bottom bc that would give you some sort of explanation. Anyway I hope you enjoy : D

Soviet's POV

USSR, Moscow
July 5th, 1941

It was safe to say I hated being inside of hospitals. All white and pretty cold no matter if it was night or day.

The radio on a small table inside of the room has played mostly the same things for the past week. I still couldn't wrap my head around the things it was saying.

What do you mean Nazi Germany is invading the country?

My brain wasn't comprehending anything that had happened. Nothing was clicking and nothing was making sense in my head.

I was moved to Moscow a few days ago. I didn't really know why. Maybe it was something that had to do with what was happening on the radio. Maybe that was why Russia laid there silently on the bed with his sleeping baby sister in his arms.

It was already weird enough that we were in Moscow. I should be home and they should be with Reich. Why wasn't it like that though? Why was the radio saying that stuff?

Why won't things just click to me?

I haven't seen Reich since the day he had attacked me. I didn't mean to make him that mad. I don't know why I always end up making him so mad.

A knock was then heard on the door to the room. A soldier walked inside of the hospital room holding a small black box. It seemed to have a velvet material.

"USSR we thought you would want this." he then handed me the box. "We found it when we were taking belongings from your room." I still don't know why they were doing that. Why we're they moving my stuff out if I was just going to go back?

I nodded a bit. "Alright thank you." I took it from the soldier and he walked out closing the door behind him. I opened up the small velvet black box and there was a gold ring. It looked like mine, of course it did, it was Reich's wedding ring. It looked worse then I thought it did.

The ring had lost all shine and a bit worn down. It was also a bit dirty like the box. Maybe it was from the amount of dust it collected.

Looking at it made my heart twist. Why would Reich let that happen to it? Why did he just never wear it?

My mind then went back to the night I last saw him. The look in his eyes as he stabbed me over and over and over again. That was the reason why I was even in this hospital room.

I then went back to what he said. That I was useless to him and that I had no worth to him. That he thought it was okay to call me a subhuman just because I am who I am.

He decided to destroy me because of who I am.

My face then went blank as everything from this past week or two came to me. That I was nothing to Reich anymore. That all my stuff was getting moved out of my house. That I'm in Moscow with two of my kids not knowing where the rest of my kids and Reich were.

Most importantly the things that are being said on the radio.

It was like my brain finally decided to wrap my head around it. Finally realizing why these things were happening.

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