Part 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I like the chapter number, I think it's cool. Also I reached a 1 year stretch on Duolingo today so that's also cool. And! And we reached 20k reads which is the coolest thing on my cool list. Well at least to me. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 69.

Soviet's POV
December 5th, 1939

Snow fell down from the sky coatings the trees and earth floor with a fluffy, cold, white blanket. Even in the tents it was cold. If I didn't have my mask on at the moment then I knew you would be able to see my breath.

My body wasn't to use to this cold temperature. Back home it didn't get this cold. After awhile though I did somewhat get used to it.

At the moment I was very far away from home. I knew I should be there but I didn't necessarily have a choice. Reich seemed to never understand that.

Currently I was on the border between mine and my older brother, Finland's country. Or maybe I was in his country now, I didn't really know. I should probably find that out at some point though.

It felt weird being here though. The last time I've ever really been here was before my father died. When we were a somewhat normal family. Finland didn't like me, in fact, he hated me.

We never had a good relationship with each other because of it. I wish I could have gotten along with him though.

I wasn't expecting to see him here though. I didn't even see him at meetings we used to have with the other countries. He skipped them which makes sense, if they didn't speak about him then there was no point in going.

Though ever since the war and stuff started we haven't held a world meeting since. Well besides one time but that ended terribly. A chill went up my spine when I remembered what happened.

It was safe to say we shouldn't have world meets for the rest of this war.

I let out a small sigh as I continued walking around the camp. The snow making a crunching noise under my shoes.

"СССР." I turned around when I heard my name and a solider walked up to me. "I've been told to tell you that you need to check around the area, apparently the people on lookout have been noticing something moving." I nodded my head. "Alright then I will get to that then." he nodded and walked back to one of the bigger tents which I assumed he came from.

Well I guess I have to wait on asking some one where we actually were and snap out of my own thoughts. Why couldn't one of the lookout people go check this out? I didn't know but a order from I'm guessing the general or whatever is a order.

I walked over to my own tent and got inside. It was a bit warmer then outside but still a bit cold. I then grabbed the gun that leaned against against the tent wall and slung it over my torso. I then grabbed a small knife and put it into my belt just in case.

I then made my way out of the tent and started to walk to the edge of the camp to the woods. We were surrounded by the thick snowy woods so of course the lookouts can't figure out what was out there until someone actually went to check.

I just let out a sigh as I made my way into the woods. I wonder why I had to do this out of all people. Am I threatening or something? I don't think I am.

I continued searching around the area not finding anything at all. I didn't even know what I was trying to find. I mean I am supposed to find the thing that's causing movement but I don't even know what it looks like or anything because I wasn't on lookout. How do they expect me to find anything?

I continued walking around the out side of the camp. Losing hope that anything was actually out here and that my soldiers are just going crazy from the cold.

Well I thought that before I saw footprints in the snow.

I immediately stopped and looked at the fresh footprints in the snow. I then looked behind me at my own footprints and both sets looked different so those footprints aren't mine.

There were even more footprints and I knew someone was definitely out here. If it was one of my soldiers then they definitely weren't supposed to be out here and if it was one of the Finnish then that definitely wasn't good.

I saw as the foot prints continued ahead and I decided to follow them. I took the gun off my back and held It in my hands just in case. It probably wasn't a good idea to follow the footprints but there was no one to stop me.

I continued to follow the footprints and soon enough they lead me into a clearing. It was just this place that had no trees and a few giant rocks there. The person who made the footprints seemed to have stopped and soon enough sprinted back into the woods. Maybe they heard me and if that's the case then whoever made these were definitely a Finnish soldier.

My eyebrows knitted together as I looked up. It seemed quiet and still so I didn't think anyone was near anymore. Though I still made sure to proceed with caution.

I then decided to look around. It really was a beautiful place. I enjoyed snow and how the sun made it sparkle a bit. I guess I just loved everything about nature.

I smiled a bit to myself as I lowered my gun a bit. I completely forgot why I was even out here in the first place as I looked around. Soon enough I would realize that letting my guard down was a mistake.

"It's been awhile hasn't it?"

My eyes widen when I heard a voice behind me and I quickly turned around. My shock definitely didn't fade one bit when I recognized who was there.

He wore all white and a hoodie was over his head but I could still see the dark brown hair poking out from under. He also had a gun with him but he had it at his side. He stood ontop of one of the big rocks that were there, his ice blue eyes staring down at me. Though he wasn't a normal human. The background of his flag was white with 2 strips of blue making a cross on his face. After 22 years I had finally laid my eyes on him once again.




You know what's funny is that Soviet tries to make Reich somewhat happy and/or proud of him and GDR is over here making Reich proud without even trying and he doesn't even want to make him proud in the first place. Soviet just has skill issues.

I don't know who made this but whoever did did a amazing  job

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I don't know who made this but whoever did did a amazing job. Like this is the reason why I want to make Reich's hair color blonde instead of black. It just looks so good on him.

Anyways I hope you had a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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