Part 72

144 6 3

Russia's POV

I really wish папа was here.

I looked down at the glass shards in shame and fear as мама yelled at me. I didn't mean to break the glass it just slipped out of my hand. I knew I should have been more carful but it just happened.

Папа has been gone for almost a week now and because of this мама hasn't been the nicest person. I mean when has мама ever been nice to me? I just always made him mad.

"I'm sorry мама I will be careful next time." my voice was quiet as I spoke. Though his yelling only got louder. At this point he was just yelling at me not only for the broken glass but for every little thing he could think of.

Why out of all the times I could have made him mad why did it have to be now? Мама has already been mad since папа had left and I just fueled the anger. It's like throwing fuel onto fire.

I felt as tears formed in my eyes as I just stood there looking down at the glass. It's like I could see myself in every single shard of glass. It's safe to say though that I didn't like it much. I didn't like seeing myself like that.

I then felt a hand grabbed the shirt I was wearing and I looked up at мама frightened. "Are you even listening to me?!" I shrunck back a bit when he yelled in my face. I just nodded my head though. "Y-yes I'm listening мама-" I then felt as I was pushed back and landed on the floor.

I was scared, what did I do wrong this time? I don't think I did anything wrong.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?!" I felt as tears slowly started to pour out of my eyes. Мама kept yelling at me as I sat there crying. I swear I didn't mean to make him mad. I really am sorry that I did.

He then grabbed my shirt once again and forced me off the ground. "You little bitch has no manners what so ever. Maybe I should knock some sense into you." Мама's voice was full of anger as he spoke to me.

I couldn't look up at him. My entire being was just full of fear of what he even ment by that. What did he even mean by knock some sense into me? Whatever it was I didn't think it would be good.

Мама then started to drag me somewhere by my shirt. I kicked and tried to loosen his grip on me but there was no use. Мама wasn't going to let go of me.

I then heard a door open and I was thrown again. I rubbed my eyes from the tears that were blocking my vision and looked up at мама. "Now you're going to stay out here until you learn how to behave. Now good night." Мама then started to close the door and I jumped up from my place but before I could stop the door from closing it was closed and locked shut.

Fear was the only thing I felt as I pounded on the door and tried to open it. I didn't want to be out here, I wanted to be in there.

Soon enough my attempts on trying to open the door stopped. I then turned around to face that outside. I stood on the back porch of the house. Snow fell from the sky and covered the ground with white frozen water. It was freezing out here to the point I could see my breath.

It was just dark and cold out here.

I looked at the edge of the forest that was in the backyard. It was always scary being out here alone at night. That forest felt like it went on forever. There was no gate in there or anything to keep wild animals out of the backyard so sometimes wild animals would come into the backyard at night which made everything so much more terrifying.

I looked back at the back door. It was warm inside there and safe. It wasn't scary or cold inside there. I just wanted to go back inside.

I shook a bit as the cold started to get to me. Even more tears started to roll down my face as I stared at the door. When was мама going to come back for me?

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