Part 6

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It's part 6 of this masterpiece of a amazing story. The other day I was planning out the rest of the story. Then a day later I decided to change somethings so I have to rewrite it now so that's great. I also woke up a 2:00pm today so that's not good for when I have to wake up at 6:00am tomorrow for school. I hope you enjoy this chapter. ()

Reich's pov

It's a nice still cold April day, the sun was out but it's not doing anything to help. I don't like the cold it prevents you from doing so many things. But Soviet likes the cold so I would sit out here as long as he was here with me.

I was outside under the tree in the park with JE, FI, Soviet, and Weimar. I was wearing a fluffy black jacket and the hat I found 2 months ago. I had blue jeans on with a pair of black boots. Weimar left to go get hot chocolate a little bit ago because it was cold. That was a good thing because I have a plan.

Me and Soviet where sitting next to each other, he was reading something. I didn't know what because it was in Russian and I only know basic words. And JE and FI was talking about something and they seemed very distracted. And like I said before Weimar went to get hot chocolate so I think it is a good time to strike.

I went closer to Soviet and put my head on his shoulder putting my arms around one of his arms holding it like a teddy bear. "What are you doing?" Soviet said "your warm and I'm cold so I'm hugging you". I snuggled closer to Soviet, closing my eyes. Soviet went back to reading his book, not questioning me any further.

I wish Soviet would hug me back but I have to be patient for that. I will have Soviet for myself but I just need to be patient and not rush things to quickly.

Soviet's pov

I felt something on my right shoulder and arm. I looked over and saw Reich there, hugging me. I was a bit surprised because he hasn't done that before. "What are you doing?" "Your warm and I'm cold so I'm hugging you". I smiled at him and went back to my book.

I felt as he came closer to me and I felt my heart rate increase and my face became hot. Like when Weimar would do this all the time.

Me and Weimar have been in a relationship for 5 years now. That's a long time to be with someone and you would think that we would be at least married or something.

(I did my research and it said most couples would be married between 1-3 years into the relationship.)

We are not married sadly. I want to because I feel like it's important and it's to show that you really want to stay with someone for the rest of your life. I did propos to Weimar 2 years ago. He said no saying that we didn't have to do that and being in a relationship is enough for him.

Him saying that hurt a lot, after that I questioned if he even loved me. I didn't say anything about it for a year thinking that he just needed more time. Whenever I talked about getting married he always said no to it.

( I need to tell you something about my AU for a second so everything makes sense. Countryhumans are not human, they are another species that look like humans. So countryhumans have both the sperm and eggs so any gender of country can make a country pregnant or get pregnant.)

I have also talked about having kids with him. I have always wanted a big family. Kids just make me happy and I am very big on family. But when Weimar told me that he didn't want any saying that they where to much to handle and that he never really liked kids. That also hurt a little, but maybe he will come around, just maybe he will come around.

I looked down at Reich again, he looked so peaceful my face got even more red and my heart got even faster. That was went I realised it. My eyes went wide. No, Soviet stop it you can't do that, your in a relationship with Weimar and he's his brother. I went back to my book to try and distract myself of this feeling.

Reich's pov

I wish that I could stay like this forever but all good things don't last forever. "I got the hot chocolate" I opened my eyes and saw Weimar. Weimar looked down at me and Soviet and his eyes went wide a little bit but he didn't question anything.

"Yes gimme gimme!" FI yelled doing the grabby hands for the hot chocolate. Weimar gave everyone there hot chocolate and he sat down. He then whisperd something to Soviet.

Soviet looked at me and started to wisper "I know your warm but Weimar wants you to get off of me". I looked at Weimar and back at Soviet. I put on a understanding smile and got off of him. "It's fine I have hot chocolate to keep me warm" I took a sip from my hot chocolate and looked away. At least it was good while it lasted.

I looked back at Soviet, and Weimar was doing the same thing I was doing. I couldn't help but glare at him. He thinks he can do whatever he wants, he must be mistaken.

I looked over at JE and FI and decided to join there conversation. Apparently JE was telling FI how to make the rice balls that she usually brings to these hangouts.

I looked back at Soviet and Weimar. Soviet was reading the book that he brought to Weimar but translating what he was reading to English so he could understand. I will have him just you wait because he will be gone from your grasp is no time.



Yes, there is a reason why there is question marks instead of numbers. I like this chapter and if you have questions about what my countryhumans even are you are free to ask me in the comments. Okay now here is my totally well thought out question time.

Why would Soviet even get that feeling if he is in a relationship, is there a reason for it?

Why dose Reich need Soviet so badly even after 5+ years?

Dose the black thing have something to do with this, and if so what would it do next?

Now for the question times best friend will come to the stage. Come up and shine picture time. (Look I rhymed kinda)

It's not mine I don't know who owns it but they did good job

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It's not mine I don't know who owns it but they did good job.

I don't know who made this either but the only thing you need to know is that it's not mine

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I don't know who made this either but the only thing you need to know is that it's not mine.

I have one thing to say before we end this chapter. My Reich, specifically the Reich in this book is not a yandere. I know it may seem like that but he's not. Reich is just really obsessive and when Reich wants something he will find a way to get.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/night/morning or whatever time you are reading this.

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