Part 52

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While making this I messed up so bad because I literally forgot one of my own HC's. How do you forget something you headcanoned yourself? Who know's but I somehow managed to do it. I fixed it so it's fine now but I just wanted to say something about my stupid mistakes ;-;. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 52.

Soviet's POV

I was walking around the grass trying to find one specific person. There was a mix of German and Russian soldiers scattered everywhere. They were either helping wounded soldiers or making sure everything was working properly. Every once in awhile you could see dead Polish soldiers being "cleaned up" or laying on the ground, waiting for that same treatment.

It was sad that these sons, fathers, and husbands would never get to see their family again and vice versa. I was lucky enough to not have died to see my own kids and in a second my husband. I couldn't feel sad for them though, they were the enemy after all.

I continued walking, ignoring all of the dead and wounded bodies. I was more focus on finding this one person.

That one person being the Third Reich.

He was supposed to be here anyways. This is the division that Reich was supposed to be in anyways. That was the entire reason why mine met up with this one.

As I continued walking I felt as my anxiety started to spike and I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn't find him anywhere and that made my stomach twist into a knot.

What happens if he wasn't okay? What happens  if he's somewhere dead and lifeless? What happens if I never get to see his smile ever again and the last thing I see is a body robbed from life?

I felt as my eyes started to get wet with coming tears but I just wiped them away and pulled up the black scarf that was already covering my face. I needed to stay calm and keep looking because if I didn't then I would probably end up crying. That's not something I wanted to do in front of my own soldiers and Reich's soldiers.

He had to be here, alive and healthy because Reich is a really strong person. He wouldn't go down easily and so I knew that he had to be alive.

I really have to stop over thinking things.

I continued my search to find Reich and after a few more minutes of searching I started to hear yelling in the German language. I immediately looked over and saw the one and only Third Reich yelling at one of his soldiers. I could understand everything he was saying and apparently the solider didn't fight the way he wanted him to which is really really stupid. How could a solider that's fighting for his own country be yelled at for supposedly not fighting "correctly". Is there even a correct way to fight in war anyways?

I was happy to see that Reich was okay. There wasn't even a scratch on his vibrant crimson red skin. Sure he was dirty, we all were, but he still looked stunning as always. The way his hair perfectly framed his face or how the uniform he is wearing hugged his body so well. Sure Reich was currently yelling at someone for a very stupid reason but his words were strong. Reich was always really good with his words and could easily speak in front of a crowd for any reason at all and get them to believe everything he said. He could easily make people do what he wanted or believe the things he wanted people to believe just from his powerful voice.

That was one of the many things that's really admiring about him.

After a few more seconds Reich finally shooed the solider away which the solider immediately left. Now it was my turn to talk to the shorter German representation.

I started to make my way over there and it looked like Reich noticed me coming towards him but he didn't look any happier. I didn't think much of it though instead I just wanted to make him happier.

I love seeing Reich happy around me. When his eyes lit up whenever he was happy or excited about something. His bright smile which would automatically make me smile with him or his laugh when he found something I said or did funny. All I ever want him to feel is happiness around me.

I finally made it over to Reich and before I could say anything Reich immediately spoke. "Make it quick, I don't necessarily want to see you." he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me. I wasn't really shocked by Reich's words because he seemed irritated already so I wanted to make things better. "Well it's been a month since I last saw you so I wanted to see if your okay." I pulled down the black cloth covering my face and gave Reich a small smile. "Yes I'm okay, now you can leave." my smile immediately faded away. Why was Reich in so much hurry to get me away from him?

"Reich are you sure your okay?" I placed my hand on his cheek but he immediately slapped my hand away. "Don't fucking touch me!" Reich glared at me with anger in his eyes. "Do you see where we are? We are nothing but allies here, I thought you were smart enough to know that." he said through a angry whisper and immediately after he started to yell at me like he did with the solider. Because of this everyone started to look at us

I felt as a wave of embarrassment and sadness rush over me. Hearing that I was stupid and him picking out things about my entire being to say shit about. This was really embarrassing getting yelled at right in front of my soliders, the people that decided to fight for a country like me. Even his soliders looking at me made it worse

I felt a pain of sadness deep in my chest hearing every word that came out of his mouth. How bad I wanted to crawl into a ball and disappear.

I looked at the ground and pulled the scarf back over half of my face but that wasn't enough. I still felt so many pairs of eyes digging into my soul. I felt as my face got red with embarrassment as Reich kept going on and on about how useless I really was in life.

"Maybe now you will understand what's a good idea and what's not." I slightly looked up again and Reich started to walk away with his head held high. I just stood there not knowing what to do. All I could really feel was the tears threatening to spill and that horrible pain of sadness and embarrassment deep in my chest.

All I wanted was to make him feel better.

I then started to slowly walk away when I felt most of the eyes off of me. I didn't really know where I was going I just wanted to be somewhere away from everyone. I eventually made it to a place that was peaceful and there was no one around.

I sat on the ground and looked at the mostly destroyed nature in front of me. It was safe to say that it didn't make anything better. Reich's words just kept circling inside my mind making the emotional pain even worse.

Then I finally let the faucet in my eyes start.

I pushed my legs against my chest and placed my head in them. I just silently cried to myself and that made the pain even worse if that was even possible. Reich knew what he was doing, he just decided to embarrass me like that while making me feel like shit.

Why did he always do that when I tried to make him feel at least a little better?

When I tried to make him happy I always manage to make him even more mad. I could never make him happy for some reason. Why couldn't I do that? Was there just something wrong with me?

It was practically driving me insane. What could I possibly be doing wrong?

I looked up from my knees and a angry expression crossed my face. This was so pathetic of me, to cry over something like that. It was stupid that I'm crying, that I was as embarrassed as I was. I hated it all so so much.

I just wanted to go home now.

???? ?? ???????


I've probably said this before but I will say it again. I really really enjoy making Soviet's life horrible and after this is finished you definitely will see my joy. I don't know why I chose Soviet to torture but it seemed fun so here I am. I sadly don't have any pictures at the moment I got distracted by things I think is better not to speak of.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whenever you are reading this.

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