Part 80

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Mentions of bad places 😁👍

Ew I'm not sure if I should hate or love the fact that we're on chapter 80. Idk people say that it's okay so I'm not going pay attention to the chapter numbers anymore. Other then when I have to number them that is. Can't have anything out of order. Well I hope that you enjoy chapter 80.

Hungary's POV

Budapest, Hungary
November, 1940

"What makes you think that you can just walk into my capital and ask me a shit ton of questions?" my eyes narrowed at the British man in front of me. "Well I just thought that you would know something." I scoffed. "Just because he's my brother doesn't mean I know everything." I leand back into my chair.

"I know just as much as you do." UK sighed. "Look you must know something." I placed my hand on my forehead. "I said I don't know anything."

The UK still didn't seem satisfied with my answer and he just kept asking me the same exact thing. "Can you shut up!" I slammed my fist on the table and that made him shut up. "Look I know that your worried about your little wife or whatever and stressed out because of the war because it's really only you now fighting the German's but I don't fucking know anything! I'm fucking stressed and worried about it to!"

UK sighed and rubbed his temples a bit. "No need to remind me." he said through clenched teeth. "You don't even understand what this is like to be worried and stressed about all of this. You aren't fighting, someone you love isn't missing." I felt as my annoyance for this man quickly turn into boiling anger at what he said.

"That is not fucking true!" I then stood up from my chair. "You are not the only person that is effected by what is happening! I know that I really don't stand a chance against my brother and all I really want to do is keep my people safe! I fucking border the country for fucks sakes! I don't have a little island that I can be on to be protected by the German's! And fuck that bullshit that your the only one that has lost someone during the war! My fucking brother just disappears after Reich takes his country in a snap and I have to watch as he goes fucking out of his mind! Have you seen or heard about what he's fucking doing!?"

UK just stood there looking directly at me and I did the same. It was quiet for a second before I looked down. "I haven't seen Austria in 2 years maybe a bit more. Sometimes I get told things about what Reich is doing. Have you heard of those places popping up all over Europe? I knew he had hatred but I didn't think he would do that with it."

I looked back at UK but he had a hint of confusion on his face. "Oh so you don't know? Maybe I knew more then I thought." I sat back down in my chair. Of course he didn't know what those places even were. The only people that really did was Nazi government officials, Reich himself, the people that work there, and maybe even their wives. Though the wife one was a long shot.

I leand back in my chair once more and closed my eyes. "What hatred?" the British man's voice rang through the room. I was quiet for a few seconds before I opened my eyes to be met with the British man's blue ones. "Let's just say that he blames a few groups of people for our parents deaths and the destruction Germany was in after the Great War."

If you knew Reich for long enough and lived in the same house as him you would come to find that he says some pretty fucked up shit. He says it like it's normal, like his hatred and anger was normal. For as long as I could remember he was always like that.

"And I wonder who's country is next on his list of counties to invade." I smiled a bit. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was mine, like I said I do border his. It's not like he will try to take Spain because despite him saying that his country is neutral he really does like to help the Nazi's. Soviet's got that little pack with him and their married. That pretty much just leaves me."

"I don't think that's true." I scoffed a bit and shook my head. "And how would you know that?" the brit let out a sigh. "Third Reich must have done something to Soviet because the poor man won't believe anything I say even though it's right in his face." I raised an eyebrow and he raised one of his hands a bit

"At this point it's fucking obviously he's planning on invading his country." I nodded a bit. "Honestly yeah that stuff between them has been a bit sketchy." he then crossed his arms. "I don't have any evidence though so maybe that's why he won't believe me but if I ever do I'll just warn him again. Don't know if he's going to listen to me or not."

The Soviet Union. I never got close to him like my two oldest brother's did. Though he did seem cool until we got a bit older. A bit before we stopped having world meetings he started looking a bit dead honestly. He wasn't as cool or fun as I remembered him being.

"I'm not sure if he will. Your basically saying that his own husband wants to take over and demolish his country. I mean like how would you reach if someone said that France was going to do that to you?" UK stood there for a few seconds before answering. "Well honestly I wouldn't be surprised." a small smile came onto my face and a small laugh came out to.

"Of course why did I even ask that?" he shrugged a bit. "Well I'm sorry for coming unannounced and as rude as I did." I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's fine you reasonably want answers."

I wasn't going to blame him for that. From what I have heard, this war is definitely not the easiest. Now that basically all of UK's allies are annexed by my brother he's dealing with this without anyone really. Of course he would want answers to find the people that are gone.

We all want an answer to this brutal war.



Oh yeah I totally forgot but happy New Year. Honestly I don't think 2024 will be all that exciting but hopefully it won't be a horrible year.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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