Part 38

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Alcohol because sadly I can't have any because in America you can't have any under the age of 21 so why not write it instead. 😁👍

Just so you know I did change my profile picture after so long. I'm surprised that it lasted for as long as it did because I change stuff like that all the time. I mean not that long ago I changed my WhatsApp background two times in one day. It's now a picture of Russia in a maid outfit with bear ears. We will not talk about why I have that and how I found it. Anyways I had fun with this chapter and whenever I have Reich go somewhere that's not home it has something to do with history. Yeah that's not that but I wanted to say something about Hungary taking some of Czechoslovakia in ww2 so here it is. I don't think a lot of people know that or maybe I'm just dumb and didn't know that but whatever. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 38.

Reich's POV
Budapest, Hungary

I knocked on the door frame to Hungary's office to get his attention. "What, I'm kinda busy right n-" Hungary stopped talking when his eyes landed on me. Then his face became one of confusion.

"Why are you here?" He said sitting up in his office chair. "Wow what a nice way to greet your older brother." I leaned against the door frame and a grin made its way into my face. "My secretary is absolute shit, she doesn't tell me anything." Hungary rolled his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

He sighed and and took his hand away from his face to look at me. "So why are you here, I don't have anything planned that involves you coming here." he sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "Thank you for being so rude but I came here to ask you some questions." I walked over to one of the chairs in front of Hungarys desk and sat down. Surprisingly the chairs were actually comfortable to sit on.

Hungary raised one of his eyebrows and a confused expression went across his face again. "What is there to talk about? Also if you wanted to ask questions then we could have just done it over the telephone." he leand forward and pat the black telephone that sat on his desk. "Because I want to talk in person and I haven't seen you in a very long time." Hungary nodded his head and sat back again. "Yeah like ever since 33 and how many years ago was that?" Hungary started to count his fingers and whispered the years as he counted. "Eww, 5 years." I nodded my head and crossed my legs.

"Anyways what questions did you want to ask me?" I was about to start speaking before Hungary snapped his fingers. "Wait a second." Hungary started to go through one of his drawers and after a little bit he took out two bottles of alcohol. He opened both of them and handed one to me. I gave Hungary a judgmental look before grabbing it.

"Why are you giving me that look?" he said before taking a sip of his drink. "Because why would you have alcohol in your desk." "because Reich I'm the youngest sibling, the youngest always does weird, questionable, stupid stuff." I sighed and set the drink on the desk. "Do you at least have cups." Hungary just looked at me like I was dumb. "I'm the youngest son of the German Empire why would I have cups?" I slapped my hand on my face and groaned.

I grabbed the alcohol bottle and took a swing of it. I think I need a lot more then one bottle if I wanted to get out of this without killing him.

I set the bottle down and sat back in my chair. "Can I start now?" Hungary took another sip of the alcohol and nodded his head. "Okay so I wanted to know why you even decided to take some of Czechoslovakia, I mean what was the point of that?" Hungary just stared at me before he bursted out in laughter. I rolled my eyes and started to drink more of the alcohol that was given to me.

After a while Hungary started to calm down and only little laughs here and there could be heard. "are you done yet?" He nodded his head and wiped the imaginary tears from his eyes. "sorry I just thought that the reason for that was obvious, I guess not." He sighed and tapped the side of the bottle.

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