Part 30

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Okay so I have a random question that came to my mind. In school do you all learn a different language or something because in America you don't learn another language or at least the school I go to. Anyways I have a drawing for Soviet like with Reich and like I did with Reich I will have all the words under the picture so you don't kill your eyeballs trying to read it.

Random things floating around: Birth/death:1904-1991Height: 6'6Eyes: (the top ones) depending on what time line we are talking about there either is a eye or no eye

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Random things floating around:
Height: 6'6
Eyes: (the top ones) depending on what time line we are talking about there either is a eye or no eye. (The bottom one) No eye: 1940
Ring: let's pretend that there is Шрифт Брайля there (I sadly couldn't find a translator :( )
Fun fact: Soviet has a lot of tattoo's (in the future maybe in the late 80's) because there are so many I will just name a few. Soviet has a giant gold phinox on his back, a brown bear with glowing green eyes on his chest, sunflowers on his upper arm, and a sad one, an arrow (like a bow and arrow type arrow) with a colon on the body of the arrow on his forearm (There's more just to lazy to name them)

The first Soviet on the left aka the worst one:
Date: Now-1940 (yeah the dates for Soviet is confusing but this also could be Now-1991)
How old: 34-36
Random things I put: regret using pen but can't go back now. I'm (me) still mad at Reich for the burn >:(. Curly ass hair because ✨𝕐𝔼𝕊✨.

The middle Soviet:
Date: 1940-1991 (technically can be now-1991 just take away the eye patch)
How old: 34-87
Random things I put: Decided to add his eye patch because why not.

The last Soviet on the right:
Date: 1991-Now
How old: 87-119
Random things I added: I don't know why but I love the halos with the horns. The lines are cracks just so you know. He got the beautiful wings.

I remembered that I estimated that this book will be about 30 chapters. Yeah now I think it's will be around 50 but whatever. I like having more and why not have way more then I thought. Alright I hope that you like chapter 30 and I will let you read now.

Reich's pov

After I knew Soviet was asleep I turn around and cuddled into his chest. I felt as Soviet's arms went around me tighter and he pulled me closer. I could hear Soviet's low breathing and the slow up and down movements from his chest. I could feel as a dark red blush started to spread across my face the longer I layed with Soviet.

It was hard ignoring Soviet all day when I wanted him to hug me so bad. He pissed me off and I wasn't gonna give Soviet what he wanted because of that even though I wanted it just as bad as he did. He should have known not to fuck with me when I get home. I don't what to come home to someone that needs my attention so bad after I gave my attention and energy to so many other people.

It's tiring when people constantly need your attention. It's tiring having everyone need something from you, being a parent and a husband, and having a country, It's stressful.

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