Part 54

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I'm bracing in a lot of different ways right now and one of them is bracing for the people that will correct the incorrect translation's. If you also write on this app and use different languages you will definitely get me on this. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 54.

Reich's POV

It's now night time and I was in one of the guest rooms that ROC and PRC let me and Soviet stay in. It's quiet nice and obviously very traditional. Everything in this house has a very traditional Chinese style which wasn't surprising.

It was really the only thing that was pleasant here.

I just felt like I was a duck in a pen full of chickens and I felt like I wasn't welcomed here. PRC definitely gave me that vibe. The only reason why I was able to stay here was because of Soviet and if he wasn't here I definitely would have been thrown out.

I wouldn't mind being thrown out of here anyways. I was uncomfortable here on so many different levels and I just wanted to find a reason, any reason to get out of here. Now I really question how my children stayed here for so long.

I was sitting on the bed already dressed for bed and Soviet was in the bathroom getting dressed so I was all alone in the room. I didn't mind being alone that is if I knew where Soviet was in this house. I didn't want him being with those people without me

I was then snapped out of my thoughts from the door to the bedroom opening. PRC then popped his head into the room on which I glared at him. "What do you want?" PRC then opened the door fully and invited himself in. He then leaned himself onto the wall and just stayed there, he didn't even acknowledge what I said or even that I was there.

After a few more seconds of dreadful silence the bathroom door opened and Soviet came out. "苏联,我只是在等你." (translation: Soviet, I was just waiting for you) PRC said while pushing himself off the wall. Soviet's attention immediately went over to the Chinese country when he heard his voice. "你需要什么吗 中国?" (translation: Do you need anything, China?) I just sighed and rolled my eyes in annoyance. Of course I'm not going to understand anything their saying, I haven't this entire day anyways.

"我只是想跟你说晚安,就这样。" (translation: I just wanted to say good night to you that's all.) a small smile came onto Soviet's face. "晚安也给你。" (translation: Good night to you as well.) I was pretty sure that PRC was going to walk out of the room or something by how Soviet started to go back to what he was doing but PRC just walked up to Soviet and out of no where hugged him. I don't think Soviet was expecting it by his facial expression but he hugged PRC back a few seconds later.

This didn't make me happy at all.

After a few seconds they pulled away from each other, exchanging a few more words and PRC walked out closing the door behind him. Soviet went back to what he was doing like nothing ever happened. He didn't even mind the weird hug he just received from PRC. I felt anger wash over me because of that interaction they had right in front of me. I hated that all so so much.

I brought my legs up to my chest and placed my arms on my knees. I wanted to leave this place so badly right now. I felt as the bed dipped and I looked over seeing Soviet getting comfortable on the bed. I just decided to look away from him, nothing was happening anyways.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew exactly who it was. "Are you alright?" I was about to slap his hand away and tell him to shut up or something but I decided against that. Maybe if I didn't do that then maybe I could convince Soviet to leave tomorrow. Mhm yes that could definitely work.

"I want to leave." I said to Soviet and I felt the bed move a bit as Soviet sat up. "Why do you want to leave?" I bit the inside of my cheek.

No words can describe how much I hate this.

"Because Soviet they don't like me here, I'm not welcomed. I just feel stupid here and absolutely useless because I can't understand anything around me. I can't fucking do anything but sit around while PRC fucking insults me. I know he's doing it even if I can't understand what's coming out of his fucking mouth. He's trying to take you away from me, I just know it. I really fucking hate his guts. I just hate everything here and I want to go home."

I was trying so hard not to start yelling the entire time I was talking. I really wanted to go home and I hated everything about this place. "You shouldn't feel that way being here love and I'm pretty sure your welcomed here. PRC isn't insulting you either that's just the way he is and you shouldn't hate him because of that. And why would he try and steal me away from you, what's got you thinking that?" Soviet then placed his hand on my cheek and I turned my head towards him.

"Soviet he's always with you, he's just taking up all of your attention. That hug to was also weird and unnecessary, he's just trying to take you away from me." Soviet started to rub his thumb on my cheek. It felt nice but I hated it at the same time. I felt weak and I didn't like that feeling at all. I wasn't weak, the Third Reich never can or will be weak.

"He's not trying to take my attention away from you Reich. He's just happy that we get to spend a few days together because we haven't talked for awhile. I promise he really isn't." I looked down slightly. "I just want to go home." I quietly said but loud enough for Soviet to hear. "We only have a few more days left, love. Maybe you can try and get along with PRC and ROC but we will be home as soon as you know it." I looked back up again. "But-" before I could finish my sentence there was a knock on the door and immediately after PRC came in.

"苏联可以告诉帝国跟着我,有人需要他在电话里。" (translation: Soviet can you tell Reich to follow me, someone needs him on the phone.) Soviet then nodded and looked at me. "Can you follow PRC? He said their's someone that needs you on the phone." Soviet took his hand off my cheek and I looked over at PRC. I didn't really want to leave because I still had to convince Soviet to let us leave tomorrow but I just decided to get up.

I needed to get this over with anyways.

I started to walk over to the door and PRC started to walk out of the room and down the hall on which I followed behind. We made it downstairs and I saw ROC on the phone. When he saw me he gave it to me when I got closer. "Das ist das Dritte Reich." (translation: This is the Third Reich speaking.) I said into the phone. "Wir haben ihn meinen Anführer gefunden." (translate: We found him my leader.) I then felt confusion wash over me. What was this soldier or whatever status he was talking about? "Wer gefunden?" (translation: Found who?)

"Polen, mein Führer."



I'm going to have a lot of fun writing the next chapter because I've been planing this stuff for a while now. This is just the part of the book that I've been really excited on getting to. Well I have a picture for you today, it's not ThirdUnion but I like it so here you go.

We got the Axis powers here probably watching something scary or maybe just the Titanic idk

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We got the Axis powers here probably watching something scary or maybe just the Titanic idk. People say that the Titanic was really sad and cried but when I watched it I didn't cry at all. I think the angst has been making me somewhat stronger. Also I don't know who made this one.

Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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