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Hello y'all this is not a chapter but a head canon to know my characters more. Like characters you have seen in the book and some other random characters. I am also sorry for the wait on the next chapter but it will come out between tomorrow or Sunday no promises thought. Also we are almost at 100 reads which I am over the moon about. Okay I think that is all I have to say and let's move onto the HC's.

German Empire

GE and rectangle are the same person in my AU. When the end of the war was coming AH died and because of that GE went ballistic. And when he is that angry he gets a rectangular head and 6 tentacles. (Hope I explained that good)


AH seems like the type of person to stay calm in every situation and to know how to handle situations better than others. That is far from the truth. AH is not calm in stressful or problematic situations. And because of that he makes very dumb decisions. Those decision led to his death.


Weimar wears glasses he doesn't have an amazing eyesight but he is ridiculously smart and good at problem solving. That is why after WW1 ended he managed to lyft Germany out of the gutter well only for a little while.

Third Reich

Third hates the Allies and makes sense, they did kill his parents and where on the opposite sides in WW2. But he doesn't hate UK as much because of the Christmas Truce 1914. He still hates him thought.


I have mentioned before that Austria's favourite sibling is Reich. I have also mentioned that he would do anything to make him happy. So when WW2 happened and Reich asked Austria to join him. He could only say yes because he wants Reich to be happy and because Austria kinda believed Reich's ideology. Also because how Reich put his motives and he was still mad about GE and AH's death.


Hungary is a very hyper person and has tons of energy. He also likes talking but it can get annoying sometimes. Also I see Hungary as a femboy because I saw some fan art about it and I loved it but in this storie Hungary wouldn't be a femboy.


In most AU's I see that Soviet hates RE and Soviet kills him but in my AU that is different. RE is an actual good parents and loves Soviet. RE likes to have control of everything that happens in his life so when he knew he was going to die soon he gave Soviet two choices. Either he would kill himself or Soviet would shoot him. Soviet decided to shoot him because he didn't want his father to shoot himself. When I said RE likes to have control of everything I mean everything.

Japanese Empire/ Imperial Japan

In the booming of Hiroshima and Nagasaki JE was in Nagasaki at the time. JE didn't know about Hiroshima being boomed until a American plane was close to Nagasaki. When JE saw the American plane drop the boom. JE bent down to Japan and sheltered her for what was about to come. The last words she said was "its going to be okay darling". Japan will never forget those last words her mom told her before she died on August 15, 6 days after the boom on Nagasaki.

Fascist Italy

FI loves his father the Roman Empire, he has always wanted to become as great as he was. When Italy was born he wanted him to love Roman Empire as much as him. FI would spend his time with his son getting him to love Roman Empire or straight up neglect him. Fast forward to the Italian revolution Italy won and he hung his father for his people to see.

Now I will do some random characters because why not.


America it petrified by planes. Whenever he hears one he would hide under a table or something because he thinks that the plane is coming for the building he's in. Then Canada would have to try and calm him down and tell him it would be okay intil the plane passed. Basically in three words trauma from 9/11.


Germany has angry issues and he has had them ever sense he was a little kid. His dad Third Reich also had angry issues when he got older so makes sense.


In my AU Russia has a kid and that kid is none other than Alaska. In 1959 he was sold to America and Russia didn't know until two days before it happed. Also Russia has a big patch of leather going from his neck to elbow, half of his back and his side. He torn his skin off on purpose a little after his father died and he stitched on the leather to act as "skin". He hates looking at it so he wears his father's trench coat and long sleeves to hid it.


China holds a fan wherever he goes. He sometimes uses it to smack people. He is also very calm is any situation even if the world was ended. He also idolizes The USSR they also had a good relationship to. (Not in a romantic way)


Canada has a problem with trying to be perfect all the time and because of that it has effected him severely, mentally. He isn't what he wants to be and he thinks he isn't going anywhere in life. Now he is trying to be what he wants to be its just going to take time and to get out of the habit of having to be perfect all the time.


Ukraine is the definition of emo or well that's what America says. Most AU's have him as a soft boy, I don't see him like that thought, I see him as a sleep deprived a bit of a jerk but really cool flower boy.


Belarus is a bit like Austria and like Austria she has a favorite sibling and that would be Russia. Belarus is also overprotective so if someone insults her siblings then the person that had said that would have to sleep with one eye open or they may never open their eyes again.


Kazakhstan is pretty childish and full of energy. He is the youngest of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia so makes sense. Also when he's happy or excited his wings glow and puff up. He also had a crush on Canada. (Yes I ship Kazakhstan with Canada and not Canada with Ukraine come fight me I dare you. ( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°) )


Well this was interesting 🙂. Anyways if you are curious about the Russia and Alaska thing I have a book about it it's called The 49th state. Eww I just gave myself a self promo. Anyways I hope this was good and it made sense. Well I hope you have a good day/night/morning or whatever time you are reading this.

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From the lovely Author ()

(Also new chapter will come soon I didn't forget about it also Kazakhstan x Canada)

(Also new chapter will come soon I didn't forget about it also Kazakhstan x Canada)

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