☃️❄️Christmas special❄️☃️

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Hello everyone wellcome to my Christmas special. Before I start my rant like I do with every chapter I have something to say about this one. This chapter dose not connect with the story at all let me say again this story dose not connect with the story at all. This is something fun that I decided to put together for Christmas. I know that this is also a few days before Christmas but it was either today or tomorrow. Also chapter 17 will come out tomorrow and not on my usual update schedule because Christmas is on Sunday and my sisters birthday is on Monday. So it was either tomorrow or Tuesday and I want to get chapters out as soon as possible. I remember in one of my earlier chapters I was talking about my 25 day streak and Duolingo doesn't think I'm good enough well I now have a 83 day streak and I'm still not good enough. Now this is almost 200 words alone so wellcome to the lovely Author's Christmas special.

December 23, 2022

"Hello readers wellcome to this crazy fucked up house I live in." I started to smile "I don't like living here but I have no choice but to." "Дедушка R.E what are you doing?" I turned around to look at my grandson.

Russian Empire/R.E
Hight: 6'5
Status: dead
Description: R.E has a big golden halo on the top of his head. He has brown hair and hazle eyes. There is also a bullet hole on his forehead from when he died.

"I'm just talking to the readers." my grandson's eyebrows knitted together. "Дедушка your just staring at the corner of the room talking to yourself, I think you're getting to old." I than started to laugh. "I maybe old but I'm not crazy like the rest of you East."

East/East Germany
Hight: 5'11
Status: dead
Description: East has a white halo and wings. East has the same eyes as Reich and straight, brown hair. East has black cracks all over his body from fading into dust when he died.

"Yep ri-" East was than cut off by a loud yelling coming from some place in the house. "Soviet what the fuck did you do!" I stood there for a matter of two seconds before I turned back to the reader's "and like I said before I hate living here."

Reich's pov

Soviet touched my cookies that I made earlier today. I spent so much time making them and he touched them with his crusty dead man hands. I was running after him around the house until Soviet bumped into something and it fell over and shattered. I than looked at it to see what fell over and when I figured out what it was I was even more angry.

It was my precious vase.

"Soviet what the fuck did you do!" I was so mad at him right now. "First you touch my cookies and now you break my vase!" I was so close to slapping Soviet in the face for the second time today and getting a divorce. "Sorry." I didn't know it was possible for me to glare harder but I did. Is all this bitch can say was sorry for the destruction he caused.

"First you put your crusty old man hands on my cookies and second you break my vase and all you can say is sorry!" I slapped my hand onto my forehead. "You know what I'm not talking to you for the rest of today." I crossed my arms and looked away. "Wait no Reich don't be like that." Soviet came over to me and hugged me but I didn't say anything to him. "Reich please stop it was only an accident and you did this yesterday to." I huffed and pulled away from Soviet and started to walk away. I then saw Soviet frown and he started to clean up the broken vase from the floor.

Reich/Third Reich
Hight: 5'8
Status: dead
Description: Reich has black horns on the top of his head and a black dragon like tail. He also has a hole were his heart should be and gun shots all over his body. There is a mechanical heart pumping light so it lights up and you can see it through the hole in his body.

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