Part 16

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⚠️Warning ⚠️
This chapter has Hitler in it just the name nothing offensive, descriptive gore, and murder 😁👍

This is gonna be an interesting chapter and a lot longer one because of what's going to be in it. I most likely will have to put a warning at the beginning of this chapter if I get through it all. I'm surprised that you all liked the last chapter I kinda got lazy with it but this chapter will make up for that. Also I counted up all of the words in this book and there's a total of 25,570 words not counting this chapter so that's a lot. Anyways let's get on with this crazy chapter that is chapter 16.

June 16, 1933

Reich's pov

Today was the day I could ruin everything for my future but it was also the day for me to make my future. To make everything I wanted become a reality and to become what I was supposed to become. I know that if anything went wrong I would be fucked but it's the only way.

I needed to make Hitler proud, to be proud of what the future will be if this goes right.

I was sitting on the couch with Soviet in my arms. Russia was in his playpen playing with his toys. To think that if this goes wrong this would be the last time I see them.

"Reich are you okay?" I looked down at Soviet and I was meet with his hazel eyes. "Yeah I'm okay" I gave Soviet a reassuring smile. "You seem to be on edge all day, are you sure your okay?" I started to hug Soviet tighter. "Yes I'm fine liebe" Soviet gave me a smile and looked back at Russia.

To think that this could be the last time and I lied straight to his face.

I put Russia into his crib and gave him his little bear plush. I started to pet his hair as Russia slowly went to sleep. I wanted to stay as long as I can with my son because this could be the last time.

But I knew I need to leave before Soviet becomes more suspicious of me.

I stopped petting Russia's hair and I went over to the door and I looked back at Russia. I smiled and closed the door and I started to make my way over to me and Soviet's shared bedroom.

I walked in and saw as Soviet was sitting up leading against the headboard. He was reading a book and he seemed pretty invested in it. I started to go through the closet to find something to put on to go to bed.

After I got dressed I got into bed and turned off the lamp that was on my side of the bed. I turned over to look at Soviet and started to get comfortable. "Can you put the book down and let me hug you, I'm tired." Soviet looked at me and chuckle. Soviet put his bookmark in the page he left off at and put it down and he turned of the lamp.

Soviet layed down facing me and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you Reich." Soviet said digging his face into my chest. "I love you to meine liebe." to think this would be the last time I will lay in this bed with him if anything goes wrong.

Soviet was fast asleep so I looked at the clock that was on the wall and it said 11:47pm. I looked back at Soviet and gave him a kiss on the head before I got up because who knows if that could be the last.

I quietly made my way over to my office and when I got there I opened the door and walked it, closing it behind me. I made my way over to my desk and opened one of the drawers. There was a black long sleeved shirt along with some black pants. There was also the black boots I have that I snuck up here, some black gloves and a belt that can hold weapons. Then the most noticeable things, the gun and the knife that was on top of everything.

I started to get dressed, being carful with the weapons because I don't feel like failing before I even got out of the house. I opened the office door and walked out making sure that I close it behind me. I started to make my way to the front door. Before I left I made sure I have everything but I forgot one thing.

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