Part 10

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I am surprised that I made it to part 10 but here we are. Also this story is now over a hour long, I am also surprised at that as well. I don't have much to say so let's get on with part 10. Also I thought that the video above fit the story.

Reich's pov

I opened the door to the house and walked inside and put my jacket away. "So did you have fun?" I turned around and saw Weimar stand against the staircase. "Yeah, had so much fun, you know I love winning things"

Weimars eyebrow went up in confusion "what do you mean by that?" I shrug my shoulders and started walking up the stairs. "Soviet's got to tell you that one" I started to make my way over to my room.

When I got there I opened the door and walked inside, closing and locking it behind me. I got in my Pj's and walked over to my desk and taking out a notebook I had.

I do this everyday because the doctors tell me to, saying that it will help refresh my mind. It doesn't do shit but okay. I started to write about what happened with me and Soviet today. I can't wait to see the look on Weimar's face when he finds out. How could his lover cheat on him with his little brother. I guess I'm just better. I laughed to myself at the thought of it, that would be pretty entertaining to watch.

After a while there was a knock on my door "Third Reich, dinner is ready for you" it was one of the maid. "I'm not hungry" than I head footsteps walking away from my door.

I looked over at the clock that was on my wall and it said 7:00pm I closed my book and put it away.

(I used a lot of Googles help for the next part because I have no idea how phones worked back in 1928 so i'm just going to wing it)

Than the telephone started to ring so I picked it up and put the receiver up to my ear. "Hello this is Third Reich speaking" I said, the mouth piece picking up what I'm saying. "Hi Reich it's me, Soviet" I started to smile. "So you can't last long without me can you?" Soviet was quick to speak "No, I can last longer!" I started to laugh at how quick Soviet was to defend himself. "Oh shut up Reich" I leaned back into my chair making sure not to go to far so Soviet could still hear me. "I thought that because we are dating now I would get something other than my name" "so you want me to call you shithead because I would gladly do that" now it was Soviet's turn to laugh "not funny" Soviet started to laugh even more. "Your so annoying stupid tomato"

(That was way better than I thought it would be for me not knowing what I was doing)

After awhile Soviet has to hang up because of things he has to do with his country. It was now 8:30pm and I was starting to get tired. I got up and I turned off the lap that was on my desk and I made my way to my bed. I got under the covers and turned off the side table lap and the room turned dark. The glow of the moon shown through the window, covering the room with white, dull, light. I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

June 4, 1928

It's been a little over a month sense me and Soviet started dating. It was keeped a secret for obvious reasons and Soviet didn't know how to end things with my brother. So Soviet was neglecting one relationship and giving all his time to another.

Soviet's pov

Weimar was acting weird, I was worried, I still cared for him. "Hey Sov" Weimar started to speak to me "yeah?" "can I talk to you in private" oh shit. Everyone started to look at us. "Good luck" Reich whisperd to me before letting go of me.

I got up and Weimar also got up and he walked away and I followed. We where walking down a path, nobody was saying anything. Until Weimar broke the silence "Soviet why have you been so distant with me lately?" I kept quiet, I didn't really know what to say. "You have nothing to say do you" Weimar stopped at looked up at me. "Do you even love me" I stopped at looked down at him. "Look Weimar you deserve someone way better than me" I went quiet again but after I knew Weimar wasn't going to say anything, I continued. "You deserve someone that wouldn't neglect you, lie to you, hurt you in anyway. You deserve someone that loves you. What I'm trying to say is that I don't love you anymore." I looked away from Weimar, I didn't want to see the look on his face.

"Who" I looked back at him "what?" tears started to go down Weimar's face. "You love someone else so who is it" I stayed quiet "it's Reich isn't it" when I don't say anything Weimar knew that he was right. " I'm very disappointed in him right now but promise me that you won't hurt my little brother" he started to smile at me. "So I guess this is goodbye Soviet" Weimar started to hug me. "Goodbye Soviet" "goodbye Weimar" he started to walk away after he pulled away from me.

After he was out of sight I started to cry. Why did it hurt so bad. I'm sorry Weimar, I'm so fucking sorry. I promise I won't hurt him, not like I did to you.

Reich's pov

It's been around an hour, FI and JE left because of work so I was alone now. I wonder where Soviet went. I got up and started to make my way around the park. After a while I found Soviet sitting on a bench, looking over a little pond.

I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "How did it go" I said to him "it went as good as it could go" I looked up at him and put my hand on his cheek so he could look at me. "You know I'm still here right" I started to smile at him. "You know I can be way better than he could ever be, that's why you chose me over him, right" I started to drag my hand down his cheek to his neck than stopping at his chest. I leand closer to his ear "There's no need to be sad if you have me and like I said, I could do way better than him meine liebe" I looked back at Soviet and kissed him.
"Yeah I guess your right" Soviet said kissing me again.

???? ?? ???????


So that was interesting. This was probably one of the hardest parts to write not only because of the phone thing but on how we got to the break up part. Now for question time.

So now that we have gotten through that what will the next part be?

When it turns Christmas should I make a Christmas special?

Now for the amazing ThirdUnion pictures.

This is the second hand picture but I think there cute so

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This is the second hand picture but I think there cute so. I also don't know who made it.

I also have no idea who made it but I like it so it's here

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I also have no idea who made it but I like it so it's here.

Anyway I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or want ever time you are reading this.

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