Part 64

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Y'all I'm so sorry for not getting this out yesterday like I was supposed to. For some reason I kept getting distracted but hopefully I could get the next chapter out on time. Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 64

Soviet's POV

I wasn't really paying attention to what I was actually doing. PRC's words struck me in a way that made me feel better, happier in a way. I looked at him and he looked at me. I felt a mix of shock and something else I couldn't really identify. His words made me want to do something but I didn't really know what.

Then it felt like my body had a mind of it's own as I leaned forward and kissed him. I placed my hand on his cheek as I gently kissed his lips. I wasn't really thinking clearly as I did this I just did.

It felt like a eternity until I actually pulled away. When I did pull away from him I looked into his eyes. However after a few seconds everything crashed down on me and my eyes went wide.

What the actual fuck did I just do?

I immediately moved away and sat back up with a shock look on my face. I was really shocked about my own actions. Why did I just kiss him? PRC also looked at me with a shocked face as we stared at each other.

It was silent in the bathroom until I broke the silence. "I'm so sorry." I quickly said as I covered my mouth. "I'm so fucking sorry." I looked away from him and down at the ground.

Why did I even do that? What will PRC even say about this? I then felt as my heart dropped. What will happen if Reich finds out about this? I just kissed another person and I definitely don't have a excuse for that.

It's not like I could just say I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing or it just happened. If I said that then that would make everything worse.

I felt as guilt started to overcome me. I'm a married man and I just kissed another person for a reason that I don't even know myself. I looked at the ground really lost in thought. I felt so fucking guilty.

"Why-.....Why'd you do that?" I heard PRC say from next to me. He didn't sound mad in fact I couldn't really identify what he was feeling. "I don't know, okay I don't know." I quickly said after he asked me.

I was so confused about my own actions. I didn't like PRC, he was just a really good friend. I liked Reich I'm married to him for fucks sakes.

I looked over at PRC and he stared down at the ground. "I'm not mad if you think I am, I'm just disappointed." I looked away from him as I started to tear up a bit. "You're literally married Soviet why would you even think of that?" I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"You have a family but you decided to kiss your best friend." he quietly said just above a whisper. "I-i know I shouldn't have done that." a lump formed in my throat at what PRC said. He was so right and now I've probably made everything very awkward between us.

What will I even tell Reich? I know that I would end up feeling so guilty about it to the point I would have to say something to him. How would Reich even reach to that? I know he didn't really like PRC in the first place and he definitely won't like him now.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized once agian. "Yeah just don't try to do something like that agian." I looked over at PRC and he was already looking at me. I nodded my head. "I won't." he looked away agian and sighed while placing the back of his head against the wall.

We just sat there for a few minutes. It was so weird and awkward between us and I'm pretty sure we could both feel it. It was all so sudden and weird I guess. I mean I couldn't even give PRC a reason to why I did it.

"It's late you should go to bed." he looked back at me and gave me a smile. "W-well yeah but I still need to put the kids to bed and all of that." PRC shook his head. "I can do it, you need some rest." I sighed and looked down for a few seconds before looking back up at him. "Yeah okay." I got up and PRC got up after me.

I went over to the bathroom counter and picked up the folded shirt that was ontop of it. I unfolded it and put it over my head and pulled it down over my torso. I didn't look into the mirror once when I did this. I don't think I could stand looking at those scars agian tonight.

I then opened the bathroom door and walked out with PRC behind me. "Goodnight Soviet." I looked at him and nodded my head. "Goodnight." he smiled just a bit before walking down the stairs and more then likely to the living room.

When he was gone I turned around and started to walk over to one of the guest rooms in this house. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I sighed as I plopped down on the bed while looking up at the ceiling.

Now that I was alone I really felt all the guilt crash down on me. I don't know why I felt this much guilt but I did. It was just a kiss but I shouldn't be kissing other people. I shouldn't be doing that. Why did I even do that?

I covered my mouth as I sighed. It's going to be fine, it has to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen to me. Nothing bad at all.

I closed my eyes as I just layed there as I tried to get everything off my mind. I didn't need this on my mind right now especially since I want to actually go to bed. I'm probably not honestly. I haven't had great sleep for a very very long time.

I don't even remember when I actually had good sleep. Probably before 1933 honesty, when Reich would actually help in raising our children. Only lasted for about a year before he gave up and used the excuse of being a new country to do anything. He isn't new anymore and it seems as so everything just got worse.

Can Reich just not take a country and a family all at once? Is it to much for him?

That thought then started to circle in my mind. Everything did start changing after he became a country. He spent most of his time doing his work or going off to places then actually staying home and being apart of mine and our kid's lives.

He was always so absent. He isn't the only one that has a country to deal with and a family. What about me? Why did I have to do everything when I had the same responsibilities as him? Why couldn't he balance his work life with his family life?

I sat back up and got myself underneath the covers. Sometimes I wish he wasn't a country. Sometimes I wish that he was the same person he once was before being a country. It was like it rotted his brain of any rational move.

Why couldn't I just have my old Reich back?

???? ?? ???????


I don't really have much to say honestly other then thank you for reading my book honestly. I never thought that I would been so close 20k reads. So I just wanted to say thank you and say how much I truly appreciate you all.

Anyways I hope you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time it is for you.

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