Part 24

312 6 15

Reich being a shit parent and threatening a certain someone with a weapon. 😁👍

Is this a somewhat back to back upload.(0)ᵎᵎᵎ That's so cool I'm surprised I even did this. Well I have no idea how I managed to do this without burning myself out but I'm not gonna complain. Also I found out when Reich and Soviet was born and how old they where when they died today because I did the math.

Age he died was 38

Age he died was 87

Yeah I didn't know that so you found out the same day I did so I hope you feel special. Anyways I hope you like this chapter I made because it's a very interesting one.

Reich's pov
March 10, 1936

I was in my office doing paper work because I had tons of it. The reason why I had so much is because we occupied the Rhineland three days ago and I need to sort everything out. My job is surprisingly a lot easier because no body has done anything about it.

It's perfect really, the plan is going so flawlessly like I planned it to. I was kinda shocked when France or the UK didn't do anything about it. I violated the Treaty of Versailles and nothing was done to stop it.

I never liked that piece of paper anyways. All it did was crash the beautiful empire that was created by my ancestors. I know I will be the one to fix it, I am Germany's savior and I will show everyone that.

I heard a knock on my door and I looked up to see my 4 year old son, Russia, at the door. I looked down at my papers again and started to write. "Russia I'm busy." I heard as Russia's little foot steps came around my desk. "But мать I want you to play with me and I also made a picture for you." I didn't look up from my paperwork as I put my hand on Russia's shoulder and moved him away, I really fucking hated it when Russia called me that.

"Russia I said go, I'm busy and if you want to play with someone and show your little picture to someone go bother your папа." I looked up from my paperwork to look at Russia. "But папа said he was busy." I just rolled my eyes, why can't this kid do simple things.

"Russia your папа isn't busy so get out." I gripped my pen tighter as I started to get angry with the toddler. "But-" I finally snapped when Russia started to speak again instead of getting out of my office. "Russia I said get the fuck out of my office and instead of bothering me with your little picture why don't you be annoying to your папа like I asked!" I yelled at him as I stood up.

I took the paper out of Russia's hands and looked at it. It was a picture of me, Soviet, the twins, and Russia. It was something you would have expected from a 4 year old, it was nothing special.

I forcefully put the picture back into Russia's hands. "Is that better for you?" I still had a very angry tone to what I was saying. I could see as Russia's eyes started to water. "Why don't you go cry to your папа, he's not busy." Russia then started to cry as he speed walked out of my office.

I walked over to the door and closed it because the damn kid didn't even close the door when he left. Soviet needs to teach that kid some manners.

Soviet's pov

I was in my office doing my paperwork while FRG and GDR played in the playpen. Russia was sitting next to me on his own chair drawing little pictures with crayons. He ran off somewhere though, I should probably go check to see where he is.

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