Part 2

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⚠️Warning ⚠️
I got graphic in this chapter it was supposed to get like that in the next chapter but can't change it now 😁👍

Reich's pov

It's been around 3 weeks sense I last talked to FI, JE, and Soviet. I don't like ignoring them but I just don't have the energy to see than right now.

I got up and started walking over to my art room that was down the hall. I opened the door and shut it behind me. I looked around the room and it was very messy. There was a big canvas on the floor with a half finished painting on it. There was paint tubes that where on the floor and paint everywhere. There are a lot of cabinets everywhere holding art supplies.

I walked over to a paint palette that was on the floor next to the canvas and picked it up walking over to the sink. I turned on the water and started to scrape off the dried paint. After that I dried the palette and walked over to the canvas sitting down.

I was going to finish this painting today, I need to anyways. I grabbed one of the many paint tubes that where on the floor putting a decent sized glob of paint on it, doing the same for the other paints.

I picked up a paintbrush putting it in the paint and started to work on the canvas.

2 hours later

Austria kept coming into my room asking if I was okay. I appreciate his concern but it's starting to get annoying.

I heard the door to my art room opened behind me "Austria I said that I was fine-" I looked over and saw Weimar behind me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my canvas "what do you want". I then hear a sigh coming from behind me. "Why do you have to be so rude to me" I started to get angry I just want him to go away now.

"Because I can" my voice started to get louder but barely noticeable. "I don't understand what I did to you, what happened to staying together-" I blocked out what Weimar was saying I wanted him to leave.

I started to feel myself get very angry I just wanted him to leave. I then started to hear him again "I just wish you would just-" I can't take it anymore I just want him to leave. "Can you just leave me alone!" I stood up and lunged at him knocking him to the ground. I turned my paintbrush around to the end and attempted to stab him. Weimar caught my hand and through me off of him.

"What are you doing Reich!" he got up quickly and looked at me with wide eyes. I didn't know what to say, I didn't even know what I was doing. "Leave" that was all I could say, I just tried to stab my brother.

Weimar quickly left the room, closing the door behind him. I picked up the paintbrush that was on the floor. My hands where shaking violently making the brush sake as well.

There was a part of me thinking why would I have wanted to do that to him but another wished that there was blood on the paintbrush. Not my blood thought, I wanted Weimar's blood on it.

I started to imagine his blood on it, his body on the ground in front of me. I started to smile, not the smile that you would see on a kid after getting some candy. No, it was a disturbing and twisted smile that would send chills down anyone's spine. A smile that you would imagine someone to have before stabbing someone an unnecessary amount of times or ripping there limbs off one by one, hearing them scream in agony before they die to blood loss. That smile that showed Reich's unnatural sharp teeth that could rip through anything.

Reich snaped out of his very disturbing trance and looked down at his hand again, it has stoped shaking. How could he become so calm after that, after what he had thought about, he didn't know.

Reich walked back over to his canvas and sat down picking up the pallet and started to paint again, trying to forget about what just happened. He didn't need anything more on his mind at the moment.

JE's pov

I was sitting in my usual spot that was under the tree with FI and Soviet. I haven't seen Reich for a long time now I think it has been a month now. I was starting to think that he could be dead now.

"Soviet" I said getting that Unions attention. "Have you seen Reich, I'm starting to get worried" "no I haven't ever sense the last time we hungout". I started to go back to my own thoughts. Did we do something wrong did we say something or maybe he's just sick, no he can't be sick for a month straight.

"Soviet what happened after me and FI left that day" as I said that Soviet looked away from me, rubbing his neck. "Well I did tell him something but he said it was fine" "what did you say then" Soviet looked back at me and his face looked more red then normal.

"If I tell you all you can't say anything or laugh" I nodded my head. Soviet looked at FI and he also nodded his head. Soviet started to look around to make sure no one was listen. "Well I did say that I had a crush on his brother, Weimar"

I was shocked no wonder why Reich was probably sad because he likes Soviet. I shouldn't be mad though this was Soviet's choice and I should be there for him but I can't help but feel bad for Reich.

"You do!" FI said almost screaming my ear off, FI always gets excited about these things. Soviet then turned away blushing a lot. I then started to go into my mind again I can only imagine how Reich feels right now.

Weimar's pov

I was walking down the sidewalk trying to clear my thoughts,  I can't believe Reich tried to do that. I walked into a park that I have never been in before but I think it would help clear my mind.

I was walking down one of the many different paths that where in the park and started to hear people talking very loudly. I looked over and saw Soviet with 2 other people. I started to listen in on there conversation, I don't usually do this but it's Soviet and there talking loudly.

Nothing much was happening I was think on just continuing my walk but then I heard Soviet say something, something I never thought he would say. "Well I did say I had a crush in his brother, Weimar"

Did I just heard that correctly, he likes me out of all people? My face started to get very hot and my heart started to beat very fast I thought it was about to come out of my chest. All I could do was smile, so my crush likes me.



I hope that you liked this part and sorry for the wait I burnt myself out after uploading the first  2 chapters and I have been dealing with personal stuff but it's a bit better now. Anyways the time you all have been waiting for question time!

Why did Reich calm down after think of killing Weimar?

Why would Reich get the sudden urge to stab Weimar?

Yes I know that the question are similar I ran out of ideas, seams to happen a lot. Well I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time it is for you.

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