Part 34

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It's like 5:40am where I live right now so it's like 20 minutes before I am supposed to get up so now I'm even more tired then usual. I swear if I start waking up at 4am again I wil not be happy. Its the ghosts that asks to fuck me every night I'm telling you and they know who they are. I'm telling you its the ghosts that watch me every night. Well enough with me talking about ghosts watching me at night, I will let you read chapter 34. (Ewww 34 already)

Reich's POV
September 30, 1938
Munich, Germany

I was getting quite pissed off at this point. This meeting was dragged on for another day when it was probably supposed to end yesterday. I was supposed to get what I wanted now but France and especially UK are making it difficult.

All I wanted was the Sudetenland.

I then felt a hand go on my forearm. I looked over and I saw F.I give me a knowing look. He knew what I was feeling, I wasn't trying to hide how irritated I was. Just sitting here and listening to our leaders, me, F.I, Britain, and France talk about something that should have been finished hours ago is very annoying.

All I could hear is Britain and France's horrible mouth along with their leaders. I then finally snapped after so long.

I abruptly stood up and the loud screeching of the chair could be heard through the room. Everyone in the room looked at me and I started to speak trying to not sound as angry and annoyed as I was. "You're going to give me the Sudetenland, this shouldn't last as long as it has." I didn't try to hid how angry I was anymore. "Because if not I won't hesitate to start war and have the entirety of Europe under my control!" Britain looked over at France after I said that.

I won't hesitate to take over Europe. That's what I want and I know I will get it one way or another. I knew Britain was going to give me the Sudetenland after I said that. He was being just like his leader, trying to do the most peaceful way possible.

"Reich please sit down, we can solve this without yelling." F.I said, putting his hand on my shoulder to forcefully sit me down. I could feel the Führer's eyes glar into the back of my head. He wasn't happy with me, I became unprofessional and I blew up on them, something that wasn't supposed to happen.

Britain and France along with there leaders started to talk to each other. I then heard F.I's voice and I knew he was talking to me. "You can't be doing that Reich especially in a meeting like this. We are trying to avoid war breaking out right now, the entire reason the meeting is happening. Reich, you need to learn how to control that and fast because that can get you nowhere or in a worse place. I have been a country for longer then you have, I know this stuff." I looked over at F.I and sighed. "Sorry, I was just annoyed." F.I gave me a frown and looked down. "Me to, Reich, me to."

F.I has been a country for way longer then I have. F.I's name wasn't always F.I, he changed his name from KOI which stands for kingdom of Italy into Fascist Italy after turning to Facisism. I have been a country for 5 years and F.I has been one for god knows how long.

"Alright." I was snapped out of my thoughts from hearing Britain's voice. He stood up and cleared his throat. "We will give you the Sudetenland with only one condition. If we give you the Sudetenland then you cannot under any circumstances take the rest of Czechoslovakia." I looked over at the Führer and he nodded his head. I sighed and nodded my head. "alright we will take it."

A smile made it's way onto Britain's face. "Alright we have a deal, Nazi Germany." Britain then slid a paper over to me and F.I. "we would like for you and you're leaders to sign this saying you will not break the deal we have made." I grabbed a pen and wrote down Nazi Germany where I was supposed to.

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