Free Dinner

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I felt bad for ditching the pouges all day. So I decided to go to Kie's resturaunt since Sarah was going to be at a party with Topper. And I don't feel like going.

As I walked in I noticed the boys while Kie was talking to her dad. I smiled as I skipped towards Kie and grabbed her hand. Leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Hey, Mr. C." I smiled as he turned around to continue a conversation with Kie.

"Bella, how nice of you to join us." Mr. C replied as I gave him a confused look, "You know how Mr. Camron runs a buisness right?"

"Yes sir." I replied as Kie rolled her eyes and walked towards the boys.

"So, you understand that I can't just give free food out." Mr. C continued as I looked towards Kie and the boys who were giving me a look.

"Please Mr. C." I begged with a bright smile, "Pretty please."

"Well I got to throw it out. Might as well take it." He replied as I smiled and ran towards John b who hugged me.

We all sat down. I was sitting next to John b as my legs rested in his lap. He was enjoying the food I could tell. And I have to be completely honest I was too. Mr. C never diappoints.

Kie pulled me from my seat and started dancing with me. I smiled as we spinned around and I could feel all the eyes on us. I love moments like this where we can be normal teenagers.

"Ask John b to dance with you." Kie smirked nudging me slightly as I rolled my eyes.

I turned around and pointed at John b. He gave me a weird look as I signaled for him to come over. That made him more confused and he pointed at himself as I nodded.

But eventully he got up and walked towards me. I smiled as he put his cup down and grabbed my hands. John b wasn't the best dancer in the world, but he wasn't the worst.

He grabbed my hand and spinned me around as I smiled. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and fun as me and John b continued to dance.

And as the night ended me and John b never left each other's sides. We practically danced the whole way back to the château. We dropped JJ and Pope off but I decided to stay the night with John b.

We got inside and John b pulled the pull out mattress out. And once it was done and set up John b threw me on the mattress. I laughed as he laid down next to me.

I rolled over so me and John b were shoulder to shoulder. I turned my head to face John b. Our faces only inches apart. I just smiled before letting my eyes flutter shut.

The sound of laughter woke me up. John b's arms were wrapped around me as my face was nuzzled in his chest. I couldn't help but smile. Honestly this is the safest I've ever felt.

"Love birds, you wanna wake up?" The sound of Pope asked as both me and John b were wacked.

"Ouch." We hissed as we pulled away from each other and looked up to see a smiling Pope and Kie.

But a very angry JJ leaning against the wall.


JJ pushed himself off the wall and gripped my wrist. Shit, shit, shit, shit. He pulled me to my feet and litearlly pulled me out of the room and I could hear Kie and Pope teasing John b.

When we got outside JJ sat down on the couch of the pourch. I sat down next to him as I rested my head on shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as he sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You like him don't you?" JJ asked as I gulped and sat up, before quickly standing up.

"Don't we have stuff to get to today." I replied rubbing the back of my neck as JJ stood up.

"Bella I'm serious." JJ replied as I tried to contain a laugh.

JJ? Serious? No way.

"Fine, I like your best friend." I said throwing my hands in the air, "But I didn't want to get with him because of you. Because I love you, and he's your best friend after all. I don't want to take that from you."

I felt like I was on the verge of tears for some strange reason. But when JJ noticed he pulled me into a hug. Whispering to me that he didn't care. Which surprised me.

"You don't care?" I asked confused as he pulled from the hug and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Of course I don't. I just want you to be happy, but I'm always going to be overprotective." JJ said pointing at me as I smiled.

"I love you." I sighed hugging him again.

"I love you too." He replied as the others walked out.

"You guys ready?" Kie asked holding the drone up and I smiled and nodded.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now