You're not five

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Sarah had fallen asleep awhile ago. John b was still driving us through the water as I sat at the front, laying on my stomach.

"All right, this is the Gulf Stream. It's gonna take us north right home." Jb said softly, as not to wake Sarah up.

"Home." I smiled as John b walked over and sat beside me, "Hi."

"How you doin'?" He asked as I sat up, turning my whole body towards him.

"Never better." I replied grabbing his hand, "I have you back...I've been thinking...let's get married."

"Don't...don't we need, like, a... a... like, a preacher or something?" John b stuttered over his words, "What about the rings?"

"What about rings?" I asked, "I mean, for furture, reference, I like Ruby cut."

"I got an idea." He mumbled taking his bandanna off from around his neck.

He ripped a small peice of it making me gasp dramatically.

"Sweaty bandanna, my favorite." I smiled making him laugh.

"I give you this sweaty...peice of my father's bandanna as a token of my love." He explained as I gave him my wrist and he tied it as a bracelet.

"It's perfect." I said before taking the bandanna out of my hair and ripping a peice, "I give you my sweaty...peice of one of my brother's bandanna's, he doesn't know I have, as a token of my love."

I then tied it around his wrist. The two of us smiling at each other like idiots.

"By the power vested in me, by the sky and the stars and the sea, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Sarah mumbled as she stirred awake, "Through sickness and health, through rich and poor, till death do you part. You may kiss the bride."

I smiled wrapping my hands in John b's hair as he kissed me. Knowing my whole life changed from one small moment. But it's a moment I will never live down. It was a moment forever planted in my brain.

"Can we get a dog?" I asked as he pulled away with a sigh.

"Okay, Bella. Let's just get home first. How about that?" He asked making me smile as I nodded.

"But let's get a dog." I said laying back down, "A corgie."

"Okay." He sighed before getting up and walking away.

Sarah walked over laying down next to me. The two of us fell asleep toghether. But I could tell John b was looking at me, keeping his eyes on me.

We finally found land the next day. Charleston. I hope JJ and the others are okay. JJ knows that I was suppose to be in the Bahamas but I'm definitely not their anymore.

John b helped me out of the boat, Sarah agreed with staying at the boat. She could barley walk as it was anyways. So, we have to hurry.

"Okay we find some gas, a phone, and then we get out of here." I said as we started walking through the sand towards the sidwalk, "But how are we gonna pay for gas?"

"We're pouges, I think we'll figure it out." John b said winking at me making me smile.

I love being a pouge.

While walking down sidewalks, food started looking so good. That last time I ate was before I got to the Bahamas. I don't know when the last time John b and Sarah ate.

"That looks so good. I'm starving." John b mumbled and he was practically drooling at the mouth, "We gotta get some food. Follow my lead."

"Okay." I nodded.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now