Let out

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I looked up at the clock, it was time. I waited, and waited some more. But when an officer never came to tell me what happened to John b got me worried. I thought that at least Shoup or Plumb would tell me. Turns out they don't care, or maybe it didn't work.

I love JJ but this is offically the stupidest thing he's ever come up with. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm never getting out of here.

Come on, please work.

We need a way out.

The next day I had woken up and an officer was standing at the bars. I looked at him confused as he unlocked my bars and kept a hand on my shoulder as we walked past the cells.

"You'll be back Maybank, it's your family history." A girl laughed.

"See ya later girl." Another laughed.

These girls scared the shit out of me if I was being completely honest. I was crazy, but some of these girls had razer blades for teeth, knives for finger nails.

They didn't need a gun to protect them.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly when I saw John b in regular clothes in front of me.

"Your getting released girlie, chargers were dropped." Another officer said handing me my old clothes and I quickly rushed to the bathroom to change.

The faster I leave, the better. I walked out in the outfit I was wearing the day I got taken to jail. I walked out as John b helped me put the bandanna in my hair.

"One more thing you two." Thomas said walking us out, I could see my dirt bike, and the Twinkie, I could help but smile.

How did they get my dirt bike back here?

"She isn't exactly street legal, so make sure you get her home safely." Thomas said looking towards John b before turning to me, "We gave it an extra paint job, it's good to go."

I could help but smile, the old blue paint that was peeling off was gone. It was a fresh shinny coat, maybe the police aren't all that bad. There are some that care.

"Thank you." I smiled when he handed me the keys to the dirt bike, and John b the keys to the Twinkie.

Being back on the my bike made me smile. No one knows how much this bike means to me. I raced John b through town as people waved at us.

People loved the two of us. There was a sign with our names spray painted on, saying to free us.

I didn't know so many cared.

I ended up winning on our race to the château. Wasn't a huge surprise, my bike goes faster then the twinkie. But it still felt good.

When we got there JJ, Pope, and Kie were already there. But there was no Sarah. Why is it she's always disappearing?

"Hold on. Am I dreaming?" JJ asked as I removed the helmet, my blonde hair flowing down to the center of my back.

"Are you serious?!" Kie asked shocked.

"No!" Pope said shocked.

"Guess who's out of the clink, boys!" John b shouted getting out of the Twinkie as I stepped off my dirt bike.

"They can't keep one Routlage, they definitely can't keep two." I smiled as John b gave me a side glance, a hint of blush coating his cheeks.

"No freaking way, man!" Pope shouted.

Kie just screamed as she ran towards me. But as much as I wanted to hug her, I let her hug John b. I had someone else to hug.

I ran over jumping into JJ's arms as he hugged me tighter then I thought possible. He howled as he spun in circles. He finally put me down rushing over to hug John b while Kie rushed over and hugged me.

"How'd you do it? You bust out?" JJ asked looking from me to John b and back to me.

"Charges were dropped." I answered wrapping my arm around Kie's shoudler, as she wrapped her's around my waste.

"They dropped the charges." Pope repeated.

"That's phenomenal!" Kie said side hugging me, making me feel like I was about to pop.

"So, you're telling me I did all that work for nothing?" JJ asked as I smiled.

Yes. That's exactly what we're saying.

"Oh the most elabrote escape plan of all time?" Pope asked, so I'm assuming it didn't go very well.

"Foolproof." Kie said making quotation marks with her fingers.

"Yeah, it was, actually." JJ said.

"Where's Sarah?" I asked looking around, she wasn't here.

They all stayed quite making me more concerned.

"No, no, no. Where...where...where's Sarah?" I asked pulling away from Kie as I looked at everyone again.

Where is she?

"She went to go meet Wheezie last night. She didn't come back." Kie explaiend as I nodded.

"Okay, then she's fine. Right? She's okay?" I asked frantically as I started to get nervous, "Someone tell me she's okay!"

"She'll be fine, Bella, don't worry." John b said softly trying to get me to calm down, "I'm sure she's still with Wheezie."

"Okay, okay." I said nodding, "Your probably right."

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now