Inside Job

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"So the library is on the other side of the student center. Have either of you ever been here before?" Sarah asked as we walked closer to the entrance of the building.

"I've never been to a college, no." John b replied as I shook my head.

"That's a gap in your training." Sarah laughed, "How do you like it?"

"So far, so good." John b shrugged.

"It's alright, not really my thing though." I answered.

"So, my dad went here. And then his dad went here, and then his dad's dad went here." Sarah explained as I nodded while starring at the large building.

I'm never going to collage, there is no way.

"That's pretty rough." John b replied.

"He would have an aneurysm if you didn't go here." I replied not even sure of what I was saying until Sarah agreed with me.

"What about you two?"

"College has never really been on my radar, so..." John b explained when my phone started ringing.

That can't be good.

"It my twin." I said before pressing the red button, I'll call him later, "I told him I was spending the night at Sarah's house."

"And what would he think if he knew you were with me? His best friend?" John b asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"That tecnically I didn't lie. I'm here with Sarah too, aren't I?" I asked with a bright smile.

My phone then starting ringing again. I groaned as I grabbed it, is JJ seriously calling me again?

"Oh my god what is it?" I whisper shouted as I answered the phone, "Wait...what?"

"I'm serious Bells, your little kook boyfriend and his friends jumped me and Pope. Topper almost killed Pope."

"JJ calm down, I'll be home by tomorrow at the latest." I replied before hanging the phone up, "I swear he doesn't know that emergency calls are for our dad and dad only."

"Does he know your with the enemy?" Sarah joked as she tilted her head towards John b.

"Do we know this enemy?" John b asked as I smiled.

"We do, you do. My brother's best friend." I smiled.

"Oh no, it's not the scuba diver is it?" John b asked as I smiled.

"He is not what you think."

"Goodness gracious, he's working some good psyops on you, Vanessa." John b replied as we followed Sarah into the building, "He's a smooth operator."

"No, he's not." I laughed and John b gave me an offended look, "He's really clumsy."

"And she's not?"

I continued to laugh, "He does finger guns way to often."

John b then put finger guns up and blew them out causing me to laugh.

"And he has absolutely no idea when to make a move." Sarah mentioned as she turned around.

"But I think I might be able to turn this one, madam." I said turning to Sarah.

"You better be careful, Vanessa." John b said getting closer to me, butterflies again, "Once a pouge, always a pouge."

"And here we are." Sarah said after a little while of walking, we were in the library.

Sarah lead the way up the stairs. Where we sat down side by side with boxes. We put gloves on before going through everything Ward donated.

"It says that Denmark used the money he made from Tannyhill to buy slaves and give them there freedom." I said reading off a paper.

"It says that he was accused of inciting revolt. This is before the Civil War." Sarah continued as she looked over my shoulder.

"That's why they hanged him." John b explained.

He then grabbed a book and Sarah and him went through it. I continued to go through the box to find something useful.

When I found what looked to be a letter. I picked it up carefully as I looked at it. There is no way this isn't important.

"Wait, this is Gullah, the lost Creole language." I mentioned as I walked around the table putting the frame between Sarah and John b, where I stood.

"Can you read it?" Sarah asked looking up at me.

"No." I said flatly shaking my head, "I wish, but no."

"So, Denmark finds out that the posse's coming for him. Wait, what's the date on that letter?" John b asked me.

"May 3rd, 1844." I answered, "Wait, that's--"

"That's the day he died."

"And this is addressed to Robert."

"So on the day he dies, he writes a letter to his son?"

"In a language only they can understand."

"Wait a minute." John b said taking a picture of the letter.

This was insane.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now