Boat Explosion

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I got to the Camron house and ran out to the dock. I texted Rafe, who got to Ward. He told me to meet Ward at the docks. Rose gave me a concerned look, as if she knew what was going to happen.

"Ward!" I shouted as I got to the end of the dock and he was nowhere to be seen, "Ward! Where the hell you at!"

"Ah, Belladonna." He said walking out of the compartment of his boat.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked crossing my arms as I stood up on the boat.

"Ah Bella..." He mumbled before pushing me into the compartment and locking it, "This is why, I may not be able to put John b in jail but I can take the most important thing from him."

Ward then started driving the boat away from the dock. I can't believe I was so stupid, I can't believe Rafe did this to me. He lead me right into a trap.

I didn't even care to fight it, I wasn't going to be able to get out. I just slid down the wall, knowing this was the end of me. Ward came in moment later tying my hands together as he sat down across from me in a chair pouring himself a drink.

"You turned yourself in, just to do this to me?" I asked my last tear drying on my cheek, "Just to kill me, this is your revenge on John b?"

"Bella, I don't think you understand, I didn't turn myself in. Why would I go through all the trouble to turn myself in, after I put you and John b in jail?" Ward asked, but that just confused me.

"The gun..." I mumbled.

"Bingo." He replied as I looked at him.

"Why do this to me? What about Rafe, was he in on this?"

"He doesn't have a clue you're here." He replied with a smile, "I brought up killing you, he tried to kill me after. You may think John b cares about you? Rafe, cares about you more then he ever will, and you chose John b, therefore you chose death. If you choose Rafe now, if you love my son and leave John b, maybe your future could change."

"I don't care if I'm walking on the end of my life Ward. John b is my husband, and I will not leave him for Rafe." I said making eye contact with the man, "I love my man far to much to do that."

"That's why you're here, your gonna be dead soon though, so don't struggle to much." Ward shouted when I heard cops shouting, "Look at that, the fun has begun."

"Hold your fire!" Someone shouted, "He's got a hostage!"

"Please help me!" I shouted as Ward yanked me out of the campartment, "Please!"

"Bella, we need you to remain calm, alright!" Shoupe shouted as I started mentally going crazy.

He wants me to remain calm, when Ward is about to kill me? That seems logical, I'll just go ahead and take some deep breaths. Maybe have a cup of tea while I'm at it.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" I shouted fighting against Ward as he pushed the point of a gun into my back, "Shoupe, get me outta here, please..."

"Ward put the gun down!" Plumb shouted as I tried to wiggle free, but that just caused Ward to bring the gun to my head as he pushed me onto my knees.

Great, this is what I get for wanting answers.

"Why don't you just come on in, and give us Bella!" Shoupe shouted.

"Ah, come on, Vic! A good captain goes down with his ship! A good father makes sure his son gets the lover he deserves, Bella can leave, she just has to promise me something. Right Bella?"

"Shoupe he's crazy!" I shouted as he place a hand over my mouth.

"Listen, buddy! I know you're upset." Shoupe shouted as officers all reached for guns.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Ward chuckled, "They're sure as hell gonna make you sheriff now, though. You deserve it! See Bella, my son makes people happy."

I tried to say something, but it just came out as a bunch of mumbles. I'm so pissed off right now. Mostly pissed off at myself, I don't seem to care far to much what Ward was doing.

I shouldn't have been stupid.

"You caught my ass fair and square. 'Cause I did it. Did all of it. Trying to protect my family, you know? Look at us now."

"DAD!" I heard Sarah shout as I saw all my friends and my brother running down the dock.


"BELLA!" JJ shouted, and I could hear the hurt in his voice.

I wanted to tell him I'm okay. I wanted to tell him I would survive, but I don't think I will. I'm not gonna make it out of this one.

"That's Sarah Camaron and JJ Maybank, let them through!" Shoupe shouted, I don't want that, don't let them through.

Shoupe get them out of here! I wanted to shouted through more tears, I don't want my friends here when I die.

"What are you doing here, Sarah?" Ward asked.

"Dad! What are you doing?!" Sarah shouted, "Bella has a family! Let her go!"

"She's not apart of our family yet!" Ward shouted as I finally bit his hand causing him to yelp.

He let go of me as I tried to make a run for it. But Ward shot the gun, I fell to my knees, god damnit, not again.

"NOOO!" JJ shouted as I looked up, making eye contact with him, "BELLA! YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY! I SWEAR! MAYBANK BROTHER SWEAR!"

A Maybank brother swear, JJ's never broken one. I know he's gonna break this one. I'm not gonna be okay. This is the second time I've been shot, no way I make it out of this.

"Shoupe you gotta get my brother out of here! Please! GET THEM ALL OUT!" I shouted through the pain.

Ward didn't have to worry about me moving. I couldn't move, I was in too much pain.

"She can't be here right now!" Ward shouted.

"Just come on in, and can talk to her! We can get Bella to a hospital!" Shoupe shouted.

"Shoupe, I'm not gonna make it to a hospital." I said, surprised he could hear me.

"GET AN AMBULANCE HERE! NOW!" Shoupe shouted as officers ran off.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry, baby. I can't!" Ward shouted as he started the engine.

"Ward! Ward where are you going!" I shouted as I found a sharp edge I could break the rope apart with.

Through the pain I pulled myself across the ground, reaching the edge. I started moving my arms up and down, the rope rubbing against the sharp edge.

"Come on." I whisper shouted to myself, as the rope started getting thinner by the second.

"Ward, this ain't gonna end the way you want it to!" Shoupe shouted as Ward saw what I was doing and pulled me away from the edge.

I started kicking and screaming, through tears of pain. Ward felt weak, emotionally I was weak. He was doing something to me he didn't want to do.

He dropped me to the ground before running into a compartment. What the hell is going on?

The boat then exploded and my eyes lit up in fear. I couldn't move, I was in so much pain. I fell with pieces, but one of the pieces was sharp enough to cut the rope. The last thing I heard were JJ and Sarah's screams.

"NOOOO!" JJ's scream popped out, Sarah was at a loud sob, "Bella!"

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now