The hot tub

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I'm not gonna lie me and JJ are high as fudge. We bought a bunch of stuff for the pouges through. Because we feel like we need to have a normal life every now and them.

So me and JJ are just chillin' in our brand new hot tub outside the Château. Because that's what you do with 25k. You buy stuff for your friends.

We turned the lights on and then heard two voices. Pope and Kie were walking towards us. But both me and JJ had sunglasses on. And the light wasn't bright enough to see our bruises unless we stood up.

"What did you do, Maybanks?" Pope asked as we lowers our sunglasses slightly.

"I got a jet going straght in my butt right now." JJ said making me laugh as my head was leaned on his shoulder.

"Y'all should get in immediately, you hear me?" I smiled as I pulled my head up.

"Salud!" JJ and I said whild holding up our cups and clanking them together before draining our throats in more alcohol.

Because that's what we needed. More alcohol.

"How much did this cost?" Pope asked as him and Kie starred at us in disbelief.

How much did this cost? All of it right? I don't think we spared a single penny.

"Uh...well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey express delivery..." JJ said as he looked towards me.

I can't do math when I'm sober. So I don't think I can do it when I'm close to being blackout drunk.

"I think all of it." I whispered as I looked at JJ.

"All of it?" Pope asked, well clearly I didn't whisper.


"Yeah, all of it." I smiled.

"You two spent all the money in one day? How'd you convince Bella to do that?" Pope asked shocked as he starred at us.

"Yeah burned a hole right through our pocket. And was both our ideas." JJ answered.

"But, I mean, like, come on, guys, like, look at this!" I rambled as I threw my arms out, JJ doing the same.

"Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me." JJ explained, "Kie, what?"

"Can't we have a little luxury in life?" I asked, "Come on, all this scrimpin' and scrapin." I said removing my sun glasses and I could hear a small gasp from Kie before JJ took his off.

"I mean, like...guys, we--you only live once, right?" JJ said as he looked towads me, I think we're both on the verge of tears, I don't know why, but we are.

"Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on." JJ and I said, neither one of us really wants to tell our friends what happened.

It was best for it just to be ignored. For it to move past us. The past was in the past. Dad won't be bothering us any time soon.

"In the what?" Kie asked confused.

"In the Cat's Ass." JJ said trying not to laugh with a big smile.

"That's what he named her." I said rolling my eyes.

Whoa, I can still do that. I do that a lot. Maybe I need to get smarter friends. Or a smarter brother. Soon, I'll be able to see my brain...if I even have one.

"Oh, hey, you, we almost forgot." I said turning the disco ball and hot tub lights on.

"Huh? Yeah, that's right, I know. Disco mode." JJ said as we high fived, "That's right, baby!"

"Are you kidding me?" Pope asked angirly, and a little loudly, "You could have paid for restitution!"

"Or literally given it to any charity!" Kie shouted.

They're angry, you could probably tell though.

"Or better yet you could have helped buy supplies." Pope continued to list out things as me and JJ got frustarted.

"Okay, well, you know what?" JJ shouted as we both stood up.

"We didn't do that!" I answered.

"We got a hot tub!" We shouted frustarted, "For our friends. We got a hot tub for our friends."

"You know what? No, you know what? Screw friends." JJ said grabbing my shoulder.

"We got a hot tub for our family!" We shouted and I didn't even care to whip the tears away, "We got this for you."

"Guys look what we did for you! All right?" We continued, "Look at this! Look at this!"



"No stop being emotional. It's fine, okay." JJ said looking at Pope.

"Don't worry, I'm okay." I smiled at Kie as I looked down at the bright purple marks on my stomach JJ had them as well.

"I mean, it's sweet, right? Everything--"

I couldn't take it anymore I looked at Kie through tears. Begging her without words for a hug. And she quickly ran over wrapping her arms around my neck as she hugged me.

Pope coming over and hugging JJ.

"It's okay." Kie whispered to me as I sobbed into her shoulder, JJ sobbing as well, "I've got you."

"She was gonna kill him."

"I was gonna kill him."

We all gathered into a group hug. Me and JJ gripping onto each other for dear life. This was the most comfortable I've ever felt around my friends if I'm being completely honest.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now