Belladonna Maybank

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Belladonna Maybank, a story well mine. A story that will make you cry, make you laugh, even make you question my life. Well, I have something to tell you my life isn't over yet. Neither are my adventures with the pouges.

"This group of teenagers asked me to thank they're best friend. They asked me to tell everyone this is a celebration of Belladonna Maybank, someone they couldn't have done this without." A man said as I walked in wearing a short blue dress.

My friends at the front of a giant crowed, that contained the whole island. This was a perfect time for my entrance.

"Guys you don't have to celebrate me." I said walking down the middle of the crowed as my friends starred at me shocked, "What? I'm Belladonna Maybank, you really think I died falling off a cliff, that would be stupid. But I mean believable" 

"Bella..." JJ mumbled the first one to hug me.

"Seriously this feeling is gettig way to familer, I gotta stop dying guys."

"Yeah you do." The others said as they ran up and hugged me.

After that, things seemed to go back to normal. We were teens again, teens that found a giant treasure, what's more normal than that?

"Dude I need to reset. I need a reset right now. This is a lot." JJ said while we were walking around, "It's time to celebrate."

"I'll take one hit." Pope said.

"Yay, fun Pope!" I smiled.

"Yay, not dead Bella!" He said sarcastically making me laugh, "You know the day you don't die, is the day we're gonna make a new holiday."

"Sounds good to me. Bellaween." I said making the others laugh.

Me and John b walked off, hand in hand. He explained to me what had happened to his dad. And I felt horrible for not being there, but I was dead so.

Well I wasn't dead, but I felt dead. I mine as well have been on my period.

"Big John would have thought this was ridiculous." I mentioned.

"Yeah, he kind of hated this side of the island."

"But I know you're thinking about him."

"I don't know. After everything that's happened, it's's just different. It just feels so normal. You know?"

"I don't know, I'm not normal."

"Kie's saving turtles, Pope's going away to school, JJ bought that charter boat, me and you got a killer surf shop, and you well you're gonna be a famous artist one day. JJ showed me the paint shed."

"Of course he did."

"Exuse me. I...I don't mean to interrupt." A man said cutting our conversation short as I turned around.

"Uh, can we help you?" Pope asked walking over.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you all it's remarkable what you all did. Royal Merchant, El Dorado, Denmark Tanny. Impresseive résumé, impressive. I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine."

"Oh yeah? What type of item is that?" Cleo asked.

"It's a manuscript. I would investigate it myself, but I'm too long on the tooth. I need partners, and you all were first on my list."

"May I?" Pope asked.

"I was hoping you would."

"1718. Jeez, this is old. Exhibition notes, dates." Pope mumbled flipping through the pages.

"This is a captain's log. This shows the exact position of the ship." John b mentioned.

"The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped."

"Who is the captain?" JJ asked.

"Edward Teach." The man anwsered, "Blackbeard."

We all looked around at each other with smirks. This wasn't the end of the pouges, this was just the beginning.

"Well I'm okay with dying more, if you guys are okay with dealing with it." I mentioned making the others laugh.

That's my story, what's yours? Is your's crazier then mine? I doubt it, my story is crazy, but I'm a pouge it's not about to get stupid now, in fact it's probably about to get more interesting.

I'm Belladonna Maybank, no I'm Belladonna Routlage. I'm the person that's gonna die probably like ten more times before I actually die. But I'm not the smartest tool in the shed, I do know how to hold my own though. Good things right?

That's John B Routlage, JJ Maybank, Kiara Carrea, Sarah camron, Pope Hayward, and Cleo. We're the pouges. We're a family, and families keep each other safe, that's exactly what we're gonna do.

This is our story, and you can't write our story unless all of us are in it. Remember that.

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