Shut up

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I was going through my camera roll. While Sarah was ranting about her father killing her and completing the mission. This was amazing.

"So, what's it gonna be like when we get back." John b asked as I looked up from my phone to see both of them looking at me.

"Um...nothing changes, I guess. I go back to being the other half of the brain. Sarah goes back to the Kooks, and me and you go back to being friends, right?" I asked as John b nodded, but Sarah frowned.

After a little while we got back to the Outer banks. And I had gotten a message from dad that JJ was in jail. Of course he was, like why wouldn't he be?

But my question is, what did he do?

"Okay, so..." I mumbled as the three of us walked down the docks, "Now that we have returned to the motherland...we must revert to our real identities, so if we see each other on the street--"

"Yes, of course, I am a true, uh, professional." John b said in a horrible Russian accent making me laugh.

We then stopped and I turned towards John b, "It's been a pleasure working with you, comrade."

"Pleasure's mine."

"But I must be going, my brother has done something stupid." I sighed before wrapping my arm around Sarah's shoulder and walking away.

"Wait, wait, wait! Uh...Wh--" John b shouted after us causing me to stop and turn around, Sarah doing the same, "Really? That's it? You're just gonna walk away like this never happened?"

"That's what professionals do, right?" I asked as Sarah smiled.

"Bella, I just had the best day of my life! Am I really going to go back to just being your brother's stupid best friend?"

"Bella, I can't pretend like this isn't real, like this didn't happen. I've had eyes for you before we meet, when you would annoy JJ while we were hanging out." John b continued as I shook my head and walked towards him.

"Shut up." I said grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss, "I can't pretend either."

The small kiss turned into a make out session as Sarah laughed and walked away. I rested my forehead against his as we pulled away.

"Um, I promised Rafe I would be his midsummer's date, but I say we announce it at midsummers, some how." I smiled as I looked into John b's eyes.

He didn't say anything he just smiled.

"Yeah." He smiled as I kissed him one more time.

"But I really do have to go get my brother." I replied before walking away.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now