A Pouge Never Dies

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"Shit..." I mumbled as I quickly closed my eyes.

I tried to move my arms but realized they were restrained to a table. I opened my eyes once again. I lifted my head to see my whole body was restrained to the table.

"What the hell?" I mumbed before starting to unscrew one of my rings with a finger.

I'm a pouge, I can't deny that my ring isn't a small knife.

The cap fell to the floor as I started to use the small knife to cut the strap off. My first arm was free as I leaned my arm over my body and cut the restraint from the other arm.

I tried to push myself up but I was in far to much pain. I cried out in pain as I pushed myself up anyways.

I unbuckled the restraints on my feet as I slid off the bed. My shoes were at the end of my bed, but I just quickly picked them up and tried to open the door. But it was locked.

So, I was restrained to a bed and I'm locked in my room? How the hell does that make sense? Where even am I? Because I sure as hell is not in a hospital.

The last thing I remember is JJ's scream, wait where's JJ?

I know for a fact he wouldn't have left me alone. Right?

I used the small knife, and stuck it into the lock. I wiggled it around until I heard the click. I smiled before opening the door and rushing out.

Am I on a boat?

I started running down the hall while gripping on my stomach. If I was on a boat, they're isn't very many workers here.

"JJ!" I shouted, maybe I was crazy, maybe I'm in a dream.

There was no reply. I found a door at the end of the hall. I pushed it open, I'm definitely on a boat.

"Rafe!" I shouted when I saw him standing with a bunch of workers, "Rafe what's going on!?"

"Bella, oh my god you're alive!" Rafe shouted sounding shocked, but why wouldn't I be alive?

A pouge never dies.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked as I walked farther out onto the boat.

"Bella, you died, like twenty minutes ago. Your monitor has been beeping slowly, but it stopped." Rafe explained as I looked around.

"Where's JJ? Where's the pouges?" I asked as Rafe ran a hand through his hair.

"The water." He replied as I looked at him confused, now just reazing him and the people with the rope were pulling something out of the water.

"JJ!" I shouted as I rushed towards the edge, I could make the jump, I could swim fast enough to get to them.

I was about ready to jump when I was stopped. Rafe was holding onto my stomach as I watched the pouges wait, they knew I was there, they were waiting for me to make the jump.

"Rafe let go! I have to get to my brother! I have to get to JJ! Please!" I shouted as I tried fighting against him but I was to weak.

"Bella..." Rafe said putting me down, "You're gonna die trying to make it to them."

"What do you mean?" I asked as he grabbed the bottom of my shirt lifting it slightly, my stomach was stitched togheter.

How the hell am I alive?

But Rafe was right, there was no way in hell I was making it to the pouges.

3rd person:

"Is that Bella?" Kie asked once JJ shot awake.

"No Bella's dead." JJ said angrily, "She's still in Obx."

"No, Kie's right! Look!" Sarah shouted excitedly pointing to a figure running towards the edge.

"JJ!" was a small shout, as she got ready to jump.

"DONNA JUMP!" Cleo shouted.

"JUMP BELLA!" John b shouted as well.

"A pouge never dies." JJ laughed, "Come on Bella."

"More importantly. A Routlage never dies." Pope added but Bella was pulled down by Rafe.

"Of course he stops her." Kie mumbled as the pouges waited for Bella to jump once he put her down.

But she never did. In fact she grabbed a gun shooting it in the air three times. JJ knew exactly what that meant.

"She's not coming." JJ mumbled, "Three loud noises, she's safe."


"With our dad, we made a deal together, three loud noises, we were safe and staying put." JJ explained, "Your brother better not hurt her."

"He won't." Sarah said as their small life boat started to drive off once again, "He loves her."

"He what?" John b asked confused.

"In the video, that's why she was on the boat with Ward. He claimed Rafe loved her more then you did, he said her and Rafe were ment to be. And you know my dad, if Rafe didn't get her no one would." Sarah explained.

"I believe it." Pope mentioned.

Bella's pov:

"Come on, let's get you back to bed." Rafe said wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I nodded, "Ice cream?"

"Sounds perfect." I replied tears rolling down my cheeks as I leaned my head into Rafe's shoulder.

I hope JJ remembers.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now