Crackhead Wasteland

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"Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland." Sarah annonced as we appeared in front of Barry's trailor.

"I don't know about this, man." Pope said trying to talk JJ and I out of this, but nothing was going to stop us.

And JJ owes restitution.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John b asked as if he didn't know what me and JJ were going to go do.

He knows, I just don't think he wants to accept it.

"This'll only take a second." I said as me and JJ got out of the Twinkie.

We walked towards the front door as John b shouted after us. And the other door opened.

"Where you going?" John b asked.

"Yo soy justicia." JJ replied as we walked up the stairs to his front door.

Me and JJ started going through everything. Trying to find the stash of money. Or drugs, or really anything that will ruin Barry.

JJ was doing it to get back at Barry for touching me. And I was doing it to get back at him for what he did to Rafe.

"I know you got a stash around here somewhere." JJ mumbled as we were throwing cups and plantes everywhere, not really caring what we did and didn't break or mess up.

It looked like a shit hole either way.

"Okay so what's your plan, slick?" John b asked as he walked in and me and JJ moved to the living room part of the trailor and continued to destroy things.

"Well, as thou hath stealteth from us..." JJ started.

"We shall stealeth from ye." I added as both me and JJ shot John b a quick smile.

"That kind of got lost in translation." John b replied.

"An eye for any, John b." JJ clarified.

"Fight fire with fire, bubs." I added.

"Yeah, that's great, JJ, Bella. But what happens after you rob a drug dealer, huh?" John b asked as he tried to stop me and JJ but we walked right past him into the bedroom, "He knows who we are!"

"I'm not scared of this guy." We shouted back to John b who didn't follow us in.

We both destroyed the closet and the bed when we finally found a dirty blue duffle bag. I smiled as I placed it down on the bed.

"Found it." I smiled as JJ rushed over rubbing his hands together.

"What are you doing?" John b shouted from the other room.

"Getting even!" We replied as we both stuffed our pockets with the cash, leaving only three stacks and we walked back out of the room.

"All right, took care of buisness." JJ replied as I patted John b's shoulder.

"Hey, look at me. If you keep going down this road, you two are gonna end up just like your dad, do--" John b said as he had a hold of JJ but when I heard his words I pushed John b away from my brother as hard as I could.

"Watch your mouth, man." JJ said grabbing a hold of John b's shirt.

"Aren't you tired of being messed with?" I asked as I stood next to JJ.

"That's not the point, guys." John b said but neither of us cared.

"Well we are." JJ replied not bothering to respond to what John b said.

"All right, so we're looking at five grand each." JJ said as me and him walked out of the trailor, John b slowly trailing behind us.

"For reparations for putting us through that bullshit." I added as me and JJ pulled the money from out pockets.

"Sorry about that, y'all." We replied walking past everyone.

"So that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?" Kie asked.

"This Barry guys gonna find out. And he's gonna come after us." Sarah added.

"Yes, he will. This is not the time to start wilin' out." Pope said, more panicked then the two girls.

"How'd you guys like havin' a gun pulled on you?" I asked.

"John b how'd like seeing your girlfriend get touched in front of you." JJ asked as he glared at John b.

"Relax." John b said walking up to us.

"He had it right here on you, babe." I said placing my finger slightly away from his nose.

"He did that to Bella, in front of you." JJ added from beside me.

"Look. We've gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me that shit." John b said, but neither of us is gonna give it up.

That's the easiest five grand anyone will ever make.

But then both me and JJ slammed John b up against the Twinkie. Both of us restraining one of John b's shoulders as we glared at him.

"Do you feel like a tough duo? Huh?" John b asked, "What are you gonna do when he comes for us?"

"We punch him in the throat." JJ replied.

"We shoot him." I added as me and JJ bumped fists with our free hands.

"Yeah, good fuckin' idea, guys." John b said irritated.

"We're not putting it back." We replied, not after what Barry did to us.

We stepped away from John b getting in the Twinkie, but when nobody followed we got right back out. So this is how it's gonna be, I'm not totally surprised.

"What?" JJ asked.

"We're sick of your guys shit." John b replied as I gave him a disgustd look.

Is that how he talks to his girlfriend and her brother?

"Oh, our shit?" JJ asked shocked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Your shit." John b replied.

"Yes. Your pulling guns on people shit." Kie agreed.


"Your both acting like maniacs--" Pope added but JJ cut him off.

"Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man!" JJ shouted, "You know how much money I owe because of you?"

"I'm gonna pay you back, and I didn't ask you to do that!" Pope shouted.

"He just did!" I shouted getting between JJ and Pope, pushing Pope away, "Pay it back. Right here, right now, by himself."

"You know what?" JJ asked as he pulled me away from Pope, "That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Go off by myself."

"No, I'm coming." I replied.

"Bella." Kie said as she tilted her head towards Kie.

"No the deal was, JJ comes first." I replied, "See ya later JB."

I grabbed JJ's hand. And we went off by ourselves.

That was the deal though. JJ before John b. Family before boyfriend.

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