Down the well

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Gathered in the Twinkie, everyone in dark clothes. We were finally ready to get the gold. It's about damn time too.

"You got rope?" John b asked while me and him sat in the front, everyone behind us.

"Got it." Pope checked.

"Grappling hook?" John b asked as I gave him a confused look.

"No grappling hook." Pope replied.

"We're not Batman." I added as John b gave me a smile.

We finally arrived while John b and Pope were still checking if we had everything. It was dark, the perfect time to get this done. When we couldn't be seen sneaking into an old ladies house.

"Pulley?" John b asked.

"Check." Kie answered this time.

"Dark clothes?"

"Got it." I said, because we all changed before getting into the twinkie, so I would hope we all have dark clothes on.



"All right, good." John b said, okay we had everything, and it only took a full car ride to make sure of it.

I have the feeling we should have checked before we got in the twinkie. But we're a bunch of teenagers, what do we know?

"Let's go get rich." JJ said as me and John b got out first.

"Yeah. Hell, yeah." Kie said as I opened the door.

"Wait, I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight." John b said as I gave him a confused look, is he seriously giving a thank you speech right now?

"Always." Kie smiled.

"We got your back, bubs." I smiled kissing his cheek as he smiled at me.

"All right, we done with the circle jerk? Can we go do this?" JJ asked and I smiled.

"Let's do this." I replied pulling him out of the twinkie.

"Let's get that wheat in the water." Pope said as he hopped out.

"Weed? I'm up for weed." JJ said as I laughed.

"Wheat. He said wheat." I clarified giving my brother a soft smile.

We then all hopped the wall. The plan was for me and John b to go into the well. We brought two ropes, and I didn't want John b going alone.

But while we were walking towards the house, the automatic lights turned on. Oh shit. That can't be good.

We all hid in the bushes as we tried to figure out what to do. So she has automatic lights, that's just great.

"We could, uh...move really slowly, maybe?" JJ mentioned as I rolled my eyes.

"JJ, no." I whisper shouted before turning to Sarah, "Sarah, there's a breaker on the porch, remember? In the circuit box. We would play hide and seek here as kids. Me and you were always brave enough to go all the way up to the porch. Me and you can go, we know where it's at."

"No, because your going down the well with me." John b said as he grabbed my shoulder, "Your staying with me."

I gave him a smile, he was being protective, that's cute.

"I can go with Sarah." Kie said giving me a smile.

"Okay then it's decided, Kie, Sarah, you go up to the pourch, me and the boys will meet you at the well."

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now