The storm

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I can't believe I let him leave without me. He was gone, I loved him, and I let him leave without me. Not knowing when or if I'll ever get to see him again.

JJ wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked away from the dock. Kie and Pope having a small conversation, and a kiss.

"That doesn't surprise me." I mumbled as me and JJ watched.

But then the sirens of cop cars got louder and I relized it's because they were getting closer to us.

"Hey, guys, I'm sorry to ruin the party, but, uh, we gotta go right now." JJ mentioned to Kie and Pope as I swore under my breath.

We tried to run but then the car pulled up in front of us. We're doomed. Oh my god.

Me and Kie put our hands up, JJ doing the same thing. Pope surprisingly the only one not doing it.

"Pope, hands." Kie begged as I looked at her scared.

"We're too late. He's gone. God damn it." Shoupe said before noticing me, "Bella you're suppose to be in the hospital for fucks sake."

"I think we all knew I would get out somehow." I said giving him a weak smile.

Doctors tried to stop me from leaving. Even locked me in my room. But that didn't mean I wouldn't be willing to jump out of a two story tall window.

"Bratcher, have your guys stand down. Let me talk to these kids. All right, where the hell is he?" Shoupe asked getting closer to me, "Where the hell is he?!"

"JJ? Bella? I see you're livin' up to your name." Shoupe said looking between me and JJ.

I so bad wanted to punch him. JJ would never be like our father and I neither would I. No matter how many times I act the way.

"Pope, how about you? This isn't a fucking game!" Shoupe continued to shout, "You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go?"

"Suspect has just left station 26 in a small boat." Bratcher said into a walkie talkie from behind us.

I knew I had to get to John b.

But I don't think I have time right now.

We were taken to a group of tents. Officers were everywhere. This whole John b thing being a murder was a really big deal.

"Sit down. Don't move. We got a lot to talk about." Shoupe said as me and the rest of the pouges sat in chairs, "Keep an eye on these kids."

There was to much going on for me to really listen. Sarah was with John b, I could tell because we kept each others locations on incase we needed it.

I put my phone back in my pocket as JJ wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I rested my head against his own shoulder as I waited.

Either John b and Sarah get out of here, or the cops bring them back in.

Things started to get hetctic, so I knew they found the boat. I heard boats starting in the water, sirens going off. I started getting more worried then I already was.

I don't know it the Phantom can out run those boats. Not to mention a huge storm had started, I got more worried by the second.

After a while, Ward was talking with Sarah and John b. It was their first of two cards. I don't know what their other card is. But Ward seemed to fail.

"Get the girl." I heard Bratcher say and the sheriff in front of us grabbed my and forced me towards ward.

"Hey where you taking her?"

"What are you doing?"

I calmed my friends by signling that it was okay. I snatched the machine from Ward after John b's rant to him. Everything was true, though, and it needed to be said.

"John b..." I whispered but somehow Sarah and John b were able to hear me.

"Bella, Bella listen to me, I might not survive this." John b said as I got worried, "But trust me if I do, I will find my way back to you."

"No, no, just come back, please." I mumbled, I didn't want John b going to jail but I didn't want to go through life without him, I couldn't go through life without him.

"Bella, I can't do that." John b replied as I started tapping my fingers from nervousness.

"Please...I'll do anything." I said locking eyes with Ward, "Anything."

"I'll take care of him Bella." Sarah said before the single went out and I reached for one of the guns on an officer I was so angry.

But Shoupe picked me up, against my screaming and crying. Although me and Ward never broke eye contact until I was taken back to my friends.

"No, no, Shoupe please listen to me." I cried and I begged as I tried to run back to Ward, "John b didn't shoot Peterkin, he was on the run with me when I was shot...please." I cried before falling to my knees in front of JJ and he wrapped his arms around my neck and Shoupe walked out.

I was willing to do anything to get John b back. To convice the cops that John b didn't kill Peterkin but I was at a loss.

I calmed down and waited a little longer until Shoupe, Plumb, and Thomas walked in wearing bright yellow and silver rain coats.

We all quickly stood up as I waited for them to say they have John b. But they didn't say anything and I knew what that had to mean.

"Did you find them?" Pope asked hopeful, but I've already lost all hope, the tears already started forming.

"No." Shoupe said shacking his head.

"So, they got away?" Kie asked hoping for any other possible answer then them dying.

But that's what happened. My best friend and boyfriend were dead. It was at this moment I decided I would only ever be close with JJ. It's not worth loosing another friend.

"We, uh...we lost them." Shoupe said as I could feel my knees about to buckle.

It took all the strength I had to stay standing.

"I'm sorry."

"You lost them?" Pope asked not wanting to accept it, "What do you mean you lost them? Like they're gone? What are you talking about?"

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope." Shoupe explained.

"So, they're dead?" Kie asked.

"We don't know." Shoupe replied.

Screw them not knowing, they were dead i knew it. I hated having the feeling or even having to admit it, but it was the truth.

"You drove them straight through the storm, man!" JJ shouted and an officer had to grab him so he didn't do something stupid.

Everyone turned to me but I was to speechless to say anything.

"I'm sorry, Bella." Shoupe said noticing how lost to space I looked.

"No, no, no your not!" I shouted finally breaking into sobs, "You killed him, you killed her." I shouted an officer having to grab me as well, "YOU KILLED THEM!"

I couldn't and I wouldn't calm down no matter what anyone said, "You killed my best friend, and my boyfriend. YOU'RE GONNA PAY! YOUR ALL GONNA FUCKING PAY!"

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I shouted as all our parents except for my dad came in, "I SWEAR TO GOD SHOUPE!"

Kie ran to her parents, Pope's parents came to him as I fell to my knees. JJ had Mr. Hayward to comfort him. He was like family with the Haywards but my family just died.

"Bella, come here sweetie." Mrs. Carrea said as Kie helped me up and she pulled me into a group hug, but I didn't find any comfort.

"I'm sorry...I gotta go." I mumbled sqeezing out from the hug as I walked out of the tent.

"Bella!" My friends and brother shouted but I didn't listen, I need time for myself and I know exactly where to go.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now