Pouge party

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Me, Kie, and Sarah were sitting in the hot tub alone. My ring sitting with all my other stuff so it doesn't get destroyed. We were sitting in silence when Sarah looked at me.

"Have you and John b done it yet?" She asked and I looked at her in shock.

"No." I replied shaking my head.

"Are you gonna do it tonight?" Kie asked as I nodded somewhat.

"I hope so." I replied shrugging my shoulders when the boys came running and howling.

It was drinking, smoking, laughing, talking, and a hole bunch of other teenage stuff. I've never felt more whole in my entire life.

"Yeah! WHOO!" John b shouted making me laugh.

"WHOOO!" JJ shouted even louder.

JJ came out with sunglasses dancing to the beat. He then handed me a pair of matching sunglasses, but mine were pink. I smiled as he put them on me and we danced to the music.

"I never made good grades in school. When I get out, I act like a fool. They say I come in the party. And cause a commotion. I'm smooth. yeah, call me lotion." Pope rapped making us laugh.

"Just like the good Lord intended." JJ said sitting beside me, with his arm wrapped around me neck.

"It was way to genuine." Sarah mentioned.

"Come on. Give me...give me that shit!" JJ laughed making everyone else laugh.

Everyone got out of the hot tube. Now sitting on beach lawn chairs. I was sat between John b's legs as Kie and Sarah occupied the other chairs. And we watched JJ and Pope play fight.

"With a single-leg sweep!" John b said as I laughed at my brothers failure.

"You've got new technique now." JJ laughed.

"Oh no! No!" Sarah laughed.

"When did you start wrestling?" John b asked as he pulled me closer into him.

"I dunno." Pope shrugged, "I'm done. I'm out of here."

"Did you have to many beers?" JJ asked in a horrible accent before going to a normal voice, "You want a round two?"

"Yeah, I think I'll take my losses." Pope replied as Kie got up and followed him.

"Really?" Sarah asked shocked.

"Go get your boo!" I shouted after her as she smiled and winked at me.

"Oh yeah." JJ yelled, "Way to be discreet!"

"I leave, and this is what happens." John b said shocked.

"Are you blaming me?" JJ asked.

"Just a little bit. Uh-oh." John b answered, "Your boy's out. Beer time."

John b kissed my forehead before getting up to get another beer.

"You guys are the one that died, okay? That was..." JJ said looking at Sarah as I laughed.

"Literally one job, JJ." Sarah laughed.


"No Pouge-on-Pouge macking!" Sarah laughed.

"One job?" He asked as he looked at me, "No pouge-on-pouge macking? I think John b broke that rule first. Don't you think sis?"

"Yeah well we're gonna break the rule of you can't have sex with your brothers best friend." I shot back making JJ gasped as John b laughed but then he stopped.

"Hold that thought." JJ said getting up as he followed after John b who was starring at a tree.

"So...you're gonna do it tonight for sure then?" Sarah asked as the two boys started walking back over and I nodded.

"I'll be back guys." I replied walking inside the château.

I went to get a cup of water to try and sober up. I don't know it it's just the beer talking, or if I'm actually ready to do it.

But as I walked outside Rafe was shooting his gun around and the rest of the pouge were nowhere to be found.

"Rafe what the hell?!" I shouted as I raced towards him.

"Oh look it's my pouge princess." Rafe said when I jumped on him, taking him off gaurd.

I tried taking the gun from him but he continued to shoot it. Hitting the tree in the air. Barry tried to yank me off but I wouldn't move.

"RAFE STOP IT!" I shouted as I finally grabbed the gun and he threw me off him.

"Come on man, let's go." Barry said dragging Rafe away as I sighed and tossed the gun as far as I possibly could.

"You can come down now. They're gone." I shouted as John b was the first to jump out of the tree.

He crouched down beside me to check if I was okay. But I was fine, so I kissed him. Sarah and JJ jumped down as well but Sarah took care of it.

"We should probably go." Sarah said as JJ nodded.

"You're probably right." He nodded following her as she walked away.

Once they were gone John b pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"Are you sure you're okay?" John b asked as I nodded and he stood up, I followed the motion.

But before I could ask where he was going he grabbed the back of my thighs, pulling me off the ground. I smiled as I wrapped my legs around his waste and he walked us into the château.

I continued to kiss him as he fell onto his bed.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now