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I was sitting on the couch when dad walked in with JJ. Blood falling from JJ's forehead making me want to cry.

"JJ!" I shouted as I ran towards him, hugging him, "Are you okay, tell me your okay."

"I'm okay..." He whispered, but I could feel the pain in his voice, and something came over me.

I let go of JJ before turning to my dad, "WHAT DID YOU DO!"

JJ tried to stop me, tried to get me to shut up. But JJ is the most important thing in the world to me. I will not let my dad get away with this, not anymore.

"You motherfucking monster!" I shouted throwing a beer bottle at my father.

The bottle smashed against him. His jaw clenched as he whipped the blood from his chin.

"JJ, go to your room." Dad said, and my fear grew.


"Dad-" JJ tried but dad wasn't having it.


JJ looked at me, before walking to his room. My dad grabbing the belt from the couch and slapped me with it. I groaned as I fell into the wall.

But I couldn't show fear or pain. That's what he wants. He slapped me again causing me to fall down the wall, tears threatening to spill.

"Where have you been? Where were you last night?" Dad shouted as he grabbed an empty beer bottle and kneeled down in front me, "HUH?!"

"I was with Sarah!" I shouted trying to push him away, but the bottle collided with my head causing me to cry out in pain, "Stop it! I'm sorry!"

"Where we're you last night!" He shouted again as he grabbed the front of my dress, "Why you looking so fancy?"

I gritted my teeth togther, glaring at the man in front of me, "I was with Sarah."

My head was then collided with the wall as I cried again, "Don't lie to me girl."

"I'm not lying!" I shouted when dad finally let me go, and I sprinted into JJ's room.

JJ was sitting on his bed, his hands tangled in his hair. I got down in front of him. Grabbing the first aid kit we kept under his bed.

I removed his hands from his hair before moving his hair out of the way. He looked at me, fear growing in his eyes but I didn't care.

I grabbed a whip before whipping away the blood on his forehead. Loud music started playing as our dad shouted.

"How you going to make up that money boy!"

I placed a bandaid on his cut before rubbing my hand over it. JJ winced and I quickly pulled away.

"Sorry." I whisped before standing up and sitting down next to him, "I'm sorry I wasn't here."

"By sittin' around doin' nothin'!" Dad continued to shot, "I'm gonna tell you right now, you and your dumb ass sister are worthless pieces of shit!"

"Shut up!" JJ shouted as he got up and banged against the door, "Don't talk about her like that!"

"Your mama knew. You tell me where you're gonna get 30 grand now!"

I got up and ran over to JJ. Trying to calm him down, but I couldn't. He started throwing things everywhere, and I was growing more worried.

"Get your ass in here!"

It went on like that for about an hour. But eventually the music stopped. JJ was sat against the wall while I was sat between his legs. He held me tight as we waited a few minutes.

But once we were sure that the dad was gone or asleep we walked out. And we were right, dad was passed out on the couch.

We both had bruises across our faces. My lip was cut from the glass falling. All I wanted was my revenge, this wasn't right, none of this was right.

I grabbed the gun from my back pocket. Walking towards my dad. JJ watched as I had the gun pointed towards my dad's head. I wanted to pull the trigger, I really, really wanted to.

But before I could. JJ walked over, wrapping his arm around me before slowly taking the gun from my grip. I cried into his shoulder as we left.

I walked to the Cameron's house, JJ went to John b's. When I got to the Cameron's, Rafe was outside working on his own bike, that was sitting next to mine.

"Woah, Bell, you good?" Rafe asked as he looked up.

"Just fine." I replied opening the door and walking inside to see Sarah talking with Rose.

"You're going." Rose said looking at Sarah before noticing me, "Your best friend is your brother's date, at least be there for her. And her sanity."

"Remind me again, why you agreed to go with Rafe?" Wheezie asked as Sarah nodded.

"I don't know Wheezie, I really don't."

"Belladonna sweetie." Ward said patting my shoulder, "Sarah, go help her clean up. You okay Bella?"

"I'm good, thank you Mr. Camron."

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now