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"Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security, all right?" JJ mentioned sitting on the table next to me, "So most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard."

"We'll need to find some place and gaurd it, maybe a little further down the line, like a whistle-stop." Pope mentioned.

"Yeah." Kie mumbled looking over at me to see if I was okay, but I was fine, for the most part.

It's not like I just lost my best friend and husband.

"You guys are getting ahead of yourselves per usual." Cleo mentioned, honestly if we didn't have Cleo I don't know what would happen to us, but it wouldn't be good, "We don't have a way to transport the cross. What you think? On JJ and Bella's motorcyles?"

"That's not our fault." Me and JJ said in unison.

"Oh, everyone. All right, all me." JJ mentioned with a weird voice making me laugh.

"Okay, other options." Pope mentioned when I turned my head to see Topper, Sarah saw him too.

"Oh my god." Sarah said bringing her hands to her lips.

"Oh my god, what?" Cleo asked as I laughed and smiled.

"Would you look at that, it's Topper." I smiled over at Sarah as she glared at me.

"Why... is he everywhere?" Kie asked as I laughed.

This is awesome.

"Perfect." I mentioned looking over to JJ, "Hey Jayj. I bet you Topper has a way to transport the cross."

"Actually, Bee's right. He does have a rig." JJ said making me smile over at Sarah.

"No." She said glaring at me.

"Do you want to go talk to him, or do you want me to?" I asked placing my chin in my palm as my elbow rested against the table and I starred at her, "Just take one for the team."

"What would John b say?" Sarah asked as I scoffed and got up.

"This is bullshit. It's just Topper man." I said getting up and walking over to Topper.

"Wait Bella!" Sarah whisper shouted as I flipped her off.

"Come on, you got with my boyfriend, why don't I go get with yours." I said dancing closer to Topper as Sarah glared at me.

"Fine go talk to him, I don't give a shit." Sarah said glaring at me, but I could tell she gives all shits.

"Okay..." I said before getting closer, "Hey Top!"

"Oh my god." I heard Sarah mumbled, and I could tell she slumped into her chair.

"Bella! Oh my god your alive!" Topper said walking over to me and hugging me, "How you doin'?"

"You know what, I'm actually doing really shitty." I replied with a bright smile, "I hope it's the same with you."

"Oh of course." Topper said making me smile.

He was sweet, but not what I liked at all. He was a horrible person deep down.

"Can we talk somewhere, a little more private?" I asked looking around us and he nodded as we walked somewhere else.

"I just can't believe you're alive. I mean I watched you die, or at least I thought I did." Topper mentioned as we walked up a stair case that we stopped by, "You okay?"

"You know, Top, things are a little rought right now, I'm not gonna lie. Sarah's been a bitch, John b betrayed my trust." I sighed looking away from him.

"What happened?"

"You know how you made a move on me when you and Sarah first started dating?" I asked and he nodded, "Well I was a good friend and rejected you. While I was with Rafe and the Camerons, Sarah was with the pouges and she made a move on John b."

"Wow, I never would have thought of Sarah like that type of person."

"Me neither." I sighed looking down the stairs to see JJ telling me to go on, "We're been after heirloom of Pope's, which is why the pouges were gone, and I was with Rafe. We lost it, well the pouges did, I was helping Rafe sell it, not even thinking what I was doing until I'm saying it right now, it's just been a whole thing. But there might be a chance that, um, we could get it back tonight. In Wilmington."

"Okay." Topper said nodding along with what I was saying.

"I know it sounds crazy, like really crazy."

"Okay. can I help?" Topper asked and I smiled.

"You'd do that?"

"I mean yeah, Bells."

"Yeah." I smiled before take a deep breath, "Do you have your truck by chance?"

"Yeah I do."

"I need it."

"Oh my god. He would literally kill me." Topper replied as I played with a bracelet on my hand a friendship bracelet.

I looked down ripping it off my hand and I threw it away. I don't need it anymore. I then grabbed Topper's hand holding his hand up.

"Huh, bracelet?" I laughed holding my arm up, "You still have it?"

I'll admit. Me and Topper use to be best friends, before Sarah and him started dating. I never took the bracelet off, apparently neither did he.

"Yeah, okay, I'll help." He said as I smiled and dropped his arm.

"Great, lots of help." I said and I knew Sarah was watching so I kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand bringing him down to the pouges, "He's in."

"Oh great." Topper sighed.

"I said we." I said looking up at him as Sarah glared at me.

"I know." He replied.

"Um this is Cleo, she's a new pouge. Cleo this is Topper." I said as the two shook hands, "He's the best isn't he?"

"Yeah, totally." Sarah said glaring at me as I smiled.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now