The gun

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I was asleep, until Ward came and woke up Rafe. Causing me to wake up. We both fell asleep on the couch.

"What's going on." I said sitting up slightly.

"Go back to bed, I'll be back in a minute." Rafe said kissing my forehead before walking off with his dad.

I felt suspcious but I was so freaking tired that I fell back asleep almost instantly. Let's just hope what ever was happening wasn't important.

The next morning I woke up, but Rafe was gone. I sighed sitting up grabbing my phone to see a text from Kie.

Check location, meet up with me and the boys.

Honestly since Rafe was gone I have nothing else to do. I changed into different clothes, I've stolen from Sarah's room. Put some shoes on and walked down the stairs.

"Hey, Bella, how do you feel about going to the Bahamas." Ward asked as I made it down the stairs.

That's when I remembered that's where John b and Sarah are at. That's also where the gold is at. So, this probably has something to do with the gold, which means, I could run into Sarah and John b.

"Sounds good, I just gotta go tell my brother." I said leaving the house and getting on my bike.

I parked when I saw JJ, Pope, and Kie. I quickly rushed over to them to hear what JJ  was saying, but I have no idea what he's talking about.

"This is the north drain. It should've gotten washed into the gully." JJ explained as Kie smiled at me, "So if it got flushed out from this drain, it would've been ushed out to, like--"

"Somewhere in this trash?" Pope asked.

"Correct." JJ replied.

"What are we looking for?" I asked stepping down into the water.

"The gun Rafe used to kill Peterkin." Kie replied as I nodded.

Okay, sounds about right.

We filled six bags or more with trash but found no gun. Which means it's in the storm drain. And I'm starting to think the wake up call last night was Ward needing help with Gavin's body.

Oh, Kie filled me in on everything that happened last night. Sounds like an adventure to say the least.

"Good thing I brought the crow." JJ said digging through his bag.

"So, are we gonna do, like, rock, paper, scissors?" Kie asked.


"Or alphabetically?"

"Nah. On three, Pope. One, two, three." And now one of us could get inside.

"In the sewer, there's this worm that you get when you're down there. It gets into your blood, and then it has to come out your pecker. So, uh...that would be a hard pass for me." JJ answered.

"That's gonna be a no for me." Pope added.

"No, I get it. I get it. You guys are scared." Kie replied making me smile.

"Hey, how about I go in. Since I left you alone last night." I mentioned with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Just be careful. I promised John b to keep you safe." JJ said as I got down towards the entrance.

"Yeah, super helpful JJ." I smiled up at him before climbing in, "God this is gross."

I let my hands wonder around the floor of the sewer as I crawled down. I need to find  the gun but this is so gross. I might actually throw up.

"Bella, you find anything yet?"

"Yeah, sis, do you see the gun?"

"Give her some time."

"Nothing yet." I shouted back.

"It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin."

I was finally out of the small tunnel and in an open area full of water that came up to my knees at least.

This is going to take a second.

I started going through the water. But felt something slimy so I quickly removed my hands and made a disgusted face.

"I hate my life sometimes." I mumbled to myself before putting my hands back in the water.

As I was digging around I finally found something.

"Guys, I think I found something."

I pulled it out of the water to see that it wasn't the gun. It was something dead. Either a person or an animal, and I want no part in it, I want out.

"You guys, there's something dead in here!"

"Like a person?"

I just screamed before ranting scared, "Oh my god! There's something dead. I repeat...oh fuck...I don't know what it is, but it's floating. There is something dead in here!

"Bella don't touch it. That's how you get worms." JJ shouted.

"NOT HELPING!" I shouted back full of anger as I grabbed onto the ladder, "You guys owe me for life!"

Despite the dead thing I continued to dig around. But then running water started coming towards me, and it was coming fast. My face fell in fear.

"Oh shit. GUYS! GUYS WATER!"

"Bella, get out of there now!"

"I don't have time! Guys!" I shouted back as I started to climb up a step on the ladder.

Oh I'm doomed.

I started to climb the ladder faster now that the water was coming fast. I started banging on the top as the boys and Kie shouted my name.

"JJ!" I shouted about to cry.

"We got you sis, we're gonna get you safe." He replied.

The water started running faster and my foot slipped. But my foot hit something in that instant. The water was up to my neck as I reached down for it. I was struggling to breath as my hands grabbed the gun.

I felt relieved as I put the gun in my back pocket. They got the top removed and Kie reached down in the water pulling me out. I started coughing as I tried to catch my breath.

"Bella you good?" JJ asked as I nodded.

"Never better, just got a litte hydrated you know." I said sarcastically.

Once I had caught my breath I pulled the gun from my pocket, "This isn't what you were looking for, right?"

We all grouped hugged as JJ took the gun from me. I smiled as we celebrated. But then I saw Rafe's bike, damnit, he tried to drown me.

I can't go to the Bahomas with two crazy people. No matter how bad I want to see John b, it's not worth my life.

Or is it?

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