The fight to friendship

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JJ was working on his bike. I wanted to work on mine but it was at Tannyhill. I left, not even telling JJ where I was going. He'll be fine for a few hours.

I started walking towards Tannyhill, when I saw Sarah riding her bike away from Tannyhill. We made eye contact but I looked away and walked up the stairs to Tannyhill.

"Rafe!" I shouted walking inside and he came down the stairs.

"Bella, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I, uh, I know you probably don't want to see me; but I was just wondering where the keys to my bike are."

"Oh right."

He walked off and I followed him. He grabbed a pair of keys from a rack and handed them to me. I smiled before getting ready to leave.

"Bella wait."

I turned around looking at him confused, "Yeah?"

"Have you, uh, been crying?"

"Yeah, I just broke up with John b." I mumbled and he looked at me confused.


"He was cheating on me, with Sarah."

"I'm sorry Bee." He said pulling me into a hug as I sighed.

"It's okay." I mumbled keeping him in a tight embrace, "I uh, gotta head out to the paint shead."

"I gotta go find Barry anyways." He said letting go of me as we both went our seprate ways.

I put the key in my bike, and it was worse then it was when the police got it. It had been left out for who knows how long. The paint was peeling off, and it took a few minutes to start.

Once it was started I drove off. I found the old Camron boat, the boat that they've practically forgot about. Sarah's not going to be looking for it. Rafe has one giant boat so what's it matter to him.

I got inside the shead and turned the light on. Everything was dusty and gross, so I started blowing the dust off stuff. I grabbed the tool bag pulling it towards the middle of the room and I walked out.

My bike was out on the boat, so I slowly walked it inside the shed. I started with working on the engine, so it was running smoothly again. Which didn't take long, because, JJ taught me how to do it.

Once it was done, I grabbed black spray paint and painted everything. My bike was painted top to bottom in black. Which is a color I never paint it, the last time it was painted black I tried to kill myself.

I looked at the painting in front of me. The one of me and John b. I grabbed the gun from my pocket and started shooting it. JJ, Sarah, Kie, Pope, and Cleo walked in while I was doing it.

I hadn't noticed yet, because I grabbed my pocket knife on a shelf cutting the picture repeatedly.

"Bella!" JJ shouted as I dropped the knife and turned around.

"Oh, hey, what's up." I asked pretending like everything was fine.

"Gold cross, we got a chance tonight." Kie mentioned as I looked over at JJ and he nodded.

"Can we talk first. Alone?" Sarah asked as the others looked at me.

"Yeah, just meet me outside." I said looking at the others as they nodded and JJ brought my bike out.

"What do you want?" I asked folding my arms as I glared at her.

"I'm sorry, okay." Sarah sighed, "I'm sorry I slept with John b, I'm sorry I made a move."

"No your not." I replied, "If you were sorry, you never would have done it."

"Hey! At least I never slept with your brother!" Sarah shouted making my hands clench.

"Your right Sarah! You slept with my boyfriend!" I shouted back and Sarah scoffed rolling her eyes, "And for the record I never slept with Rafe."

"So why didn't you make the jump?"

"Because I had a bullet hole in my stomach Sarah! What did you want me to do! Risk my life and make the jump so I could keep my best friend from sleeping with my boyfriend?!"


"No your right, that's exactly what I should have done. I should have killed myself, that way it was okay for you to sleep with my boyfriend! No my fucking husband Sarah!"


"You know when you and Topper first started dating he made a move on me." I explained and Sarah looked shocked, "But I know what a true friend is, so I kicked him where the sun don't shine and I slapped him across the face. I then came and I found you, and I watched movies and made friendship bracelet's with you! You know why? Because you were suppose to be my best fucking friend, Sarah! But it turns out you live up to the family name! Your a Camron by blood and by heart, not matter how much you decline it. I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill me yet. You know I use to think I was the luckiest person in the world. Sarah Cameron was my best friend, she looked after me when no one would, when JJ couldn't. Turns out everyone was right, you were just gonna stab me right in the back, but I told them otherwise, because I trusted you. Maybe I shouldn't have. I'm coming because I wanna help Pope, but that's it. After this one, I'm out of the whole treasure hunting game. I want my normal life back, maybe I'll find a true best friend while I'm at it."

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now