South America

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Well this was it. I got in the smaller plane, getting ready to leave for South America. I used the ignition key to start the plane as I put the headphones over my ears and prepared for take off.

"Okay Bella, you got this. You've stole and driven a car. You've stolen and driven a boat. Now to steal and fly a plane. Shouldn't be to hard."

And it wasn't I got the plane in the air easily. It didn't take me long to get to South America. Well that's a lie it took a few hours, but it didn't feel like very long.

Now the hard part is landing. But I located a private landing center. In a giant grassy field but as I landed I found someone I didn't expect to see. Barracuda Mike.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked climbing out of the plane.

"I got your stupid ass brother here." He replied making me smile, "JJ knew you'd be here, wanted me to give you this."

A new dirt bike was pulled out of the plane as I smiled. This was why I love JJ. I smiled putting my body on the bike, running my hand over it.

"He sure knows how to spoil his sister don't he?" I laughed.

"Yeah he does."

I pulled my phone out tracking down Sarah, by her location. She was in the mountains. I rode off, keeping my phone attached to my bike so I could get to her.

I drove through town as fast as I possibly could. I drove down the river, where I heard gun shots. I skidded to a stop hearing a water explosion. And another one.

I decided to ditch the bike and start running. And that's when I found Cleo and Pope kissing in the grass.

"Oh cute." I smiled as they pulled away and turned to me.

"BELLA!" They both shouted running over and hugging me.

"I don't know if I feel more loved by you two now, or the last time you guys found me."

"We don't know either." They replied.

"Where's JJ?"

"Right here!" JJ shouted raising his hand in the air with Kie as I smiled.

"JJ, I uh--" I didn't finish my sentance I just hugged him.

He stumbled back shocked, "This is new."

"JJ I'm sorry, I'm such a horrible sister, and you treat me amazing, but I just focuse on my own problems, when I should be focusing on yours. I love you so much and I feel so bad."

"Woah Bella..." JJ said pulling out of the hug, "What do you mean your a horrible sister? I couldn't ask for anyone better. You beat up our dad for me, ditched your friends for me, ditched your boyfriend for me. Your an amazing sister."

"No I'm not."

"Yeah you are Bella." Kie said coming up beside JJ, "He's lucky."

"So lucky." JJ added hugigng me again before we started our treck up to the mountains once again.

The mountain trail was steep and hard. But we got through it. It got easier the more I pushed through it. But when I saw Ward, I ditched the others and followed after him.

That's when I found John b and Sarah. I stayed in the trees watching. Listening. Ward was really a horrible person. Turning on his own daughter for gold.

What a bitch.

"Put the gun, down." I said walking out of the trees, John b, Big John, Sarah, and Ward were shocked to see me, "Just do me the solid, I've had a rough freaking few weeks."

"Shut up, Bella." Ward replied as I gasped dramatically stepping further into the scene.

"I really hope you didn't just tell me to shut up. Why don't you shoot me instead of them, I know your perfectly fine with it. You're also perfectly fine with blowing me up, why don't you do that too? Oh wait, you already did that Ward! You think I'm scared of you!"

"Bella move if you want to go back home. If you want your happily ever after." Ward said but I stayed between the others and the gun.

"I'm not moving Ward."

"You can go back with your boyfriend who loves you. My daughter who hates me. Your boyfriends dad, who approves of you." Ward said as I just stood there, blank faced, "I'm sorry, Bella. I don't think I can allow that."

"That's up to you Ward." I said holding my arms out, "Shoot."

"You were supposed to be dead." Ward said looking at me, "I think I liked you better that way."

He then cocked the gun. That didn't faze me. I just stood there, I just starred. But then there was screaming and the rest of the pouges came running with weapons.

Oh jeez.

"Put it down!" They all shouted at different times at they're own voice levels.

"What are you gonna do, shoot us all?" Pope asked.

"If your gotta shoot somebody, Ward, shoot me." Big John said making me look at him confused.

"Or me." John b said moving closer to the gun, but that I couldn't let happen.

"Stop." I said moving myself between Ward and John b, "Enough."

I was so close to him now that the gun was resting against my chest. But I didn't care it didn't scare me, if he wanted to shoot me he would have done it already.


"You're not gonna kill all of us." I said with a smirk, "Because your to weak. Even I killed someone. But your not gonna kill anyone because the person you love most in the world is standing right there."

I then pointed as Sarah shackily, grabbing the gun with my other hand. I took the gun as he apologized to Sarah.

"I couldn't do it." He said to Sarah.

"Yeah, well I can." Someone said as I turned around, John b pointed a gun at the man, but then the man pointed a gun at Big John's head, "Toss it."

"Take it easy, bud." Big John said weakily, "Your boss is dead. You got no reason to do this."

"I can think of a few reasons. Toss it."

John b dropped the gun and the man walked down grabbing the gun. But then I pushed John b pointing my gun at him. But the man just laughed grabbing me swiftly causing me to drop the gun and he pushed his gun against my head.

"Thought you'd end up with the gold, eh? All right, nobody move. I've heard she's been shot a few times, one more she might not make it." The man said, "My mate back there is dead, because of you. So this little lady goes first."

He cocked the gun as I closed my eyes waiting for the shot. There were shots but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes to see Ward running towards me and the man, bullet wounds.

Oh shit.

"Ward, wait!" I shouted but before he could stop himself all three of us stumbled off the cliff.

I surived, but I was barley breathing. I couldn't open my eyes. So I can understand why the pouges left. I heard them leave, they thought I was dead again.

How does this only happen to me? Like what the fuck?

My eyes finally fluttered open as I unbuttoned my shirt, showing the bullet proof vest. I figured something bad would happen to me, something bad always happens to me. I probably would have died if it wasn't for this thing.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now